Pisces Monthly Horoscope | Pisces Astrology Forecast

Monthly Prediction for Pisces



This month the augury about your health in quite encouraging, since the combination of stars facing you is quite favourable. A predisposition to chronic disorders like rheumatism and complaints of the digestive system like chronic constipation would be relieved. There would be a significant respite from such troubles. There is some possibility of a chronic cold which might be a little troublesome. But this is an outside chance, which is really not worth worrying about. Quite a beneficial month for you, from the health point-of-view.


Nothing very favourable in the augury, from the stars, this month in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. There is a possibility that some of you would be influenced by a streak of meanness which would goad you on to severely exploit your juniors, workers or even people below you in the social strata for your personal advantage. This could be met by stiff resistance and could easily turn into an extremely unpleasant situation from which it would not be easy to extricate yourself. Curb such tendencies very firmly, failing which you would have only yourself to blame. The climate would also not be congenial for investment and new ventures, and any such plans should be shelved for the time being.


The stars are not in an obliging mood, and as such your career prospects are somewhat bleak. Some of you might develop a mean streak which would goad you on to unscrupulously exploiting your juniors and workers, as well as others below you in the social strata. Such tendencies should be firmly curbed, failing which a very unpleasant situation could come about for you. You would also find yourself working quite hard for returns that would be quite meagre. What is more there is little you would be able to do to redress the balance. This calls for patience to get over the bad spell of adverse circumstances. Travel also would fail to bear any fruit.


Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars this month in so far as your pursuits in education go. Those going in for higher education would face difficulties at practically every step. But they must patiently resolve these rather than give up. Technical students may also face a frustrating time. They might have to work much harder just to maintain their ranking. Here again perseverance would be the answer. Candidates for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching, since this could make all the difference between success and failure.


In this month gains from travel would be practically more, since the stars are favorably placed for this. Plans for pilgrimages to holy places shall be executed into action and the journeys undertaken, would bring in happiness. Students aspiring for higher studies or training abroad or at places far away from their homes would be attaining desired results. Business or job related travel would generate the expected profits. You would travel within the country and abroad also probably. South is the most favourable direction.


This month the affairs of your family are unlikely to retain much of their forward momentum, getting bogged down in difficulties of various kinds. There are very strong indications of serious tensions with your elders. Therefore, you should resolve not to lose your cool and discipline yourself to firmly refuse to be drawn into any confrontation of any sort. This would keep things under control. The family atmosphere as such would be far from pleasant with discord among members openly evident. In such an atmosphere, the children would tend to be irritable and not do too well at their appointed tasks. You would have to supervise their affairs closely, giving more of your time and energy.


This month your children could create a number of problems for you people, since the stars are not too favourably inclined. The wards of some of you would get into seriously difficulties with their teachers, whereby their studies would be adversely effected. Parents should intervene to set things right. The performance at studies of most of you would in any case not be very inspiring. Students of law and those pursuing higher studies would face a set of particularly adverse circumstances. However, parents should see to it that they persevere in their pursuits, since these problems would gradually resolve themselves.

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Common Feature of Pisces

General Characteristics Pisces

Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want. They do this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person’s motivations. Pisces are prone to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify drug use by allowing it to get closer with their ’spiritual selves’. Once they aware this is why they are doing it, it will be easier to kick the habit. Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in and and they can do hard work for something they believe in. They can be very lazy but only in matters that they do not care about. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs. They are imaginative, compassionate, adaptable, accepting and devoted. Not an impressive figure. They are restless, imaginative and romantic Upright, honest and humane with changeable temper and swayed by opinion of others. They lack self - confidence. Extremely sympathetic, forgiving, generous, honest and reliable. Understands own abilities and this quality stands as an impediment in progress. Orthodox, extremely superstitious, reserved, God fearing, rigid in observation of religious customs and practices.

They cannot see sufferings even in animals and renders assistance. Lacks ambition and finds difficult to make speedy progress in material zone. Pisceans prefer to stay in the world of their imagination. They are highly intuitive and remain in their own world of mysteries and imagination. They are highly emotional, honest,generous and good people.

Two occupations, adept in any new branch he pursues. Make good employees. Pisces are inclined towards charitable work and philanthropic activities and their efforts make the world a better place. The career that would typically suit a Pisces-born are entertainment and media industry; creative field – writing and poetry, interior designing, architecture, etc. Proves successful in transactions dealing with liquids and spirits. They gain in export- import business.

Happy married and domestic life. Prefers beauty of partner, intellectual pursuits and fine arts. Often two marriages, influenced by partner.

They are liable to suffer from gastric troubles and injury in the ankles and feet.

Physical features Pisces

Short, full and plump figure with considerably small hands and feet, soft and silky hair, fair complexion, sparkling face, attractive and handsome, eyes big and protruding,shoulders muscular and spherical , dimple chin.

Auspicious years - 27 to 43and 61 to 69.

Inauspicious years - 8, 13 and 48.

Their lucky gem is Yellow Sapphire.

Suitable Profession Pisces

Editor, Doctor, Religious Teacher, Film & Entertainment, Detective

Friendly Sign Pisces

Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio

Element Pisces


Related Chakra Pisces

Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana)