LeoStar Free Kundali App | Free Horoscope Matching App

Leo Star Free Kundali App

In today’s world, life without a smartphone is almost unimaginable. With the entire world technically coming closer, the use of smartphones is basically through mobile applications that are installed in it as per the needs and requirements. From waking up alarms to diet, exercise, and shopping apps- there's nothing one can't get done on their phones.

With apps on almost all domains, astrology is also not behind. Astrology apps are available at our finger touch which can guide on almost everything one needs from Astrology like Janam Kundali, Kundali Matching, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Rashi predictions, to Panchang, etc.



Leo Star App

Package Professional Kundli MatchMaking LalKitab Numerology Varshphal
Language Available
Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual
Lal Kitab
Muhurat Calender
Festivals Calender
Standard PDF Printing
Advance PDF Printing *
( *Note: Only For 12 Year Duration)
Package Professional Kundli MatchMaking LalKitab Numerology Varshphal
Duration Price Price Price Price Price Price
6 Month 999
1 Year 1999 999 999 999 999 999
3 Year 4999 2499 2499 2499 2499 2499
10 Year 9999 4999 4999 4999 4999 4999
12 Year 19999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999
Language Available
Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual Multilingual

You Have Selected


LeoStar App Professional


Kundli, MatchMaking, Varshphal, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Muhurat Calender, Panchang, Tables, Festivals Calender, Standard PDF Printing.


(English, Hindi, Gujarati, Oriya, Marathi)


6 Month

Amount to be Paid:


The Leo Star Free Kundli App has multiple astrology tools that make it the best Astrology Software app online. This is definitely the best astrology app for having everything under one umbrella.

It is majorly divided into 8 sections Kundali, Match Making, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Rashi predictions, Festival Calendar, Panchang, Muhurat, Calendar Mantra and tips to learn.


In kundali section it contains:

  • Free Teva along with planet degrees and current Vimshottari Dasha
  • Charts- Lagna, Moon chart, Sun chart, Chalit chart, Hora chart, dreshkana, chaturthamsa up till shatiamsa.
  • Current Vimshottari Dasha details.
  • Planet degrees and bhava degrees
  • KP planet sub, cusp, and sub, Planet significators, house-significator, and ruling planets.
  • Avakhada, Ghatak, and Graha tara
  • Birth details, sun position, and Rahu Kaal
  • Permanent friendship, temporary friendship, Favorable gems, Life stone, Lucky stone, Benefic stone, and stone suggestion as per Dasha with the suggested mantra for better results.
  • Yogakaraks for Lagna and the horoscope along with the strength of planets
  • It gives kundali Milan along with accurate Manglik Vichar
    • It also determines Kaal Sarp Dosha if present
    • Favorable points of the horoscopes.
    • Birth Chart Reading as per horoscope.
    • Navmansha Reading and predictions
    • House Reading
    • Planetary Reading

Match Making

This one of a kind Astrology app functions on the principles of Vedic Astrology, Indian Astrology, and Hindu Astrology. The second module of the app talks about matchmaking.

Below mentioned are all the inclusions of the matchmaking section of the Astrology app.

  • It displays Lagna chart of both male and female along with their current Vimshottari Dasha.
  • It has planetary degree tables, Ashtakoot matching table, Manglik vichar along with predictions.
  • Complete Shodashvarga for both females and males.
  • Vimshottari Dasha for both males and females. It also includes Shodashottari, Dwadshottari, Ashtottari, Panchottari, Shatabdika, Tribhagi, Yogini, Char, and Kaal Chakra Dashas.
  • Furthermore, it also has detailed predictions on the nature of both male and female along with Financial position of the couple, health predictions for the couple, children born, and relationship with the in-laws.

Stop waiting and get your astrology predictions started with the Free Trial of Kundli App.

Lal Kitab

The third module in the Free Astrology App is of Lal kitab.

It includes everything there is to Lal Kitab & its predictions. In this Lal Kitab astrology app you will find:

  • Lal Kitab chart, planetary degrees, debts, planetary position, and house position
  • Lal Kitab chart, Lagna chart, moon chart, moon Lal Kitab chart.
  • Dashas as per Lal Kitab.
  • Lal Kitab calculations, debts, predictions, varshphal
  • All the Lal Kitab remedies


The fourth module in the Astrology App is of Numerology.

It includes all the numerology calculations and predictions required by one and all.

  • Radical number, lucky number, the friendly numbers, evil numbers, neutral numbers.
  • Favorites- best years, benefic age, fav days, fav dates, fav stone, God, fav metal.
  • Naamank- name total, best name no., lucky no, unlucky no.
  • Predictions- based on the date of birth, name, lucky number, radical number.

Stop waiting and get your astrology predictions started with the Free Trial of Kundli App.

Rashi Prediction

The fifth module in the Astrology Free App is of Rashi prediction. It contains daily, monthly and yearly predictions for all 12 zodiac signs.

Festivals Calendar

The sixth module present in the App is a festival calendar that is used by one and all. It also tells you about all upcoming festivals.


The seventh module of the App is of Panchang. It gives full details of the day’s panchang-tithi, Yog, Vaar, Nakshatra, Karan, Rashi, sun sign, Ritu. It gives full information of Rahu Kaal, Panchak, Abhijit muhurta, special yog if formed in the day, hora and planetary degrees at sunrise.

Muhurat Calendar

The eighth module of the Leo star kundali app gives details of Muhurat for any date based on the purpose (like house warming, marriage etc) and location.


The Ninth module in the Free Astrology App contains various Hindu Vedic mantra for most deities like Devi, Lord Vishnu, Navgrah mantras etc.

Tips to Learn

The tenth module is designed to learn all tips based on Vedic Astrology and its allied sciences.

Leo Star Free Astrology App is the ultimate resource guide for those with a slight bent of mind towards Astrology, or the ones who are always curious about the occult! Download the FREE Kundli App now!

Our User Say

These functions help us make informed decisions and guide us on major events like fasts, festivals and muhurats through the festival calendar and Muhurat calendar.

There are a variety of astrology apps available in the market which are made for one or more specific purposes. Some apps focus on kundali and horoscopes based on Lagna or moon chart, while some tell us about fast and festivals. There are apps on numerology, KP system, kundali matching and some only give daily monthly and weekly predictions.

The Leo Star FREE Kundali App is first of its kind and a one-shot free and authentic solution for all those who are looking for free best astrology application for android or ios smartphones.

Leo star free kundali app is one of the most trusted astrology app available on Android as well as IOS devices. In addition to all the basic kundali and matching facilities offered by the app, it has zodiac yearly horoscopes, zodiac characteristics, compatibility between zodiac signs and the annual Chinese zodiac forecast. It has plenty of loyal users who are happy with its accuracy on calculations as well as predictions.

The free kundali app is available on Google Play Store for FREE DOWNLOAD.

LeoStar Kundli App has multiple Free tools that aid in providing the most accurate Astrology Predictions to the user. Named the Best Astrology App by thousands of users who swear by its predictions and lightning-fast speed, the LeoStar App can work wonders for those looking to get Free Calculations and predictions in a jiffy!