Buy Irani Firoza Online at Best Price | Future Point

Irani Firoza

The Firoza stone, also known as Turquoise, Feroza, or Firoja has been known for its healing properties. From ancient times the gemstone is well known for its remedial properties. It is best recognized for bringing wealth in the wearer’s life. The individual can feel the change in life as it enhances attraction in one’s personality and channelizes positive vibes in the love life.



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Product Detail

Firoza stone is the perfect gemstone for the natives who often face the anger issues in their lives. It also supports people who often face refusals in their love life. The gemstone offers its wearer marital bliss and makes them bold and confident. Due to the factor that gemstone bestows the wearer with wealth and affection, it has become a popular stone. It is very much capable of removing any physical weakness or disease that is present in the native. It also enhances the eyesight which prevents the wearer from dangers. Due to its excellent blue color, the gemstone is well known for bringing good luck and prosperity in the native’s life. It also attracts new relations in individual life.

Purpose of wearing Firoza stone

The main motive of wearing the Firoza stone is to seek the blessings from the planet Jupiter. It prevents the wearer from diseases that are related to lungs and liver. It enhances the thinking ability and creativity level of the native. According to ancient scriptures, Turquoise Gemstone is considered as a pure gemstone that safeguards the individual from all the mishaps and dangers. Firoza is a trusted gemstone that brings immense benefits for the natives who are associated with an educational or learning field, such as scholars, teachers, researchers, etc. It also enhances the decision-making skills and thinking the ability of the wearer. According to Vedic astrology, Turquoise relates to wealth and prosperity. It brings financial stability in individual life. It impacts the wearers social status and lifestyle in a positive way. It is considered the best gemstone for the individual who is suffering from lung and liver disorders. Before buying, one can easily verify Feroza price in India from Future Point, the most trusted and old astrological website in India.

The technical composition of Firoza stone

Turquoise is an opaque gemstone with the chemical property of CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8. 4H2O which can be also called as hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum. It is a blue-green color mineral. Due to its mystical powers, the gemstone is used as an astrological product. One of the most important components in Firoza is copper, that provides the gemstone with bluish-green color. The best way to examine the Turquoise is to test its hardness. The brilliant Turquoise is factual in quality and possesses the maximum hardness of 6 or less, which is slightly harder than window glass. The measurement of the refractive index is approximately 1.61or1.62. Due to its hardness, the gemstone is completely insoluble except when it is heat-treated by hydrochloric acid.

Astrological benefits of Turquoise Gemstone.

  • It provides peace to the wearer’s mind by bringing positivity.
  • The Firoza Gemstone signifies the education and creative sector.
  • The natives who belong to the creative or educational sector were massively benefited by wearing it.
  • It brings prosperity and wealth in individual life.
  • It also enhances the creativity level of the wearer.
  • It prevents the wearer from misfortunes and bad luck in life.
  • Turquoise provides proper sleep to the wearer by getting rid of nightmares.
  • After wearing Firoza Gemstone one can experience wisdom as it enhances honesty and strength in life.
  • It safeguards the wearer from the diseases that are related to viral infection, heart problems, and stomach problems.
  • It also enhances communication skills and brings love in the wearer life.
  • It is mainly worn by the natives who usually get refusal in love life.
  • It balances the financial condition of the wearer by bringing new opportunities in life.
  • It enhances the charisma of the wearer by building confidence in him/her.
  • The Turquoise gemstone is considered best for those native who often faces anger issues or violence.
  • It enhances muscular strength by improving the immunity of the wearer.
  • It shields the native from evil spirits by building positive energy.

Benefits of Firoza Gemstone

The Firoza gemstone possesses magnificent power in it that bestows the wearer with different benefits. To get these benefits one can Buy Firoza Stone online from Future Point, the most trusted astrology website in India.

  • From ancient times the Feroza gemstone is known as a holy stone, that brings good fortune in wearers life.
  • The individuals who are suffering from a disease like Asthma, high blood pressure, excessive alcoholism are recommended to wear the gemstone.
  • It also helps in managing mental stress and saves native from mishaps and violence.
  • It helps in magnifying mental status and linking in communication gaps.
  • It prevents the wearer from negative energy and bad omen.
  • People who belong to the creative and education sectors like teachers, scholars, and students should wear this stone. It brings calmness and helps to concentrate.
  • It delivers stability and harmony in married life.
  • The main remedy of the Gemstone is that it automatically loses its glow when native is exposed to mental and physical threats, e.g. disloyalty.
  • The gemstone helps natives in eliminating bad luck and disappointments, hence it results in improvised health, wealth, fame, wisdom, and strength.
  • Feroza Gemstone is believed to bring about stability in one’s life.
  • It aggrandizers native’s status and respect in society.
  • The gemstone Bestows upon the wearer unprecedented strength of mind.
  • The gemstone benefits the native by promoting self-esteem and confidence.
  • It raises one’s muscular strength and shields them from evil spirits.
  • According to Vedic astrology, Firoza is considered a healing gem of insight which improves the wearer’s sensitivity and thinking power.
  • It eliminates misfortunes and bad luck from the wearer’s life which results in good health, wealth, wisdom, fame and strength.
  • It promotes the creativity level and the charisma of the wearer.

Identification of real Firoza Gemstone

The Firoza is a natural light blue colored gemstone that belongs to the phosphate mineral family. It has numerous astrological benefits that make it popular among the people. It is mainly considered for the individuals who were born in the month of December. To get maximum benefits in life the individual is preferred to Buy Original Feroza Stone Online, as one can get an authentication card also.

Test for identification

Before buying the wearer should always test the Firoza Gemstone. If the gemstone is not 100% authentic then it can harm one’s life by turning the benefits into negatives. One should always conduct a test before buying. There are some tests that can be performed by the person while buying the gemstone:

  • Fingernail polish test: This is the perfect test to authenticate the gemstone. The things which are required to perform the test is nail polish remover and cotton balls. Apply the nail polish remover (acetone) with cotton on the backside or hidden area of the stone. If its wake then it will start losing its blue color on cotton and one can easily authenticate it.
  • The scratch test: The individual can perform it to determine the hardness of the Firoza Gemstone. The fake gemstone is softer than the real Turquoise. This factor becomes an advantage for the buyer to authenticate the real one. The person has to scratch the gemstone and if it scratches easily then its not the real one. It is very difficult to scratch the real Turquoise as it is having a hardness level of 6 which slightly harder than window glass.
  • The fingernail test: Another test that the individual can perform before buying the gemstone is the fingernail test. In this, the wearer can scratch the gemstone on the nails and if the nail gets caught by the place where turquoise meets with a web matrix then it is a real Turquoise Gemstone.
  • Qualities of a good Firoza Gemstone

    There are several factors to assess the good quality of Firoza gemstone. The good quality gemstone depends on the factor such as origin, color, clarity, and shape. The good quality Firoza gemstone should not have irregular matrix construction in it. The surface of the gemstone should have a soft texture and to be hard in nature. If it is not a pure or good gemstone the one can easily examine it by scratching its surface.


    The color factor also determines the original gemstone. Turquoise comes in different colors but generally, it is available in light blue color to deep blue and bluish-green color. The most demanded colors in the market are Persian blue and medium blue. These colors are generally mined in Arizona. There are some different shade also that are available in the market like Green Turquoise, Purple Turquoise, and White turquoise stone, etc.


    According to astrologers, the individuals are always considered to buy perfect cut and shaped gemstone as it will enhance the benefits in wearer life. The original Firoza Gemstone is rare to find in the market. If the gemstone is having irregular cutting then it will degrade the quality of the gemstone. The pure Turquoise is having a regular matrix in it and should not be blotchy. If the gemstone is not manufactured properly then it may harm the individual life.

    Carat and quality

    Maximum numbers of natural Firoza Gemstone are opaque or having easily visible spots and matrix on it. It is very rare if the individual finds the spotless and clean Turquoise. Such a type of Turquoise is quite valuable. These spotless pieces are most desirable from the astrological perspective. The spiderweb Firoza is the most common and relatively less valuable gemstone available in the market. Before buying one should always remember about a carat. These gemstones are made according to the carat size. One should always wear a minimum 1/10th of his/her body weight. For example, if the wearer is around 60kgs then he/she is considered to6 carat stone.

    The individual often gets confused from Where to buy Feroza Gemstone in Delhi. The answer is quite easy as the most trusted astrological website Future Point is now having the flagship store in South Ex. One can easily buy 100% authentic and genuine Firoza gemstone from there.

    Note: These gemstones are powerful stones, before wearing any gemstone, make sure that you consult an Astrologer to check if it’s compatible with your Horoscope. Gem report will be also provided to you to see whether this gem is suitable to you or not.

    Disclaimer: Future Point assures 100% Genuine and Lab Certified Gemstones. Before buying any gemstone you are recommended to go for an Astrologer’s Consultation.

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Irani Firoza


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