Yearly Horoscope Report, Annual Forecast | Future Point

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Yearly Horoscope 2024



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Basic Varshphal Report

The Basic version of the Yearly Horoscope Report contains Yearly Horoscope Predictions for two years starting from your birthdate of the current month. The detailed horoscope contains monthly predictions for the entire year to help you make the best out of the year and plan it in accordance to the planetary positions and their area of influence.

  • Basic Horoscope Details
  • 24-month predictions
  • Muntha lord prediction
  • Ascendant lord prediction
  • Year lord prediction
  • Varsh Yoga Consideration
  • Vimshottari Dasha

Premium Yearly Horoscope Report

The Premium report of the Yearly Horoscope 2024 features two additional factors. The report comes armed with not just one, but two detailed predictions- Monthly Horoscope Predictions 2024 and Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2024. But it doesnโ€™t stop there- you will also get Numerology Predictions for two years to complete your set and get you all sorted for the coming years.

  • Basic Horoscope Details
  • Complete Basic Yearly Horoscope Report
  • Monthly Horoscope Report for 24 months
  • Numerology Report

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