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Nav Varsh Puja

In order to attain the blessings of the 9 Planets or the ‘Nav Grahas’ from Vedic Astrology, the Nav Varsh Puja is performed at the beginning of every year. It has been accorded as the first puja performed at the start of a New Year! With so much riding on the 9 planets and their position in the horoscope or kundali, it is highly auspicious for a native to get this puja done in his/her name to ensure benevolent celestial influences in life that will positively impact key domains of life such as business, job, health, finance etc.

The Nav Varsh Puja promises brilliant results when performed at the beginning of the year or when you are about to enter a new phase in life, in order to pacify the negative effects of all the ill-placed planets of the horoscope or kundli. This puja also helps to further strengthen the well-placed planets in the kundali and amplify their positive influences.

Right at the time of our birth, as per the karmic baggage from our past lives, our destiny is chalked out. The 9 planets or the Nav Grahas hold the responsibility to give us the results of the deeds from our past lifetimes. These Nav Grahas exert incredibly powerful effects on our lives. All aspects of our life such as- education, health, career, finances, marriage, children, travel etc., come under the highly influential ambit of the Nav Grahas.

Among the 9 planets, each planet has a specified responsibility to provide us with the results for a particular set of our karmas at a specific time in our lives which is called a Dasha. No planet can be deemed as always bad for everyone and no planet can be deemed as always good for everyone. Their results depend upon the particular karmic structure of the native that they are supposed to provide the results for.

Still, we consider planets who give positive results in our life as benefic and those who give negative results, are considered as malefic. As per the horoscope of a native which is actually a cosmic blueprint formed at the time of that native’s birth, the role and effect of all planets in his/her life is decoded by an astrologer.

But if a person manages to please the Nav Grahas especially at the start of a new year, then the positive effects of planets that are beneficial for that person can be increased manifold and more importantly, the negative impact of planets that are malefic, can very well be negated or nullified before it actually comes up in the future.

So, how can one please the Nav Grahas or the nine planets to have a prosperous and successful life in the year ahead?

Simple. Go for a Nav Varsh Puja!

Nav Varsh Puja performed at the start of a new year is a holy ritual that pleases the Nav Grahas (nine planets), resulting in their powerful blessings upon the native for a prosperous year ahead.

Hence, we urge you to book a Nav Varsh Puja at the New Year for yourself, to receive the blessings of the 9 planets that are responsible for shaping up your destiny and enjoy their benevolent presence in your life!

Benefits of Nav Varsh Puja at the New Year

  • It removes all hurdles and obstacles posed by malefic planets from our life.
  • It cures all the ’Doshas’ or flaws of the horoscope formed by misaligned planetary placements or combinations.
  • It creates a conducive environment for attracting promising opportunities in one’s career in the year ahead.
  • It creates a protective aura around the individual that wards off all negative influences from the life of the native.
  • It increases focus & concentration among students and enhances their perception.
  • Nav Varsh Puja shields a business from regulatory hurdles and unwanted competition in the market.
  • This puja helps the native in attaining a sound health by curing many ailments present in the life of the native due to some troubled karmic structure.
  • It makes the native emerge victorious over enemies and helps in getting rid of any legal hassles going on in life.
  • Nav Varsh Puja helps in maintaining a harmonious domestic environment and ensures a blissful married life.
  • It provides safety during travels and protects the native from any accident signified in the natal chart.

Nav Varsh Puja Includes

  • ’Hawan’ (Holy Fire Ritual) on your behalf by a highly learned Brahmin Priest to invoke the blessings of all nine planets or the Nav Grahas in your life.
  • A puja to please all planets to strengthen your individual horoscope and eventually make success and prosperity a living reality in the year ahead in your life.
  • Arrangement of watching the Puja being performed in your name from the comfort of your home via a recording that will be provided to you.

Note: The Nav Varsh Puja is performed in strict accordance with all Vedic rules & rituals as prescribed in the Holy Hindu Scriptures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I go for Navgrah Puja?

The Navgrah or the nine planets hold a great significance in your life and the Hawan & Puja performed for Navgrah, bring enormous positive effects in your life. So, go for this life altering ritual!

Who will perform the Hawan & Navgrah Puja?

We make sure that highly learned & experienced Brahmin Priests perform these spiritual rituals with utmost devotion. You need not to worry about anything as every single procedure as per the holy religious scriptures is followed.

Do I get to watch the Puja?

Absolutely, you can watch the Navgrah Puja being performed in your name via a recording provided to you by us.

Is there any minimum age to go for Nav Grah Puja?

No. Anyone can go for this Nav Grah Puja.

Can I book the Navgrah Puja for someone else in my family?

Absolutely! What better gift can you give to your near and dear ones, than making sure that they get the blessings of all nine planets!


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