Online Kundli Phal | Kundali Maker| Future Point

Kundli Phal


With problems never ceasing to amaze the normal individual, it becomes a mundane activity to keep a track on what’s happening and what’s about to happen. This gives them a purpose and inclination towards having better days in the future. People are always curious to know about what will happen in the future. This curiosity stems from a desire of being able to take the step that will reap the maximum benefits and reduce whatever losses or hurdles that are poised on the road to the future for them. While in the first instance it may appear to be just a fragment of fancy wishful thinking, but if you access the right key then looking into the future is very much a feasible reality. That key is the divine science of Vedic astrology that was given to mankind ages ago by the brilliant Sages of India.

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What is Kundali Phal

Future Point brings to you this ancient wisdom by which you can get your future presaged by our highly experienced astrologers who have been helping clients to prosper all over the world for more than 4 decades now. Among our multiple offerings, Kundli Phal is an amazing report that tells you about what the stars have in store for you. Kundali Phal is prepared after analyzing countless details that are signified in a natives Kundli or Birth Chart after a detailed analysis.

Features of Kundli Phal

  • It is a 70-page long report of highly crucial astrological calculations that bring several aspects of your life signified in your Kundli (Horoscope) to light.
  • It gives useful Planet reading based on Planetary Degrees and their Positions in the Kundli.
  • It consists of the natives Birth Chart, Moon Chart and Navamsa Chart.
  • When it comes to predictions it contains the Mahadasha and Antardasha Prediction (For 5 years).
  • Also, 5 Years Transit Predictions are included as well in this report that provides Yearly predictions on the basis of the transit of planets for each year.

It contains remedies for all problems the native might face in his/her life in different forms like:

  • Gemstones
  • Mantra
  • Rudraksha
  • Yantra and even more as per the specific problem

It contains a detailed Sade-Sati analysis. It also consists of powerful remedies to eliminate Manglik Dosh, Kalsarp Dosh and Pitridosha from one’s birth chart.

Benefits of Kundli Phal

  • Unlike the inaccurate predictions in newspapers etc., Kundli Phal provides accurate and incredibly beneficial Mahadasha and Antardasha Prediction (For 5 years) about numerous aspects of our life, such as Health, Finance, Education, Love Life, Marriage, Family, Children, Profession, Career & Competition, Travels etc.
  • The Transit Predictions provide Yearly predictions on the basis of the transit of planets for each year. These are pinpointed reference points in the immediate time periods to come and give us an opportunity to prepare ourselves and make informed decisions to maximise our gains from those periods.
  • It gives information about multiple favourable points for us such as lucky stone, colour, number, article, time, day, date, year, sign, cereal, metal, direction, donation item etc.
  • There are many Doshas (Flaws) that if present in a Kundli can bring serious problems to the native unless treated timely & properly and this report provides remedial measures that can be incorporated to get rid of those Doshas in life.
  • It also contains specific House Prediction about the primary aspects of life like- Health, Finance, Education , Marriage , Child Birth etc.
  • In case of Gemstone recommendation, this amazing report guides about the method of wearing the gemstone during a particular muhurat (auspicious time), the mantra that is to be chanted & the item that is to be donated.

Every day thousands of people go for online Kundali making in Hindi or Janam Kundli in English depending on their language preference, but it is of utmost importance to get all this done from someone who is a pioneer in the field of astrology and has a track record of being the best Kundali maker in Hindi as well as in English language. Therefore, if you are looking for a Hindi Kundali or a Kundali in English, the brilliant and learned team of Astrologers at Future Point are there to help you navigate through the difficult times and live a remarkable life.

Future Point is the only name that stands out in the industry, so get your Kundali online in Hindi or English today and make your life full of joy & success!