Shukrawar Vrat Vidhi
Indian Fast & Festivals

Shukrawar Vrat

Shukrawar (Friday) Vrat
(For propitiation of planets, fulfillment of desires and longevity of son)

This fast is observed for appeasing Venus because with the favour of this planet one becomes erudite, learned, best speaker, politician and a successful industrialist. In addition to that it also enhances your education, intellect and prosperity. Shukracharya is Guru (teacher) of demons (Asura). It bestows beauty, glow, good luck, prosperity and sexual power. This fast is performed for appeasing Venus and for overcoming obstacles from your life. Goddess Laxmi or ‘Santoshi Mata’, is also worshipped on Friday.

Method of Observing Shukrawar Vrat

It can be started from the first Friday of bright half of any month. It should be done at least 31 times. Wear neat and clean white clothes. Worship Venus with white flowers, articles and cloth. Offer Ghee (butter) and sugar. Do not eat sour on this day. On this fast first of all Goddess Laxmi should be worshipped. Recite 3 or 21 rosaries of Mantra of Venus which is as follows


"Om Drang Dreeng Draung Drang Shukray Namah"

After reciting this Mantra read Shukrawar Vrata Katha. Have food once and half hour after Sunset. Donate white articles to poor people. Goddess Laxmi/Santoshi should be worshipped after the fast also in the night. Devotee must do Udyapan (coupletion ceremony) on the day of 31st fast of Friday by doing Homa with the wood of Goolar (a kind of fig tree).

Aarti Shri Santoshi Mata Ji Ki

jay santoshi mata, maiya jay santoshi mata|
apne sevak jan ki sukh sampatti data || jay ..........

sundar chir sunhri, man dharan kinhon|
hira panna damke, man shringar linhon|| jay ..........

geru lal chata chavi, badan kamal sohe|
mand hansat karunamyi, tribhuvan man mohe || jay..........

svarn sinhasan baithi, chanvar dhuren pyare|
dhup, dip, madhu meva, bhog dharen nyare|| jay ..........

gur aru chana param priya, tamen santosh kiyo|
santoshi kahlai, bhaktan vaibhav diyo || jay ..........

shukravar priya manat, aj divas sohi|
bhakt mandali chai, katha sunat mohi ||jay ..........

mandir jagamag jyoti, mangal dhvani chai|
vinay karen ham balak chanan sir nai|| jay ..........

bhakti bhavamay puja, angikrit kijai|
jo man basai hamare, ichchit fal dijai || jay ..........

duahkhi, daridri, rogi, sankat mukt kiye|
bahu dhan-dhanya bhare ghar, sukh saubhagya diye||jay ..........
dhyan dharyo jis jan ne, manvanchit fal payo|
puja katha shravan kar, ghar anand ayo|| jay ..........

sharan gahe ki lajja, rakhiyo jagadambe|
sankat tuhi nivare, dayamyi ambe || jay..........

santoshi man ki arti, jo koi nar gave|
riddhi-siddhi, sukh-sampatti, ji bhar ke pave|| jay ..........

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Dr. Arun Bansal

Exp:42 years




