This year is not favourable for the educational domain of your life. Maintaining a focussed approach to your studies & academic goals will be an uphill task for you to accomplish. Higher education will pose hurdles and educational documents related problems might arise till April 2024 that will bring stress & anxiety in your life. If you are looking to tie the knot this year then beware of a deceptive marriage proposal that might come your way.
Sudden breakup in an ongoing & rather fairly promising marriage talks is high on cards. If you are married then you are likely to go through a turbulent patch as far as your relationship with your spouse is concerned. Mutual trust & harmony will deteriorate due to differences in opinions getting worse thereby resulting in bickering. 2024 is neither good for the job nor the business domain of your life. If you are in a job then a heated argument with someone at your workplace will tarnish your image and will put you in a bad light.
Frustration is likely as you would not get the promotion or appraisal that you genuinely deserve. If you are in a business of your own then sudden regulatory shocks or defaults in the payments that you are expecting will detail your profit trajectory. Some old or chronic ailments will bother you along with seasonal health related hiccups. You will have mixed results in the love & relationship domain of your life. Beware of someone creating confusion and vitiating the trust & harmony that you share with your loved one.
With Rahu aspecting the 5th house of your horoscope which signifies ‘Comprehensive Intelligence’, 2024 will not be favourable for the education domain of your life. You will find it hard to focus on your studies. Frequent distractions will refrain you from advancing towards your academic goals. You will not be able to make timely & right decisions with respect to your academic objectives as confusion will strongly grip your mind.
Jupiter till April 2024 will be in the 4th house of your horoscope which signifies ‘Fundamental Intelligence’. This will somewhat contain the negative planetary influence of Rahu on your education but from May onwards Rahu will tighten its negative hold on your academic trajectory. If you are pursuing or planning to pursue higher education then consciously strive to remain focussed on your studies as you are at a heightened risk of getting lagged behind in terms of covering your syllabus diligently on time. This is because Saturn which causes delays and obstacles is aspecting the 9th house of your horoscope which signifies higher education.
Marriage or Married Life
Just like aspecting the 5th house of your horoscope, malefic Rahu will also be aspecting the 7th house which signifies Marriage and Spouse. This aspect of Rahu on the 7th house will be very strong and if you are striving to get married in 2024, then you will face problems in identifying or getting a suitable match for yourself. Situations could suddenly turn against you and all the progress that you might have made could be derailed. You could also get deceived into a proposal that would not be as good & promising as it would appear to you.
If you are already married then chances are high that there will be frequent disagreements leading to bickering with your spouse. There could be a loss of trust due to some miscommunication that your spouse will perceive as an act of neglecting him/her. However, since Jupiter is also aspecting the 7th house, some third party intervention, most likely by some elderly will contribute immensely to bringing back the element of bliss & harmony into your marriage.
Job & Business
The aspect of Saturn on the 6th house of your horoscope which is the primary house of Job will make things really difficult for you. You will witness unexpected hurdles in the job domain of your life. If you have been looking forward to a promotion or a rewarding change in your job profile, then 2024 is most likely to be disappointing to you. You are likely to get into a heated argument with someone at your workplace that will bring you in a bad light to your colleagues & seniors.
If you are running a business of your own then be prepared from sudden setbacks with respect to payment defaults, regulatory shock and bad deals. Do not get lured by a business proposal promising unrealistic returns as it will prove to be a wealth destroyer for you.
Saturn in the 12th house of your horoscope which signifies expenditures is highly negative for the finance domain of your life. While expenses will more or less remain in check till April 2024, chances are high that your financial state will deteriorate in the second half of the year. Expenses on medical issues will put a dent on your accumulated wealth. Some unexpected long distance travel requirements might also arise that would make you incur big expenses.
2024 is not good for the health domain of your life due to the malefic influence of Saturn on the 6th house of your horoscope which signifies disease and ailments. If you are suffering from a chronic ailment then things might get very challenging for you especially if you deviate from a nutritious diet that is conducive to your medical condition. In-general, this is a year when you will constantly remain under the weather and your immunity is likely to run low. Take care of your heart and have a light & healthy diet alongside moderate exercise.
Love & Relationship
If you are in a love relationship then 2024 will be a mixed bag for you. With the malefic & benefic influences of both Rahu and Jupiter respectively on the 5th house of your horoscope signifying love, you will experience extreme movements on both sides in your relationship. Your partner will complain of non commitment on your part and you will find it hard to convince your loved one otherwise. Beware of someone poisoning your love relationship by creating confusion & subsequently distrust between you & your lover.
People having a Pisces Ascendant Sign should perform the following remedial measures to ensure a healthy, harmonious & successful 2024:
- Feed birds and fishes (if possible).
- Donate footwear, umbrellas or blankets to the poor.
- Get the “Rahu Graha Shanti Puja” being performed in your name to negate or reduce the malefic effects of Rahu (North Node of the Moon) in your life.