Gemini Monthly Horoscope | Gemini Astrology Forecast

Monthly Prediction for Gemini



This month the Gods are kind towards your health affairs, and good fortune would very likely ensure that no serious health hazard afflicts you this month. Any predisposition to bouts of sudden acute illness, like fever or inflammation would get relieved and such troubles would not bother you very much. This, being a favourable month, such relief can be looked forward to. There are grounds however, to be careful about dental health. Any carelessness in this could create problems with your teeth. Care should also be taken about any bone injury, which, during this month would be extremely unlikely.


Full of buoyant energy, in a favourable time you would do extremely well for yourself during the coming month. Possessing the courage of your convictions, you would forge ahead in your pursuits and make success look easy to achieve. In this, you would be helped by an extremely fortunate set of circumstances. In fact, some of you can quite literally expect to reap a rich harvest of sudden gains. Speculations would also bring in good profits. Further, there is the likelihood of your relations with your superiors assuming such pleasant proportions that you would be able to gain substantially from these. Good time to invest and launch new ventures.


Not a very favourable augury for your professional prospects this month. You are likely to feel quite secure, and may in all likelihood change your job or at last effect a major change in your operations, whether in business or service. There is also a very high degree of probability that you would get into conflicts with your superiors or seniors. This should be averted, since it can only compound your woes. There would also be a lot of hard work, which would not only, under the circumstances fail to get you the desired results, but also leave you a deeply dissatisfied person. Try to act with a certain amount of stability and avoid mercurial behaviour.


This month your educational pursuits are unlikely to have smooth sailing, since the configuration of stars facing you is none too favourable. Most of you would have the drive and motivation required for success. This would deprive your efforts of the essential competitive edge. Therefore, those appearing for any competitive examination should go in for extra coaching. Technical students and students of medicine would have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking. Those studying crafts or some technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the adverse spell of circumstances. Further, there is a distinct possibility that all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least.


Not a month during which travel would prove to be very productive, since the stars are not too favourably placed for such a result. There is the likelihood of an injury or some other physical trouble, during the course of your travels. Therefore, you should exercise care and take minimum risks. You would tend to travel alone and do so mostly by rail or by road with a fair percentage of air travel. Some of your travels could be related to your business or job. A good percentage would not be so related. What is fairly certain is that these would not be very productive. A foreign trip also cannot be ruled out. East is the most favourable direction.


There is very little to cheer the heart in the augury from the stars this month in so as far as your family welfare is concerned. Mounting expenses could take a heavy toll of your family finances, landing you in a very difficult situation, in fact one in which you might have to resort to heavy followings. Plan your expenses carefully well in advance. This would help in a big way to get out of trouble. The family atmosphere would not remain very pleasant either, and harmony among the members would be nowhere in sight. In such circumstances, as often happens, children would be the worst sufferers. Pay special attention to them.


A month during which the affairs of your children would get bogged down in difficulties since the stellar influences affecting them would be mostly negative. There is a distinct possibility of an injury or some other physical trouble to the wards of all of you. The adventurously inclined and sports people would be particularly vulnerable. Such among your wards should be guided in a manner so that they do not take any risks. Further, there is the likelihood of some serious disputes with servants and such like people. This could assume serious proportions and therefore, parents should take preventive measures.

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Common Feature of Gemini

General Characteristics Gemini

The Gemini Ascendant is ruled by the planet Mercury. People born with a Gemini Ascendant/Zodiac Sign love to talk a lot. They are very communicative people. Relating and connecting to people on all levels is important to them but mainly through their speech.

They are extremely close to their mother and their home. Money issues are close to their heart and they often experience many ups & down in their lives with respect to finances. They are blessed with a strong vitality and are athletic in nature. They have an eye for beauty, creativity and most importantly- investments! They do not make plans in a hurry and give a fair amount of thought before executing their decisions. They have a very fine calculative mind.

Since Mercury deals with the cognitive process, these people are constantly thinking as well as expressing themselves in a communicative way. They are very profound and deep thinkers. They are great observers and have an eye for details. However, they often lose their focus by getting into unnecessary arguments with others. It is quite easy to provoke them.

They reject everything that does not fit into their own frame of logic which sometimes brings bitterness in their relationships with others as people find them very judgemental and rude. They do not provide any unsolicited advice but once asked for help, they offer highly useful guidance to others. Success comes to them a bit later than expected but in the end, their efforts are well rewarded.

They should be utmost careful while trusting people as someone who they initially thought to be their friend could eventually turn out to be their enemy. They could work professionally with their spouse, have a business together or they could even meet their spouse in the first place, through their career/job.

Naturally Benefic Planets for Gemini

Mercury being the ruler of Gemini is obviously a beneficial planet for people having Gemini as their Ascendant. However, Venus and Saturn in spite of having the rulership one good as well as one bad house in the horoscope, are still more or less positive planets for Gemini Ascendants.

Suitable Profession Gemini

The most suited professions for people having Gemini Ascendant are: Journalism, Writing, TV or Radio, Sales & Marketing, Teaching, Accountancy, Printing and Travel & Tourism.

Friendly Sign Gemini

Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

Element Gemini

Out of the five primordial elements, the Air element is associated with the sign of Gemini and hence people having Gemini as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are very talkative and at times, love to daydream!

Related Chakra Gemini

The Chakra or Energy Centre in the body that houses the characteristics of Gemini is “Vishuddhi”.