Horoscope Matching, Kundli Matching for Marriage | Future Point

Horoscope Matching


Horoscope matching or Online Kundali Matching by name assumes imperative part at the time of marriage. Hindu Scriptures deliberate marriage as a blessed union arranged even before pleasing birth. Marriage is also one of the most wonderful instants in a singles life.

Everybody needs a great partner with whom s/he can make some delightful moments and feel cheerful. This is place where real satisfaction of the individual lies over. Where marriage is a main part in India, people today are especially keen on finding the ideal life spouse.

In Hinduism, horoscope for marriage or online kundli matching of both boy and girl are matched with a specific end goal to invalidate any awful impacts after marriage. Also, in case of any doshas, astrology offers a few advice and answers for beat its malefic impacts.

Finding the Right Partner through Kundli Matching for marriage

In Vedic Astrology, the idea of Kundli Matching or marriage Horoscope Matching is extremely prominent. Marriage is the holy bond between two separate elements, uniting them for a long and healthy spousal life. There are diverse names for matchmaking viz, Kundali Milan, Guna Milan, Horoscope Matching and Compatibility, Lagna Melapak and so on. The elements which are measured at the time of marriage are:-
  • Guna Milan
  • Manglik Dosha
  • Strength of Navamsa Chart

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According to astrology negative effect of mars can hamper the marital life. When an inauspicious mars influence the person becomes manglik. Marriage of manglik person with a non manglik person is considered as ill fated However if one manglik marries other manglik the mangal dosha in horoscope gets cancelled and the couple can lead a blissful family life together. With increasing number of love marriages happening these days the tradition of kundli matching has taken back stage. Under such circumstances if a non manglik unknowingly marries a manglik person, one need not be worried because horoscope match can definitely suggest alternative remedies to overcome the predictable barriers in couples conjugal path.

In order to follow the path of righteousness, a stable married life is very important. One should not be confused while taking right decision before marriage. Horoscope matching in vedic astrology also depends on nakshatra compatibility which comes under study of lunar constellation of moon sign.

Horoscope Matching Features:

  • Avakahada
  • Varan, Vashya, Yoni, Gana, Nadi, Varga
  • Planetary Degree and Vimshottari Dasa
  • Calculation of Lagna Chart
  • Ashtakoot Guna Chart with Graph
  • Ashtakoot Matching
  • Manglik Dosh Compatibility with Conclusion
  • Ashtakoot Prediction related to Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot and Nadi
  • Matching Prediction related to Nature, Finance, Health, Children and InLaws

Kundali matching in vedic astrology is interpreted on the foundation of sun sign, moon sign, janam nakshatra and placement of all planets in various houses of natal charts.

Click and Get Love & Compatibility Report Now

Many a times we have seen two people get along well naturally and some don’t. Astrology says the process of getting along well is without any effort is excellent compatibility. The highest compatibility matching score in astrology is 36 points. Any compatibility point below eighteen out of thirty-six is not considered good. Therefore, marriage is not advisable under such circumstances.

The report calculates couples each individual birth chat with compatibility to explore out the strength of their romantic and platonic relationship.