10 Year Horoscope Prediction - Get Your Online Horoscope Prediction at futurepointindia.com

10 Year Horoscope Prediction


10 Year Horoscope Prediction is the most comprehensive model of prediction and calculation. This 200 plus page long Horoscope is the best model for complete Vedic Astrology with Numerology, LalKitab, Astrograph and Yogas. Parashar Patrika contains calculations on Parashar, Gemini and KP Systems along with Vimshottari & Yogini dasha calculations with Sookshma details for Vimshottari dasha. It contains remedies on Gems, Rudraksha, Mantra and donations. It gives detail about Sade sati & Kaal sarp dosh along with its remedies. It contains prediction for the forthcoming 10 years including Maha dasha & Antar dasha phal, as well as, it gives extensive monthly predictions for one year cov-ering all important aspects of life like health, finance, profession, family etc.

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Price: 2100 1679

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10 Year Horoscope Prediction

  • 10 Year Horoscope Prediction is a comprehensive model of predictions and calculations.
  • This 200 plus page long Horoscope is the best model for complete Vedic Astrology with Numerology, LalKitab, Astrograph and Yogas.
  • This interesting report incorporates Personality Analysis & predictions about various areas of life like health, personality, wealth, gains, losses, loans, enemies, servants, accidents, family, relation with kith & kin, luck, fame, spirituality, higher education, social status, profession, children, marriage, long & short Journeys,travel etc.
  • 10 Year Horoscope Prediction contains calculations on Parashar, Gemini and KP Systems along with Vimshottari & Yogini Dasha calculations.
  • It gives comprehensive Shadbal, Bhavbal & Ashtakvarga Report for knowing the exact strength of planets & houses in the horoscope.
  • The remedies like useful Gem, Rudraksha, Mantra and list of articles of donation for you. Detailed explanation of useful & beneficial remedies through Rudraksha and gems has been given as per horoscope.
  • Remedies for Sade sati, Maglik Dosha & Kalsarp Yoga have been explained in detail.
  • The unique results of various planets & houses have been discussed in detail.
  • It gives detailed Nakshatraphal Report & brief Numerology Report.
  • The Lalkitab portion deals with debts of past life along with remedies.
  • It contains prediction for the forthcoming 10 years including Maha dasha & Antar dasha phal, as well as extensive monthly predictions for one year covering all important aspects of life like health, finance, profession, family etc.
  • Concluding few pages incorporate the description of important Yogas of horoscope.

10 Year Horoscope Prediction Features

Charts & Calculations

  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Avakahada
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Chalit, Nirayana Bhava Chalit, Basic important charts to get an idea about the strength of horoscope
  • Karaka, Avastha, Rashmi, Sudarshan Chakra, Jaimini Astrology Calculations
  • KP System - Lagna Chart, Cusp chart, Significators and Ruling Planets
  • Shodash Vargal Charts
  • Friendship Table
  • Shadbal & Bhavabal Tables, Shadbala Graphs, Bhavabala Graphs
  • Upagrahas & Arudha
  • Prastharashtak Varga Tables
  • Ashtak varga Tables, Ashtak Varga Graphs
  • Bhinnashtak Graphs
  • Vimshottari dasha with Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub period
  • Ashtottari Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Kaal Chakra Dasha, Char Dasha


  • Numerology Prediction
  • Planet Reading
  • House Reading
  • Nakshatra Phal
  • Mahadasha Prediction
  • Favorable Points, information about lucky stone, color, number, article, time, day, date, year, sign, cereal, metal, direction, donation item, God etc.
  • 1 Year Monthly Predictions about various areas of life like health, personality, wealth, family, profession, children, marriage, travel etc.
  • 10 Years Predictions on the basis of transit of planets for each year
  • Approximately 20 to 25 benefic yogas of Kundli Remedies
  • Personality Analysis
  • Dasha & Antardasha predictions for 10 years


  • Favourable Gem Selection as per dasha
  • Rudraksha Selection and Remedies
  • Gems, Mantra, Donation Item & Fast as per Dasha along with benefits
  • Gem selection and Method of Gem Wearing with Muhurat, Mantra & Donation item
  • Sade-sati Consideration and Remedies
  • Manglik Vichar
  • Kaalsarp Vichar
  • Pitridosha Vichar
  • LalKitab
  • Astro Graph
  • Yoga