Birth Horoscope - Get Your Online Horoscope Prediction at

Birth Horoscope


It is a commonly chosen model of prediction. It is a 100 plus page report of astrological calculations and predictions along with all essential remedies like gems, rudraksha, mantra, donations etc. It contains 5 years Transit predictions with 5 years Dashaphal analysis. Further it contains Numerology Predictions. This report is good for getting a great idea about the native’s future. Birth Horoscope (Janma Patrika) contains extensive astrological calculations and predictions which helps the astrologer and native to get a fair idea about native’s past and make predictions about future.

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Price: 1100 824

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Why Birth Horoscope (Janma Patrika)?

  • It is a most commonly chosen model of horoscope. It is 100 plus page report of astrological calculations and 5 year’s predictions based on Dasha & Transit.
  • Further it contains brief Numerology Report & important information like lucky day, lucky number, color, gem, deity, Mantra has also been included.
  • The unique results of various planets & houses have been discussed in detail.
  • Detailed explanation of useful & beneficial remedies through Rudraksha and gems has been given as per horoscope.
  • Remedies for Sade sati, Maglik Dosha & Kalsarp Yoga have been explained in detail.
  • Birth Horoscope contains extensive astrological calculations and predictions which helps the astrologer and native to get a fair idea about native’s future

Birth Horoscope Features

Charts & Calculations

  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Avakahada
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa, Chalit, Nirayana Bhava Chalit
  • Basic important charts to get an idea about the strength of horoscope
  • Karaka, Avastha, Rashmi, Sudarshan Chakra, Jaimini Astrology Calculations
  • KP System - Lagna Chart, Cusp Chart, Significators and Ruling planets
  • Shodash Varga Charts
  • Friendship Table
  • Shadbala and Bhavabala Tables
  • Ashtakvarga Tables
  • Vimshottari dasha with Sub-Sub periods
  • Yogini Dasha


  • Planet Reading
  • House Reading
  • Dasha Analysis - Mahadasha Prediction
  • Favorable Points, information about lucky stone, color, number, article, time, day, date, year, sign, cereal, metal, direction, donation item, God etc.
  • Numerological Predictions
  • Predictions about various areas of life like Health, Personality, Nature, Wealth, Family, Profession, Children, Marriage, Travel etc.


  • Favourable Gem Selection as per dasha
  • Rudraksha Selection and Remedies
  • Gems, Mantra, Donation Item & Fast as per Dasha along with benefits
  • Method of gem wearing with muhurat, mantra & donation item
  • Sade-sati Consideration and Remedies
  • Manglik Vichar
  • Kaalsarp Yoga
  • Pitridosha Vichar