Taurus Monthly Horoscope | Taurus Astrology Forecast

Monthly Prediction for Taurus



This month a favourable set of circumstances would create encouraging prospects for your health. Those predisposed to chronic disorders like rheumatism and irregularities like flatulence and excess of wind in the digestive tract would get significant relief. This means that merely normal precaution would ensure that such troubles don't bother you. There are grounds, however, to be careful about any persistent throat trouble. This should be seriously investigated for complications, and thereby treated without any carelessness. Any failure to do this could upset a pleasant and favourable health situation. Apart from this, you do not have any serious grounds for anxiety.


This month, you would have excellent opportunities for financial advancement, since the combination of stars facing you is quite favourably inclined. Musicians, actors, painters, dramatists, and other practitioners of the arts are likely to have a particularly productive spell during this coming month both financially and in terms of creative output. In fact, times would be very favourable, and some of you can expect to reap a rich harvest of sudden gains. Speculation would also prove beneficial and bring in good profits. There is the additional likelihood of some member of the female sex doing you a good turn which may well prove to be a financial boon.


Nothing very encouraging about your career prospects in the configuration of stars that faces you this month. You would be obsessed by a feeling of insecurity in relation to your profession. This would effect all your actions connected with your business or job. Quite possibly you could find yourself working very hard for your objectives, and these would still elude you. You would go in for a change of job, or considerably alter your business operations. All this would, however, leave you unsatisfied. There is the further possibility of a serious conflict with your superiors. This should be averted to the best of your ability. Try to foresee difficult situations and take remedial action well in time.


This month your pursuits in education are likely to get bogged down in difficulties, since the configuration of stars facing you is far from favourable. This month all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Most of you would have to struggle quite a bit to realize your objectives. Even then, not much success would be achieved. Candidates sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching, since this would greatly improve your chances of success. Those pursuing crafts and technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the adverse spell of circumstances that would trouble the rest of you.


This month gains from travel may be quite difficult to come by, since the augury from the stars is not favourable on this score. Singers, painters, dancers and other artists may not find their travels as productive as usual. In fact, some of them could face a setback on this account. You would tend to travel alone and do so mostly by rail or by road, with a fair measure of air travel. A foreign trip also cannot be ruled out. Most of this would be connected to your business or job, though it is quite certain that the desired ends would not be achieved by these efforts. East is the most favourable direction.


Nothing particularly helpful about the augury from the stars in so far as your family welfare is concerned. There is a distinct possibility that some of you would have seriously strained relations with the family members of your family. Use your tact and skill to get out of trouble spots. The family atmosphere as a whole would be none too pleasant either, with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Children would be the first casualty under such circumstances. Pay special attention to them. Financially also, you all may not do too well. Plan your expenses carefully.


A month during which you may find your wards somewhat rebellious, since the stars are not too favourably disposed. Most of the wards of you people may be openly disobedient. In some cases, parents may well have to deal firmly with such behaviour. The performance of most of them at studies would leave much to be desired, though some of them who are pursuing some practical trade or apprenticeship may not do too badly for themselves. Further, there is the likelihood of disputes with servants and such people.

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Common Feature of Taurus

General Characteristics Taurus

The Taurus Ascendant is ruled by planet Venus. People born with a Taurus Ascendant/Zodiac Sign have a very stable personality. However, this might sound rude- but they are really stubborn beings! They can be very rigid in their opinions and it is really an uphill task to convince them for something that they disagree with.

Despite being stubborn, they are very caring, loving and sensitive people. They are determined and ambitious, but in a hidden way. They are peaceful, calm and are blessed with clarity in thinking. They are often soft spoken and know the art of balancing their speech or in other words, they know the art of diplomacy! They can have their fair share of enemies in life. They really like to eat and more often than not, go over the top which eventually is not good for their health.

They at times prefer being over relaxed or lazy. They are moody people who generally have fluctuating relationships with their younger siblings. They are very good at bringing money in and have a profound sense of finances. They often have feisty & combative life partners and have a rocky relationship with them.

They come across very supportive and valuable teachers in their lives and through hard work they do exceptionally well in schools or higher education. It must be noted that they can be at times an enemy to themselves because of their rigid nature. Sometimes they get so deeply involved in their goals that they become totally oblivious to their surroundings and loose social connections.

They are very good listeners and are courteous to others. They have a love of nature and appreciate beauty. They feel totally in sync with flowers, mountains and landscapes. They make it a point in their lives to look good and are peculiar about their hygiene. They are easily inclined towards literature, art and music.

Naturally Benefic Planets for Taurus

Venus, Mercury and Saturn are the greatest benefics for Taurus.

Gemstone for Taurus

When a person wears a particular Gemstone, then the energy of the planet that the Gemstone is associated with, starts to flow in the life of that person. Hence, a person is recommended to wear the Gemstone that is associated with a planet that is conducive to him/her. Taurus born people should wear “Diamond” which is associated with planet Venus.

Yantra for Taurus

A Yantra is an instrument which represents the Celestial form of a specific Deity. It has the ability to attract highly positive & powerful cosmic energies that are attached to that particular Deity. A Yantra brings immense benefits in the life of a person who worships it with a devout heart.

People with Taurus Ascendant/Zodiac Sign must bring home the “Sri Yantra” and worship it regularly to get the prosperous blessings of Goddess Lalita Tripur Sundari.

Lucky Numbers for Taurus

Numbers 5, 6 and 8 are considered as lucky for a Taurus born.

Auspicious Day for Taurus

Friday is considered as auspicious for a Taurus born to take important decisions in life.

Suitable Profession Taurus

People with Taurus as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are best suited for professions like Fashion Designing, Antiques, Jewellery Design, Photography, Acting, Modelling and Theatre.

Friendly Sign Taurus

Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

Element Taurus

Out of the five primordial elements, the Earth element is associated with the sign of Taurus and hence people having Taurus as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are calm and have earthy qualities like tolerance & patience.

Related Chakra Taurus

The Chakra or Energy Centre in the body that houses the characteristics of Taurus is Anahat.