Love Horoscope - Get Your Online Horoscope Prediction at

Love Horoscope


Why is it important to get horoscope match done before the marriage? The answer is simple our nature can be influenced by the kind of environment we live in. When two compatible people come together they certainly agree with many things that affect the life for good or bad but if two not so compatible people come together they might influence their surroundings for worse. Astrology does not advice any one against love marriage. Even if two incompatible people come together astrology will suggest a remedy on adjustments for blissful life ahead.

In many conservative societies Kundli matching is still considered as one of the most important ritual before the marriage. When a kundli analysis is done there are many factors which decide timing of ones marriage and nature of married life.

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Love compatibility report is one of the best and accurate couple compatibility report available on internet. Understanding the differences and similarities assists in carrying the family life forward in a proper manner. The report contains some calculations like matching computation with Astakoot Guna table as well as manglik dosha compatibility with matching points.

The extensive vedic matching report also comes with numerological analysis. The relationship compatibility test uses your date of birth to tell life path number there upon giving compatibility score of relationship between the two. In numerology life path number defines the purpose of one’s life.

All of us sometime come at that point of life where we all are curious to know about the future of our marital bliss. This is the time when we face all sort of questions like when will I get married ? Will it be a love or arrange marriage? The person I am dating is really my soul mate or completely different person? Sometimes in relationship opposites attracts. However the future of such kind of relationships is uncertain. The love horoscopre report focuses on interpreting the complete personality analysis prediction over different areas of life like finance, health, gain, losses, luck, enemies, and adversities. When one gets married one has to take care of over all responsibility of family. The wonderful software focuses on evaluating the major areas of your life like social status, profession, children, education and finances.

Love Horoscope Features

  • Avakahada
  • Varan, Vashya, Yoni, Gana, Nadi, Varga
  • Planetary Degree and Vimshottari Dasa
  • Calculation of Lagna Chart
  • Ashtakoot Guna Chart with Graph
  • Ashtakoot Matching
  • Manglik Dosh Compatibility with Conclusion
  • Ashtakoot Prediction related to Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot and Nadi
  • Matching Prediction related to Nature, Finance, Health, Children and InLaws
  • Personality Analysis for both
  • Numerological Predictions for both