Aries Monthly Horoscope | Aries Astrology Forecast

Monthly Prediction for Aries



Not a very encouraging prospect according to the stars concerned. There are chances that you could be effected by a state of general debility and even nervous disorder, caused by exhaustion and over-exertion. That merely means, that you should avoid over-exertion at all cost. This done, you would solve a major portion of your health problems. And this you can do by rescheduling your activities to suit your current needs so that your system is not unduly taxed. Further, there is apprehension that constipation and some related troubles could bother you. Here again, extra care, and some firm diet-control should help.


This month the picture about your financial prospects as it emerges from the stellar augury, is none too bright. Some of you would be influenced by a mean streak that would goad you on to severely exploit your juniors, workers or just simply people below you in the social strata, for your personal advantage. This would be met by stiff resistance and could easily turn into an extremely unpleasant situation from which it would be difficult to extricate yourself. Curb such tendencies firmly failing which you would have only yourself to blame. The climate would also not be congenial for investment and new ventures, and any such plans should be shelved for the moment.


The stars are in a far from obliging mood, and as such the prospects for your career advancement are somewhat bleak. You may be influenced by a mean tendency to brow-beat and exploit the weak and vulnerable. This would include your subordinates and workers. Such behavior would be met by hostile reactions and you might have to face the worse of this sort of people. Curb this tendency. Travel would also not bear any fruit. And, in this scenario you would find yourself working quite hard for relatively meagre rewards. Influential contacts also would prove quite worthless, and you would have to fend for yourself with your own will and effort.


Nothing particularly auspicious about the augury from the stars this month, in so far as your educational endeavours are concerned. Practically all examination results of most of you would be below expectations. Most of you would have to work quite hard to achieve your objectives. Technical students in particular would have to make a lot of extra effort merely to maintain their position in their class. Even then success may elude them. But for those who persevere there are always grounds for hope. Candidates sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching.


The stars are in a mood to bless you with gains from travel this month. As such, business or job related travel would generate the expected profit. all sorts of travel shall bring in happiness. You could travel within the country and abroad. Further, it is very likely that you would venture out very far from home. This month travels would increase your contacts and associates and fresh opportunity shall come your way. South is the most favorable direction.


This month the prospects for your family affairs are quite cheerless, since the stars are not very favourably disposed. There is the distinct possibility of someone below you in the social strata causing trouble to your family. Deal with this firmly and do not allow things to go out of hand. There are also strong chances that some of you would get into serious difficulties in your relations with your elders. Keep your cool and refuse to be drawn into a confrontation of any sort. The family atmosphere throughout the month, would be far from pleasant. Children would not do too well in their appointed tasks causing you worry. Pay greater heed to their affairs giving more time and energy to this.


This month the affairs of your children are unlikely to progress smoothly since the augury from the stars is not too helpful on this score. This would not be a month of high performance at studies for the wards of most of you. Not only would those traditionally poor at studies require a lot of extra help to get along, but also those who are normally quite bright. Those sitting for competitive examinations must go in for extra coaching. However, those pursuing some practical trade or apprenticeship would fare relatively better. Some of them may also tend to behave in an abnormal manner, which should be firmly dealt with by parents.

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Common Feature of Aries

General Characteristics Aries

The Aries Ascendant is ruled by planet Mars. People having Aries as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are naturally very active and display high levels of energy in their day-to-day activities. Their personalities are heavily influenced by Martian characteristics such as aggression, courage and enthusiasm.

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They have a very strong & influential personality but because of certain ill thought out decisions, they often face criticism. They cannot stand people who are slow and get easily frustrated if someone cannot match up to their speed of work. They like discipline and order in their lives.

These are straightforward people and speak what is on their mind without getting bothered about how their statement will be received on the other end. They are blessed with clarity of mind and are known for executing their plans with excellence. They are vivacious, ambitious, driven and a great pioneer in life! They love to travel and are adventurous by nature.

Interestingly, they also love horses and do not shy away from making high risk activities such as rock climbing, mountaineering and diving as their core hobbies! They are very committed to their life partners and are known to be passionate romantics. It must also be noted that they prove to be very good friends in their lives and always go the extra mile to help their friends in need. They have very strong protective instincts and always take care of their near & dear ones, no matter what. They are the ones who do not crack under pressure and handle high stress situations very efficiently.

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Naturally Benefic Planets for Aries

Mars, Sun and Jupiter are the greatest benefics for Aries.

Favourable Professions for Aries

People with Aries as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are known to excel in the Army, Police and other Armed Services. They do very well in the Chemical and Agriculture sectors as well. Since they love physical exercise, many of them naturally get inclined towards Wrestling, Martial Arts and other similar Combative Sports.

Element Associated with Aries

Out of the five primordial elements, the Fire element is associated with the sign of Aries and hence people having Aries as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign have a fiery & fierce outlook towards life!

Gemstone for Aries

When a person wears a particular Gemstone, then the energy of the planet that the Gemstone is associated with, starts to flow in the life of that person. Hence, a person is recommended to wear the Gemstone that is associated with a planet that is conducive to him/her.

Aries born people should wear “Red Coral” which is associated with planet Mars.

Yantra for Aries

A Yantra is an instrument which represents the Celestial form of a specific Deity. It has the ability to attract highly positive & powerful cosmic energies that are attached to that particular Deity. A Yantra brings immense benefits in the life of a person who worships it with a devout heart.

People with Aries Ascendant / Zodiac Sign must bring home the “Maha Laxmi Yantra” and worship it regularly to get the prosperous blessings of Goddess Maha Laxmi.

Lucky Numbers for Aries

Numbers 1, 3 and 9 are considered as lucky for an Aries born.

Auspicious Day

Tuesday is considered as auspicious for an Aries born to take important decisions in life.

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Suitable Profession Aries

Police, Army, Mining, Civil Services, Politics, Medical & Journalism

Friendly Sign Aries

Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio

Element Aries


Related Chakra Aries

Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura)