Lal Kitab Horoscope

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Lal Kitab Horoscope


Lal Kitab Ratna

Page - 38

Lal Kitab Pearl

Page - 76

Lal Kitab Shree

Page - 136

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Lal Kitab Ratna

The 35+ pages long Lal Kitab Prediction Report ventures into your horoscope to provide the most accurate future predictions based on the Lal Kitab principles. The Lal Kitab Ratna Report contains your horoscope, panchang, Birth chart, Lagna chart, and Dasha chart calculations.

  • Basic Horoscope Details
  • Lal Kitab Dasha
  • Varshphal Analysis for 2 years
  • And Lal Kitab Remedies

These help in deriving the correct predictions, along with Planetary degrees and positions. The comprehensive report delves into Lal Kitab dasha of all planets, with the debts of previous birth. Since the Lal Kitab believes in karma and previous birth of a human, it is only viable that they would stress on the Planetary predictions based on the karmic account. At the end of the report, Lal Kitab Varsh chart with predictions in Lal Kitab Varshfal is given.

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Lal Kitab Pearl

The Lal Kitab Pearl is 75+ pages long report that combines the horoscope and panchang to reach Lal Kitab Predictions along with Lal Kitab Remedies for all your woes. This report is one step ahead of the Lal Kitab Ratna report and a step low from the Lal Kitab Shree Report.

  • Basic Horoscope Detail
  • Lal Kitab Dasha Analysis
  • Planetary Predictions
  • Varshphal Analysis for 5 years
  • Remedies
  • Gem recommendation and Dasha Analysis

You can find detailed birth charts, Lagna charts and horoscope and panchang to reach a detailed Lal Kitab Analysis of your birth details. Gem selection and remedies based on Lal Kitab principles are also included in this report to max out your benefits.

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Lal Kitab Shree

The most extensive report of the Lal Kitab Predictions model, the Lal Kitab Shree includes 135+ pages of detailed analysis of your horoscope as per the principles of age-old Lal Kitab.

  • Complete Lal Kitab Ratna Report, along with
  • Complete Lal Kitab Pearl Report
  • Varshphal Predictions for 12 years
  • Insight into personality and life reading

Birth Details (Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan at Birth Time), Ghatak Chakra, Avakhada Chakra, Planet Degrees and their positions, Lagna Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Chalit Table, Niryana Bhava Chalit Table, Tara Chakra, Chalit Chart, Niryana Bhava Chalit Chart, and Niryana Bhava Table. The report The report consists of all the important details like the Vimshottari Dasha and its sub-sub periods, but it doesn't go into much detail. It contains Vimsopak Strength Table, Varga Bhedas, Shodash Varga Table, Shadbala, Ishta /Kashtaphal and Bhavabala Table which are very important for calculating planet strength and their impacts.

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