Pisces Monthly Horoscope | Pisces Astrology Forecast

Monthly Prediction for Pisces



This month the combination of stars facing you is quite helpful for maintaining your continued good health. Any predisposition to an easily disturbed stomach and digestive organs would get significantly relieved. So will chronic ailments of the chest, like coughs, colds and asthma. There is reason for you to be careful about the health of your teeth, since this would bother you, but with proper dental care, you can ensure that nothing untoward happens. Further, there are some grounds to believe that you might have a tendency to be irritable and in a slightly disturbed state of mind. Remain calm and balanced, for with a little effort, you maintain very good mental and physical health.


Nothing particularly favourable, about the augury from the stars, in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. There are indications that speculation would result in serious losses for some of you. Therefore, you should stay away from gambling of any sort. Relations with your superiors or employees are also likely to come under a cloud, to the extent that serious loss would become almost certain. But this you can prevent by some concentrated action and advance planning. There would also be some among you, who would concentrate unduly on generating unaccounted money. This would not be, in your best interests and could create trouble for you. The climate would also not favour investment or new ventures.


The stellar influences do not augur too well for your professional prospects this month. There is a distinct likelihood of serious differences with your superiors. You must not allow this to happen and work to avert such an eventuality. Try and anticipate trouble spots, and work your way round these. You would also tend to feel somewhat insecure throughout the month, and this could cloud your judgement. You could opt for quick change of jobs or business operations without sufficient reason. Any change should be carried out only after careful deliberation. Travel also will not bring any useful benefits, though minor advantages could come your way through a journey northwards.


This month your educational pursuits would bear fruit since good fortune would remain with you most of the time. Those pursuing a course in engineering can look forward to a particularly beneficial time ahead of them, during the coming month as can also the artistically inclined. Those pursuing crafts or technical trades would also have an extremely beneficial time. During this month, most of you would be blessed by a clarity of thoughts and sharpened mental faculties which will make learning quicker and easier. Candidates for competitive examinations can also look forward to success, but only after a great deal of hard work. In fact, this month success would come to all of you only after a great deal of hard work.


The prospect of gains from travel are somewhat remote this month, since the augury from the stars is not favourable on this score. This month you would tend to travel alone and do so mostly by road and by rail, with a fair measure of air travel thrown in. Further, there are chances that you might go abroad for work or for a holiday. However, it is quite certain that these efforts would not be able to generate the expected profits nor bring the expected pleasure and satisfaction. The most favourable direction would be East.


This month the augury from the stars is quite beneficial in so far as your family affairs are concerned. You can look forward to celebrating an addition to the family with much fun and merriment. The family atmosphere as a whole would remain extremely pleasant with harmony among the members. This would beneficially effect all of you, particularly the children. They would tend to be good-natured and also do well in their appointed pursuits. Financially also, you all can expect to do fairly well, with a big increase in the overall family income fairly certain. A beneficial month in most ways.


A month during which you can look forward to fewer problems with regard to your children, since the augury from the stars holds out the prospect of a beneficial time for them. The stubborn amongst them would pose fewer problem and be more amenable to reason. However, most of them would be able to do quite well in their pursuits. Discipline may remain a problem and would have to be worked out. Where attitudes are antagonistic towards all authority, a certain degree of patient reasoning would be called for. This would also be a time when parents should help in the proper choice of vocation or trade, for those who are at that stage.

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Common Feature of Pisces

General Characteristics Pisces

Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want. They do this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person’s motivations. Pisces are prone to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify drug use by allowing it to get closer with their ’spiritual selves’. Once they aware this is why they are doing it, it will be easier to kick the habit. Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in and and they can do hard work for something they believe in. They can be very lazy but only in matters that they do not care about. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs. They are imaginative, compassionate, adaptable, accepting and devoted. Not an impressive figure. They are restless, imaginative and romantic Upright, honest and humane with changeable temper and swayed by opinion of others. They lack self - confidence. Extremely sympathetic, forgiving, generous, honest and reliable. Understands own abilities and this quality stands as an impediment in progress. Orthodox, extremely superstitious, reserved, God fearing, rigid in observation of religious customs and practices.

They cannot see sufferings even in animals and renders assistance. Lacks ambition and finds difficult to make speedy progress in material zone. Pisceans prefer to stay in the world of their imagination. They are highly intuitive and remain in their own world of mysteries and imagination. They are highly emotional, honest,generous and good people.

Two occupations, adept in any new branch he pursues. Make good employees. Pisces are inclined towards charitable work and philanthropic activities and their efforts make the world a better place. The career that would typically suit a Pisces-born are entertainment and media industry; creative field – writing and poetry, interior designing, architecture, etc. Proves successful in transactions dealing with liquids and spirits. They gain in export- import business.

Happy married and domestic life. Prefers beauty of partner, intellectual pursuits and fine arts. Often two marriages, influenced by partner.

They are liable to suffer from gastric troubles and injury in the ankles and feet.

Physical features Pisces

Short, full and plump figure with considerably small hands and feet, soft and silky hair, fair complexion, sparkling face, attractive and handsome, eyes big and protruding,shoulders muscular and spherical , dimple chin.

Auspicious years - 27 to 43and 61 to 69.

Inauspicious years - 8, 13 and 48.

Their lucky gem is Yellow Sapphire.

Suitable Profession Pisces

Editor, Doctor, Religious Teacher, Film & Entertainment, Detective

Friendly Sign Pisces

Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio

Element Pisces


Related Chakra Pisces

Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana)