Cancer Monthly Horoscope | Cancer Astrology Forecast

Monthly Prediction for Cancer



A good month when the stars are out to bless you with good health. Any tendency to piles would be relieved, and actual improvement of the condition would take place. Predisposition to chronic disorders like rheumatism and complaints of the digestive system like constipation and the like, will be relieved bringing in its make considerable respite from troubles. A congenial month, which promises, fairly undisturbed good health throughout. Any prolonged attack of cold is something you must thoroughly treat. No laxity should be permitted in this and restoratives consumed. This apart, you can look forward to a fairly undisturbed period of health.


An excellent month full of opportunities for financial advancement and more important, the ability to utilize such opportunities. All your activities will be characterized by a touch of boldness which will enable you to forge ahead in your pursuits and achieve success. Most of you would be able to realize quick gains through your efforts. There is also the possibility of a favour or a service being done to you by some old gentleman which would prove to be a veritable boon. Further, your skillful handling of your juniors or workers would enable you to derive the optimum benefit from their services. This too, would mean sizeable profits. The climate would also remain quite congenial for investment and new ventures.


There are no encouraging indications for your career prospects and in fact, if you are not careful you could well find yourself in a serious gain. There is the distinct possibility that some of you may be prone to operating outside the law for quick gains. Should you do this, you would surely land yourself in the middle of a nightmare. Therefore, firmly resolve to stay away from such activity. You could also be influenced by a nasty streak that would goad you on to severely exploiting your juniors or subordinates. This tendency should be curbed, failing which yet another nightmare is possible. Behave well with your juniors, and work efficiently. Travel would also prove unfruitful this month.


The would be an excellent month in so far as your educational endeavours are concerned since the stars would be in a obliging mood. Most of you would have the drive and motivation necessary getting to the top. This would give all your efforts a competitive edge that would bring a good deal of success. Those appearing for competitive examinations would be so enthusiastic about getting through that half the battle would be won at the outset. Students of engineering would be able to perform outstanding feats of skill and dexterity. They would also do well with their textbooks. Most of you would also remain sharp and agile mentally making learning quicker and easier.


Very decent percentage of travel for you this month, since dame fortune has so ordained. There is no such possibility of an injury or some other physical trouble during the course of your journeys. This month you would travel within the country and also abroad. It is very likely that you would venture out, too far from home. Business or job related travel would bring noteworthy gains. South is the most favorable direction.


This month the going may tend to get rough for your family affairs since the stars are not particularly obliging. The family atmosphere would not be very pleasant with discord openly in evidence, and members not living in harmony with each other. There is the further likelihood of serious differences with your elders. Do not lose your cool and refuse to be drawn into any kind of confrontation. This would greatly help in reducing tension. Further, expenses may tend to mount out of control creating all kind of problems. Plan your expenses carefully well in advance to obviate the necessity of some last minute desperate action.


Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars this month in so far as the welfare of your children is concerned. There is the possibility of an injury or some sort of physical trouble to the wards of some of you. Those who are adventurously inclined, or sportsmen, should be dissuaded from taking risks this month, since they would be particularly prone to such a problem. The performance of most of them would also not be very inspiring. In fact, extra work would be necessary to maintain their existing positions in their respective classes. Those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching.

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Common Feature of Cancer

General Characteristics Cancer

The Cancer Ascendant is ruled by the planet Moon. People born with a Cancer Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are sensitive & emotional. They get emotionally hurt very often and have a soft hearted approach towards others. Cancer Ascendant born individuals are well known in their fields of work and garner society’s admiration for themselves. They are highly productive people who are ambitious as well. They accumulate a significant amount of wealth in their lives and do very well financially.

They can have problems with their younger siblings. They love to travel to foreign places. They like to learn about different cultures and places in the world. They own expensive and beautiful properties and security concerns particularly with respect to their homes, bother them a lot.

They end up in a career that is lucky and financially viable for them. They know where to invest and when to invest for maximum long term benefits. They do not believe in overnight gains and take money & wealth management very seriously. They might get involved in a legal battle but always emerge victorious in the end. They generally have strong & healthy bodies and understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle in life. They know how to take care of their near & dear ones and are respectful towards others.

They are deeply affected by what is happening in the society and the world at large. They have very strong humanitarian values in them and are moved deeply by sufferings in the society. They do not hesitate in offering their help to the needy and go that extra mile while doing that even if they have to face some challenges in the process. They have truly magnanimous hearts and are admired even by their enemies.

Naturally Benefic Planets for Cancer

Moon being the ruler of the sign of Cancer is a very positive planet for people who are born with a Cancer Ascendant. Apart from the Moon, Mars is a planet that is extremely beneficial for them. Lastly, planet Jupiter is also known to benefit them to a certain extent.

Lucky Numbers for Cancer

Numbers 2, 3 and 9 are considered lucky for a native born with a Cancer Ascendant.

Suitable Profession Cancer

Individuals having Cancer Ascendant succeed when they foray into the career fields of Dairy, Textiles, Navy, Gynaecology, Underwater Studies, Water Management, Music, Song/Lyrics Writing, Poetry, Social Science and Nursing.

Friendly Sign Cancer

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio

Element Cancer

Out of the five primordial elements, the Water element is associated with the sign of Cancer and hence people having Cancer as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are very emotional, soft spoken and caring.

Related Chakra Cancer

Brow Chakra (Ajna)