Integrated Course of Astrology Online

Integrated Course of Astrology Online

The Integrated Course of Astrology Online is focusing on different yet similar topics. You can learn this course to get to know the dynamics of one of the oldest and powerful science. You can learn interesting things about how planets influence our life and what good are the kundli making and Horoscope matching. The Astrology course near me focusses on what’s great about the neighbourhood how can the planets be held responsible for their impact on us.

Why choose Online Courses at Future Point?

We are the leaders in Astrology solutions in the market and house a panel of expert astrologers. The courses provided at AIFAS comes from well-renowned faculty of astrologers and teachers who are not just masters, but they are legends in their fields. The certificate of completion is recognised by all institutions and is amongst their most affluential ones.

For more details regarding the course, send us a query and our customer care executive will be in touch with you right away.

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Sample Live Video

First Basic Astrology Class by Future Point

This video is a live session of first Astrology class on Zoom. It has been placed as a sample class for you. If you are interested to learn astrology/ vastu/ numerology/ Tarot/ Palmistry you are requested to call Abha Bansal 9350508001.

Sample Certificate


(To Be Announced)

No of Classes: 60 Classes (90 Minutes Each)

Starting: To Be Announced

Fees: Rs. 61,000 Rs. 55,000 | ($)1000 for Outside India

Faculty: Dr. Arun Bansal, Dr. Tanvi Bansal, Mr. Anil Jain

(Also get Latest Edition of Encyclopedia of Astrology Remedies Worth Rs. 900 & Astrology Software App Free for 12 Months with all other Facilities.)

For enrolling yourself in the Integrated Course of Astrology Online, you need the following pre-requisites:

  • Has passed 10+2 successfully.
  • For more information regarding this, reach us at +91-9350508001 or mail us at

The Fee for Integrated Course of Astrology Online is Rs. 61,000 Rs. 55,000 | (1000 USD).


Jyotish Ratan

  • Astronomy: Zodiac, Solar system, Concept of place and time zones, longitude and latitude, Concept of tithi and calendar, retrogression and combustion of planets.
  • Lagna: Concept and Calculation of Lagna orally. Properties of twelve Lagnas.
  • Planet: Characteristics, Natural friendship, Temporary friendship, Five fold friendship, Exalted and Debilitated signs of planets and degrees, the Mool trikona signs and Own signs and their degrees, enemies of planets, Significators, State of planets (Avastha), Aspects of planets, Rahu – Ketu.
  • Houses of Horoscopes: The 12 houses, their Significators, Kendras, Trikonas, Trik, Trishday, Apachay, Upchay.
  • Signs: Characteristics of signs, their nature, elements, even and odd signs, Male, Female, Dwipad, Chatushpad, Keet, fixed, moveable and mixed signs, earthy, airy, fiery and watery signs, shirsho day, prishthodaya and ubhayodaya signs.
  • Introduction to Yogas: Combinations formed by Sun and Moon.
  • Introduction to Dasha & Transit: Calculation of Vimshottari dasha andantardasha. Application of dasha and transits for timing an event.

Jyotish Bhushan

  • Analysis of Dasha: Vimshottari dasha calculation and its results. Calculations of Vimshottari sub-sub periods and its application in fixing events.
  • Transit: Use of transits for predictions, Effects of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu in transits, effects of Sadesati and Dhaiya and their remedies, favourable positions of planets.
  • Analysis of Horoscope: Result of 12 Houses of Horoscope and Analysis of health, finance, education, profession, children and marriage.
  • Yoga in Detail: Sunafa, Anafa, Durudhara, Kemdrum, Vasi, Vesi, Ubhayachari, Budhaditya yoga, Gajkesari, Chandra, Mangal, Amala yoga, Panchmahapurush Yogas (Ruchak, Bhadra, Hans, Malavya, Sas), Wealth and Rajyogas (By lords of Kendras and Trikonas), Vipreet rajyogas and Guru-Chandal yoga, Kaal Sarpa Yoga.
  • Remedies: Remedies for malefic effects of planets, Importance of Stones-precious and semi-precious, Importance of Yantras and Mantras & Rudraksha, Worship of Planets. Remedies of Kaal Sarp Yoga & Sadesati.
  • Horoscope Matching and Manglik Vichar: Ashtakoot matching (Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Grih maitri, Gana, Bhakoot and Nadi), South Indian method of matching, Mangal dosh and remedies, Effect of cruel planets on matching, Determination of Health, Wealth, Children, Age, Bliss etc.

Jyotish Prabhakar

  • Bhava Chalit and its Use: Calculation of Bhava degrees and Planets position in Bhava Chalit. Importance of Bhava in Predictions.
  • Upagraha: Calculation and their results of Upagraha like Gulika, Mandi, Dhoom and Yamghantak. Divisional Charts and its Use in predictions: Calculation and application of Lagna, Hora, Dreshkan, Chaturthamsha, Saptamsha, Navamsha, Dashmamsha, Dwadashmsha, Sodshamsha, Vimshamsha, Chaturvishamsha, Saptvimshamsha, Trimshamsha, Khavedamsha, Akshvedamsha, Shastiamsha.
  • Ashtakvarga and its application: To determine Bindus and Rekhas of Ashtakvarga, Sarvashtakvarga,Importance of Ashtakvargain transit.
  • Shadbala (Six fold Strength): Positional, Directional, Kaal, Motional and Natural Strengths of Planets, Strength of a House, Isht and Kasht Phal, Predictions by Shadbala and Bhavabala.
  • Muhurtha: Panchang Tithi, Types of Tithis (Nanda, Jaya etc) Nakshatras, Types of Nakshatras, Tara, Calculation of Nakshatras, Vaar, Hora, Yog, Karan, Bhadra Niwas, Bhadra mukh, Maas - Adhik mah, Kshaya Mah, Declinations of Sun - North and Sout. The Sarvarth sidhi Yogas. Muhurtha for marriage, Muhuratha for starting a shop, Muhurtha for entering a house, Muhurtha for journey, Analysis of Setting of Venus and Jupiter, Instantaneous (talkalik) Muhurtha, Chaughadiya, Hora kaal, Rahu Kaal.

Jyotish Shastracharya

  • Horoscope analysis: Prediction technique in detail, prediction and timing of event using dasha and transit for health, education, marriage, children, finance or profession. To rectify time of birth using past events, chalit, dasha and transit.
  • Remedies: Description of various remedies. When to use gems, Rudraksha, yantra, Mantra, donation, fasting, and flow in water or place under earth as remedy. How remedies work? Duration, Method of doing remedies etc. How to identify quality of gems and Rudraksha.
  • Horary: Principles of Horary astrology, How to analyze different queries, When the work will be accomplished, Predictions for Theft, Disease, Marriage, Children, Business etc. by Horary horoscopes, Work will be successful or not ? Determination of timing of an event, whether the incident will take place or not? If Yes When?
  • Varshphal (Annual Prediction): Main principles of calculating Varshphal, Varsh pravesh, Muntha, Five-fold strength, Year lord, Importance of Year lord in Varshphal, Tripataki chakra, Saham, Mudda dasha calculation and its results, Tajik yogas. Results of Muntha & Year Lord in twelve house of varsh kundli.

Learn Art of Predictions

  • Health and Disease
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Profession
  • Matching & Marriage
  • Children
  • Foreign Settlement
  • Transit of Saturn and Jupiter
  • Saturn Sadesati
  • Kaalsarp & Pitra Dosha
  • Remedies by Rudraksha & Gems

Note: These sessions will be taken through Zoom Meetings.

To Book your Seat: Call +91-9350508001 or +91-9910080002

Bank Details: SBI-Future Point; A/c No - 34089490012; IFSC SBIN0004316

The Online Course Fee can be paid by PayTm (Mobile No: 9910080002)

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my study material?

As soon as the payment gets processed and we receive your request to enrol in the course, we will prepare a package with all your study material and process it as soon as possible. The time period of this for Pan-India service is 3 days maximum and outside India is 10 days. No additional charges would be incurred on this postal service.

Can I join more than one course simultaneously?

Yes. This is possible only if you opt for a different course. For example, if you have enrolled yourself in the Jyotish Ratna course, and you want to simultaneously learn another programme, you can opt for any other level of either Vastu, Palmistry, or Numerology, but this cannot be teamed up with any other level of Jyotish curriculum.

Will I have to buy the books for the course that I opt for?

No. All the study material would be provided by the chapter that you enrol yourself into. A separate list would also be provided for extra readings.

Whom should I contact in case of any query?

In case of any assistance regarding your course or anything related to it, you can reach out to your chapter. Alternatively, you can contact our AIFAS Headquarters through mail or our helpline number.

Price : 61000 55000

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Office : Future Point, A-3, Ring Road, South Extension - 1, New Delhi - 110049 India