10 Year Horoscope Prediction is the most comprehensive model of prediction and calculation. This 200 plus page long Horoscope is the best model for complete Vedic Astrology with Numerology, LalKitab, Astrograph and Yogas. Parashar Patrika contains calculations on Parashar, Gemini and KP Systems along with Vimshottari & Yogini dasha calculations with Sookshma details for Vimshottari dasha. It contains remedies on Gems, Rudraksha, Mantra and donations. It gives detail about Sade sati & Kaal sarp dosh along with its remedies. It contains prediction for the forthcoming 10 years including Maha dasha & Antar dasha phal, as well as, it gives extensive monthly predictions for one year cov-ering all important aspects of life like health, finance, profession, family etc.
Price: 2100 1679