Get your online basic personalized janam kundali in hindi with all astrology charts and horoscope predictions

Teva Small


The planetary alignment at the time of a natives birth, draws a roadmap in the form of a horoscope that reveals the course of destiny of that native. This birth horoscope is known by many names and in northern parts of India, one of the many names for this fundamental block of astrology is- Teva. A Teva consists of the position of planets in the Zodiac belt at the time of natives birth and their interactions with each other.

Therefore, an astrologer by using the birth details of a native, constructs a Teva and analyzes it to decode the probable future signified for that native. A careful Teva analysis reveals the trajectory of education, finances, health, career, marriage, children etc. in the life of an individual.

Sample Horoscope : English | Hindi

Price: 99 79

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Features of Teva Small

  • It contains multiple charts made after incorporating crucial astrological calculations, such as:
    • Birth Chart
    • Moon Chart
    • Navamsa Chart
  • It contains the details of Planetary Degrees and their Positions at the time of birth of the native.
  • It provides the Vimshottari Dasha with Sub-Sub Period, that is incredibly useful in knowing about the planets in operation at any given time.
  • It contains the Panchang of Birthday that is very useful to analyze the overall quality of life events that are likely to take shape in the future.
  • It also includes the Chalit and Nirayana Bhava Chalit aspect of astrology, that in the form of charts is capable of making accurate predictions.
  • So if you are looking for your Janam Teva in Hindi or Teva Kundli in Hindi, then look no further and contact Future Point to get this amazing offering that will propel in the direction of success and prosperity!