Name | Zarine Khan |
Sex | Female |
Date of Birth | 24/05/1984 |
Day | Thursday |
Time of Birth | 12:12:12 Hour |
Istha | 15:25:36 Ghati |
City | Mumbai |
Country | India |
Birth Detail
Latitude | 18:58:00:N |
Longitude | 72:50:00:E |
Zone | 82:30:00:E |
Loc Time Corr | -00:38:40 Hour |
War Time Corr | 00:00:00 Hour |
Local Mean Time | 11:33:32 Hour |
Equation Of Time | 00:03:13 Hour |
Siderial Time | 03:41:45 Hour |
Sun Rise | 06:01:57 Hour |
Sun Set | 19:09:16 Hour |
Day Duration | 13:07:19 Hour |
Sun Position (Ayan) | Uttarayan |
Sun Position (Gola) | Uttar |
Season | Grishm |
Sun Degree | 09:38:22 Taurus |
Ascendent Degree | 03:54:44 Leo |
Ayanamsa(Lahiri) | 23:38:04 |
Avakhada Chakra
Avakhada Chakra | |
Ascendent-Lord | Leo - Sun |
Rasi-Lord | Aqu - Saturn |
Naksh.-Charan | P Bhad - 2 |
Nakshatra Lord | Jupiter |
Yoga | Vishkumb |
Karan | Gara |
Gana | Manushya |
Yoni | Simha |
Nadi | Adya |
Varan | Shoodra |
Vashya | Manav |
Varga | Mesha |
Yunja | Antya |
Hansak | Vayu |
Name Alphabet | So - Soumya |
Paya(Rasi-Nak) | Copper - Iron |
SunSign(West) | Gem |
Planetary Degrees and their Positions
Pln | R | C | Sign | Degree | Speed | Nak | Pad | RL | NL | Sub | Dignity |
Asc | | | Leo | 03:54:44 | 332:40:55 | Magha | 2 | Sun | Ket | Mon | --- |
Sun | | | Tau | 09:38:22 | 00:57:39 | Krittika | 4 | Ven | Sun | Ven | EnSign |
Mon | | | Aqu | 26:28:26 | 11:52:50 | P Bhad | 2 | Sat | Jup | Ket | NuSign |
Mar | R | | Lib | 22:40:43 | 00:19:23 | Visakha | 1 | Ven | Jup | Sat | NuSign |
Mer | | | Ari | 14:45:57 | 01:11:03 | Bharani | 1 | Mar | Ven | Ven | NuSign |
Jup | R | | Sag | 18:24:22 | 00:04:24 | P Sadha | 2 | Jup | Ven | Rah | OwnSign |
Ven | | C | Tau | 03:30:03 | 01:13:43 | Krittika | 3 | Ven | Sun | Sat | OwnSign |
Sat | R | | Lib | 17:55:30 | 00:04:02 | Svati | 4 | Ven | Rah | Sun | Exalted |
Rah | R | | Tau | 12:58:13 | 00:00:11 | Rohini | 1 | Ven | Mon | Rah | FrSign |
Ket | R | | Sco | 12:58:13 | 00:00:11 | Anuradha | 3 | Mar | Sat | Rah | FrSign |
Ura | R | | Sco | 18:17:13 | 00:02:26 | Jyestha | 1 | Mar | Mer | Mer | --- |
Nep | R | | Sag | 07:07:54 | 00:01:23 | Moola | 3 | Jup | Ket | Rah | --- |
Plu | R | | Lib | 06:14:02 | 00:01:20 | Chitra | 4 | Ven | Mar | Mon | --- |
R - Retrograde S - Stationary |
C - Combust D - Deep Combust |
Lahiri Ayanamsa : 23:38:04 |
Lagna Chart
Moon Chart
Navamsa Chart
Chalit and Niryan Bhava Chalit
Chalit Chart
Cusp Chart
Vimshottari Dasha
Jup 16 Years |
--------------------------- |
24/05/1984 |
17/08/1992 |
--------------------------- |
Jup | 00/00/0000 |
Sat | 00/00/0000 |
Mer | 24/05/1984 |
Ket | 29/06/1984 |
Ven | 28/02/1987 |
Sun | 17/12/1987 |
Mon | 17/04/1989 |
Mar | 24/03/1990 |
Rah | 17/08/1992 |
Sat 19 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/1992 |
17/08/2011 |
--------------------------- |
Sat | 20/08/1995 |
Mer | 29/04/1998 |
Ket | 08/06/1999 |
Ven | 08/08/2002 |
Sun | 21/07/2003 |
Mon | 18/02/2005 |
Mar | 30/03/2006 |
Rah | 03/02/2009 |
Jup | 17/08/2011 |
Mer 17 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2011 |
17/08/2028 |
--------------------------- |
Mer | 13/01/2014 |
Ket | 10/01/2015 |
Ven | 10/11/2017 |
Sun | 16/09/2018 |
Mon | 16/02/2020 |
Mar | 12/02/2021 |
Rah | 02/09/2023 |
Jup | 07/12/2025 |
Sat | 17/08/2028 |
Ket 7 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2028 |
17/08/2035 |
--------------------------- |
Ket | 13/01/2029 |
Ven | 15/03/2030 |
Sun | 21/07/2030 |
Mon | 19/02/2031 |
Mar | 18/07/2031 |
Rah | 04/08/2032 |
Jup | 11/07/2033 |
Sat | 20/08/2034 |
Mer | 17/08/2035 |
Ven 20 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2035 |
17/08/2055 |
--------------------------- |
Ven | 17/12/2038 |
Sun | 17/12/2039 |
Mon | 17/08/2041 |
Mar | 17/10/2042 |
Rah | 17/10/2045 |
Jup | 17/06/2048 |
Sat | 17/08/2051 |
Mer | 17/06/2054 |
Ket | 17/08/2055 |
Sun 6 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2055 |
17/08/2061 |
--------------------------- |
Sun | 05/12/2055 |
Mon | 04/06/2056 |
Mar | 10/10/2056 |
Rah | 04/09/2057 |
Jup | 23/06/2058 |
Sat | 05/06/2059 |
Mer | 11/04/2060 |
Ket | 17/08/2060 |
Ven | 17/08/2061 |
Mon 10 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2061 |
17/08/2071 |
--------------------------- |
Mon | 17/06/2062 |
Mar | 16/01/2063 |
Rah | 17/07/2064 |
Jup | 16/11/2065 |
Sat | 17/06/2067 |
Mer | 16/11/2068 |
Ket | 17/06/2069 |
Ven | 16/02/2071 |
Sun | 17/08/2071 |
Mar 7 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2071 |
17/08/2078 |
--------------------------- |
Mar | 13/01/2072 |
Rah | 31/01/2073 |
Jup | 07/01/2074 |
Sat | 16/02/2075 |
Mer | 13/02/2076 |
Ket | 11/07/2076 |
Ven | 10/09/2077 |
Sun | 16/01/2078 |
Mon | 17/08/2078 |
Rah 18 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2078 |
17/08/2096 |
--------------------------- |
Rah | 29/04/2081 |
Jup | 23/09/2083 |
Sat | 30/07/2086 |
Mer | 15/02/2089 |
Ket | 06/03/2090 |
Ven | 05/03/2093 |
Sun | 28/01/2094 |
Mon | 30/07/2095 |
Mar | 17/08/2096 |
Jup 16 Years |
--------------------------- |
17/08/2096 |
25/05/2104 |
--------------------------- |
Jup | 05/10/2098 |
Sat | 18/04/2101 |
Mer | 25/07/2103 |
Ket | 25/05/2104 |
Ven | 00/00/0000 |
Sun | 00/00/0000 |
Mon | 00/00/0000 |
Mar | 00/00/0000 |
Rah | 00/00/0000 |
Lagna Reading
At the time of your birth, Leo Ascendant ( Lagna ) was rising with Taurus Navamsa and Leo Dreskana in the second Pad of Magha. This denotes you will lead a good and comfortable life without any major worries.
As a member of the lion's club, you will have a roaring time. Displaying dynamism and a spirit of adventure, you will go about your business in an aggressive manner, reaping rich harvests. But a good part of your sizeable income will be spent as you insist on maintaining an impressive facade in everything you do. You want all your family members to dress well and you spend a handsome amount in keeping your house trim and tidy to impress your friends whom you entertain to lavish parties. Also, being a religious individual, you will very generously contribute to charity. The result of all this will be that you will realise in your old age that you are left with rather meager assets. Better keep a tight rein on your purse, especially from the age of 25 when your lucky period begins.
Rich and brimming with self-confidence, you behave very rashly and take quick decisions on business matters without giving a second thought to them. Though you listen to the advice of your friends and well-wishers, you don't consider them seriously and rely entirely on your own judgment. If you can curb your intemperate trait, you will rise higher in life.
You have to exercise control over your fiery temper if you desire having a good family life. Your sudden outbursts may rub your family members on the wrong side and lead to unnecessary friction, upsetting a happy home. Actually, you can have an enjoyable homely life, as your spouse and children love you dearly, which you reciprocate. One thing you will have to be careful about is your popularity with the opposite sex in general. This may make your spouse suspicious. You will have to clear all doubts by explaining to your partner that because you are a hit with members of the opposite sex doesn't mean you are unfaithful to your partner.
As a born ruler, you have the tendency to deal with major and important matters, leaving the details and sundry items to your subordinates. You are fit to occupy top spots in big corporations and firms.
Of course, your health will be generally good, but you will have to take precautions against the chances of suffering from spinal trouble and heart ailments in your old age. Abstention from liquor and having a balanced diet would help in this.
Red, green and orange are the colours favourable to you. Avoid black and white.
Your favourite numbers should be 1, 4, 5, 6, and 9.Keep off 2, 7 and 8.
The lucky days for you are Tuesday, Sunday and Thursday whereas Monday is average. The other three days are not too favourable as they will prove expensive.
Planet Reading
With the Sun in Taurus in the tenth house, you can hope to be blessed with a life of sound health, wealth and recognition. You will have the privilege of your merit being appreciated not only by government but by other nations too. It is on the cards that you will be a top officer in the government, but if you prefer politics then you will be a powerful leader enjoying public respect.
By your commendable actions you will be keeping up the family tradition, as your father would be a person of some standing in his line. You are likely to differ with him on many issues, but you will hold him in high regard.
However, in your case, all the favourable aspects of your birth sign will be blotted out by the location of the Moon in the enemy's camp in Aquarius in the seventh house. You may have to brace yourself to face problems on most fronts. After passing through a financial crisis in the early part of life, you will come up against some hurdles in your marital ties. Yielding to the urge of indulging in romance with members of the opposite sex, you may ruin your ties with your spouse.
There are clear indications that you will also experience difficulties in your profession or business. What will hurt you most is the shocking realization that the person whom you had placed maximum confidence has cheated you.
Mars in Libra in the 3rd house indicates that if you have brothers and sisters, you will do a lot for them. Your brothers will be loyal, obedient and generous to you. You will forgive their mistakes.
Music and musical instruments attract you. But music is just a pastime relaxation for you.
Mercury in the 9th house makes you rich. You will earn a lot of money due to the support of your Bhagya and Dharma. You are a religious native. You have faith in God. You know that nothing happens without luck and the will of God. You will develop intuitive power which will guide you towards financial gain and for future favourable situations.
You always help people. You are famous for your charitable and noble deeds. You believe that you are enjoying what you did in your previous life so you try your best to have a better life in the next life by these pious deeds.
Jupiter in the fifth house in Sagittarius sign in its own house makes you generous, respected, learned and well versed in worldly affairs. Your early life will be average; and from middle age, you will lead a life of a prince and also get comforts and gains through children.
You will face hurdles in completing your education. You speak politely and appealingly. You will be religious as well. Yet, you may be swayed off and give vent to your impulses, at times. Your children will be intelligent and achieve success in their education. They will also become renowned and hold authority in their time.
You are a lucky one, as the stationing of Venus in Taurus in the tenth house is very good. In all probability, you will opt for a profession linked to show business or films, as you have great interest in music and arts. If so, you can earn both fame and wealth. In the pursuit of your job, you may have to undertake many journeys. It is here that you may be up against a hurdle, which will be your father's ill health. Because of that, your travel schedule may get upset sometimes. Otherwise, you will have a cozy time.
Saturn in Libra in the 3rd house indicates that you will not leave any stone unturned to achieve success. As time goes, you will become diplomatic and secretive. Your power of perception is good.
If you have brothers and sisters, they will be obedient and generous to you. You will forgive their mistakes for the sake of family harmony. Outwardly, you will be co-operative.
For you, however, the location of Rahu in Taurus in the tenth house is not favourable. Even though hard working and endowed with good knowledge about some types of machinery, you may be under tremendous financial stress, in middle age, over which you may incur debts and undergo a lot of worry. Side by side, you are likely to fall out with your father. A stranger will come to your rescue and bail you out of your monetary mess. From then on a much better period awaits you.
But, the presence of Ketu in Scorpio in the fourth house is not at all favourable to you. Most importantly, your ties with your mother are likely to be under tremendous strain, mainly because the latter, in poor health, is apt to lose her temper and take it out on you for no fault of yours. Unable to stand it, you may ultimately think of moving away to a far off place.
You will, however, work very hard to put up a brave fight against all odds. And you may succeed in the end, as there are chances of sudden changes in the latter part of your life.
House Reading
Physique Health & Nature
Born at a time when Leo Ascendant was rising, you will have an imposing personality with a tall, upright, muscular figure with a small waist. Fair complexioned, your face along with your shapely head displays a pair of large, attractive eyes. Your soft, wavy hair provides a touch of a sporting appearance. Your commanding, dignified look completes the picture of a person who will stand out in any gathering.
Matching your well proportioned body will be your splendid health. You don't fall ill frequently, but when you do, you get alarmed over it even though you have tremendous recuperative power to get over it rapidly. Restrict your diet to vegetarian, avoiding liquor and cutting down on beverages.
Free, frank and outspoken, your nature goads you to be aggressive in pursuing an independent path. Pinning faith in hope for the realisation of your goals, you will go about your job with courage and confidence. But sometimes you act hastily and get irritated when the results are not up to your expectations. Then you start shouting at others, but fortunately your outbursts don't last long, as you cool down quickly. No doubt you like flattery, but you are not one to be carried away by it. Possessing good organising ability, you are suited for high administrative positions.
You are a great lover. You have an ardent desire to be in the company of the opposite sex and catch its eye. But this is only a facade, as in your heart of hearts you admire your spouse. This aspect will, however, have to be put across convincingly to your partner so that the family atmosphere is not upset.
Finance, Family, Eye & Speech
At the time of your birth, Virgo sign was rising in the 2nd house. Virgo, the Lord of this sign, indicates that you wish to save money. You will be prudent and will always keep something in reserve. You like inviting guests. You will lead a peaceful and pleasant family life. You will lose or decline to accept inherited wealth. You will accumulate wealth by your own efforts. You will acquire property, costly jewellery and precious gems.
Guard against eye troubles, particulars right eye. You speak convincingly. You are stubborn and steadfast. Peace, pleasure and prosperity will be yours because of your sweet tongue and industrious work.
Coborns, Publications, Music & Short Travels
At the time of your birth, Libra sign was placed in the 3rd house. Venus being the lord of this house indicates that you are a friendly outgoing person who likes to have fun with others. Fortunately, people usually like you, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding company.
You like beautiful, graceful objects and fine clothing, and even while you are young, you may take an interest in art, music, or poetry. You have an excellent sense of proportion and perhaps some artistic talent, You want everything around you to be graceful, harmonious and stylish. You dress fashionably, but in a way that is more graceful and elegant than others.
You are cheerful and happy go lucky, by nature. You are extremely talented. You have a sharp memory. You are bold and courageous. Since you compromise in all controversial matters, you are popular.
If you have brothers and sisters, you will adjust and accommodate with them. You will give them all comforts and luxuries.
In order to ensure a smooth and comfortable life, you will use communication facilities like radio, conveyance, telephone, telex, television and telecommunications.
You love music, especially, romantic music. You will be a good musician or an artist. You like listening to songs, high and classical music. You will also sing and like to play with musical instruments.
You are fond of travelling and journeys to neighbouring cities and countries are indicated. You will make useful contacts during the course of these journeys. You will achieve both social and financial success.
You will read various books, magazines and literature. You will get renown through writing.
Saturn in Libra in the 3rd house indicates that you will not leave any stone unturned to achieve success. As time goes, you will become diplomatic and secretive. Your power of perception is good.
If you have brothers and sisters, they will be obedient and generous to you. You will forgive their mistakes for the sake of family harmony. Outwardly, you will be co-operative.
Education, Mother, Conveyance & Property
Anyone born when the Scorpio sign was rising in the fourth house can be hopeful of a good and comfortable life. It is by watching your parents that you learn that hard work will pay rich dividends. You are likely to have a mother who will dominate everything at home and strive to do her utmost for the family's progress.
Even though you won't be the legal heir to your ancestral property, you will manage to derive full benefits from it. Either you will come across some hidden treasure or else you will have hidden powers like intuition and reading others thoughts. You may have some knowledge of the occult sciences also.
You will be lucky enough to have a cozy house. Maybe the accommodation won't be big, but it will be spick and span. After changing accommodation frequently, you will be able to have your own house in your middle age. Around that time you may have a conveyance too. From then on you will go in for a better vehicle in keeping with the rise in your status.
Technical education is ideally suited for you, but to secure it you will have to make a determined effort. There are indications that you may acquire higher education in science subjects or administration.
Your health will be pretty good, but you will have to see that it won't deteriorate because of your habits. This note of caution is due to the possibility that you may take to liquor and chain-smoking, there by inviting diseases connected with the chest and the lungs.
But, the presence of Ketu in Scorpio in the fourth house is not at all favourable to you. Most importantly, your ties with your mother are likely to be under tremendous strain, mainly because the latter, in poor health, is apt to lose her temper and take it out on you for no fault of yours. Unable to stand it, you may ultimately think of moving away to a far off place.
You will, however, work very hard to put up a brave fight against all odds. And you may succeed in the end, as there are chances of sudden changes in the latter part of your life.
Love Life, Children & Intellect
At the time of your birth, Sagittarius sign was rising in the 5th house. Jupiter, being the lord of this sign indicates that you are bold, courageous and pushy. You will go in for higher education. You are highly philosophical, religious minded and god fearing. Jupiter sign here gives you a broad mind, confidence and spiritual uplift etc. You understand quickly and assimilate new ideas. Your intuition will be correct.
Your spouse is wise and tactful; she will be calm, clever and understanding. You have a very limited number of children. You will be worried on account of your children's ill health or accidents in the early part of your life. You will be happy with your children. They will get higher education.
You should take care of your food and diet. You will suffer from constipation and other stomach problems. Your stomach may be a cause of concern after the age of 45 years. Guard against this. You will get vedic knowledge and will follow traditions.
Jupiter in the fifth house in Sagittarius sign in its own house makes you generous, respected, learned and well versed in worldly affairs. Your early life will be average; and from middle age, you will lead a life of a prince and also get comforts and gains through children.
You will face hurdles in completing your education. You speak politely and appealingly. You will be religious as well. Yet, you may be swayed off and give vent to your impulses, at times. Your children will be intelligent and achieve success in their education. They will also become renowned and hold authority in their time.
Disease, Enemies & Servents
The Capricorn sign was placed in the 6th house at the time of your birth. Saturn, being the lord of this sign, all the positive traits are in evidence namely practicality, thrift, orderliness attention, organization and a strong drive for significant achievements.
To be sure, you are serious and adult, but you are still able to have fun. But when someone makes serious demands on you or requires you to fulfil important duties or responsibilities, you do so. Instead of condemning your weakness, you will be able to capitalize on your strengths and use your energy more efficiently.
Common sense will always be very important to you, and because you have such a practical mind, you can accomplish a great deal, because you don't spend all your time chasing impossible dreams.
You are well behaved and like to avoid enmity. But there are some who will oppose you. But with your talent, patience and tolerance, you will overcome your enemies.
Your maternal aunts and uncles will love you very much. You in turn will be respectful towards them.
Litigation will prove beneficial to you. Even if you are compelled to go to court, the outcome will be in your favour.
Family Life, Marriage & Business Partner
Normally, those born when Aquarius was in the seventh house can be considered to be lucky, blessed with position, power, assets and most important of all, marital bliss. Ideal lovers, they will spare no effort to ensure a happy home.
You may, however, encounter a small problem. You display too much affection for the opposite sex which may be mistaken by your spouse. It will be your responsibility to explain it explicitly so that it won't cause any misunderstanding among the two of you. No doubt you are very sincere in your affection for your spouse, but you are incapable of demonstrating it properly. You must pay attention to this aspect of your nature.
Actually, you are very proud of your family members and you won't tolerate any disrespect to them from any quarter. You will be extremely fond of your children who will come up to your expectations.
To make certain you get an ideal match, look for one born under the signs of Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini or Libra.
It is your ardent desire that your kith and kin should appear impressive before others and show magnanimity in their actions. This will result in your bulky bank balance dwindling as years go by.
In keeping with your qualifications and temperament, the professions that suit you best are being a top executive or managing a big company.
However, in your case, all the favourable aspects of your birth sign will be blotted out by the location of the Moon in the enemy's camp in Aquarius in the seventh house. You may have to brace yourself to face problems on most fronts. After passing through a financial crisis in the early part of life, you will come up against some hurdles in your marital ties. Yielding to the urge of indulging in romance with members of the opposite sex, you may ruin your ties with your spouse.
There are clear indications that you will also experience difficulties in your profession or business. What will hurt you most is the shocking realization that the person whom you had placed maximum confidence has cheated you.
Longevity, Accident & Insurance
The Pisces sign was placed in the 8th house at the time of your birth. Jupiter being the lord of this sign indicates that you will be blessed with occult power. The idea of this sign or rasi is an occultism representing mystic ideas and psychic pursuits. It is also called moksha or salvation sign.
You may be secretive about your experiences but there is not doubt that you will have many psychic experience and receive benefits through them. You have spiritual perception and will have prophetic dreams or visions. It is clear that you will have success with the occult.
Inheritance of property is indicated in your chart. You will probably gain property through an old relative. You will be the proud owner of lands and property because of which you will lead a prosperous life. You will be wealthy and the owner of property and palatial residences and houses which will be the envy of those around you.
You will gain from marriage. Because your spouse may come from a rich family, your in laws will give you money far beyond your expectations.
You will go in for insurance, considering it safer to do so and will benefit in some small way through it.
No loss through robbery is indicated. An attempt may be made to break into your house but the burglars probably will not be able to steal anything of real value because you have already taken the precaution of keeping everything of value in a locker or the bank.
You will meet with no accidents. So you may not have to avail of insurance at all. You may suffer from minor injuries or slight bruises, if you ever are involved in an accident which does not seem likely.
Pisces, being a watery sign you may be addicted to drink. You will suffer from gastric trouble, varicose veins or guinea worms. Affliction of bile and feet is denoted. Diseases indicated are consumption, tuberculosis, tumours and mucous trouble.
You will enjoy a long life. Death for you will be quick and sudden and since it will be quick, there will not be much of suffering involved.
Fame, Worship & Long Travels
Aries sign was placed you 9th house. Mars being the lord of this sign indicates that you are a very independent and self assertive person.
You prefer to act on your own and set your own pace without waiting for people who work more slowly. Also you like to be the first to take up a new activity. Although you are not at all a follower, you are perfectly willing to let others go their own way. You have no desire to impose your will on your friends. However, you enjoy competition when someone offers a challenge. If pressed, you will fight for your beliefs.
You believe in the power of the Almighty. You also desire to follow the religious rites and family customs. You like to worship God as a daily routine. You do not believe in Pooja and other performances done by others for the concerned person. You take interest in meditation, occult and spiritual science. Sometimes, when you have spare time, you do not object to visiting holy places.
You are least interested in pilgrimages. In other words, you are afraid of crowds. For Poojas and other ceremonies you like to choose a peaceful place. You will read and study religious literature about occult science and other similar subjects. You have intuitive power. You can see into the future. You have foresight.
Your predictions about people are often correct. Your interest in higher studies gives you public popularity.
You cannot work under anyone. This is below your dignity. Fortune favours you when you get disappointed. You are famous and renowned in your social sphere. People will love you for your manner of speech and work. You will have a good team of associates.
You would like to avoid short journeys. In fact, long journeys are indicated in your professional career. You will earn money and develop good relations by travelling.
Your grandchildren will prosper in life and you will have every reason to be proud of them. You will enjoy pleasure and comforts from grand children. They will be handsome and well educated.
Mercury in the 9th house makes you rich. You will earn a lot of money due to the support of your Bhagya and Dharma. You are a religious native. You have faith in God. You know that nothing happens without luck and the will of God. You will develop intuitive power which will guide you towards financial gain and for future favourable situations.
You always help people. You are famous for your charitable and noble deeds. You believe that you are enjoying what you did in your previous life so you try your best to have a better life in the next life by these pious deeds.
Profession, Father, Status & Power
The overall pattern that emerges from the Taurus sign rising in the tenth house at the time of one's birth is that the native can choose a profession suited to his/her genius from a wide range of occupations.
One can aspire to occupy a high position like director, manager or sales manager in a big concern, or a class I rank in the defence services. Else, one can be associated with trade dealing in luxury goods, sophisticated items like video or computer, finance, land and property, hire purchase and leasing, or educational institutions.
Endowed with executive ability and capacity for hard work, one can hope to progress in one's vocation which will bring fame and wealth, assuring a comfortable life.
Actually, politics is not your cup of tea, but if you enter into it you are likely to be fairly successful.
The inspiration for you to become an able, practical individual comes from your father. Watching him going about his job with dedication and resoluteness, you will make it a point to follow in his footsteps.
You are a lucky one, as the stationing of Venus in Taurus in the tenth house is very good. In all probability, you will opt for a profession linked to show business or films, as you have great interest in music and arts. If so, you can earn both fame and wealth. In the pursuit of your job, you may have to undertake many journeys. It is here that you may be up against a hurdle, which will be your father's ill health. Because of that, your travel schedule may get upset sometimes. Otherwise, you will have a cozy time.
Friends, Society & Elder Brothers
At the time of your birth, Gemini sign was placed in the eleventh house. Mercury, being the lord of this sign indicates that you are ambitious, aspiring and very clever as you are progressive. Success is in store for you, with all your desires and aspirations being fulfilled.
You have interest in varied jobs as you are active, alert and industrious. The professions best suited to you are writing, commission agent, press reporter, astrology and business and you will benefit financially from these.
Your chart indicates excellent relations with your elder sisters with whom you will share a better rapport than with your elder brothers. They will give you moral support as well as financial aid.
You are fond of communicating with others and may have many friends. Your friends will be all scholars and qualified people.
You enjoy being around friends, who are clever and interesting and you like people with whom you can test your mind. You also like to talk and share ideas with your friends. In fact, you think most clearly when you can try out your ideas first on your friends. You will be at your best doing mental work with a group of people.
You will think more about the interests and needs of people outside your own little circle. You are concerned with humanitarian ideals and the good of everyone. You will rise above your own viewpoint and think in terms of the whole world.
You like to get around in the area where you live, and you try to be on friendly terms with everyone in your neighbourhood. As a result you will probably become well known to mostly everyone in your area.
This placement makes you seek out people in society who are educated and businessmen and scholars.
Pulmonary afflictions, cold, and T.B. are the possible diseases which can afflict you. Piles, fistula, bladder and kidney afflictions are also denoted.
In addition to these, left ear troubles are indicated so it is advisable for you to take precautions like going to the doctor in time etc.
Foreign Journeys, Debts & Net Savings
You were born while Leo was rising in the eastern horizon and its lord Sun was in the twelfth house. This indicates that you are generally fortunate and have sufficient resources. It is very likely that you will occupy a position of trust and authority. You try to deal with large issues and leave the minor details to your subordinates.
You are usually spendthrift and your bank position will deteriorate as age advances. Liberal by nature you do not hesitate to assist anybody, infact you take pride in the fact that you can be of help to someone. This will no doubt earn for you a good name but it could make old age difficult for you because of this so you should control this habit.
Never hesitating to spend to keep your prestige and honour, you are not economical even in difficult times. You simply must learn to keep your wallet closed until you reassess your financial decision.
Generally lucky in money matters there will be ups and downs in your fortunes especially in your youth. Too open handed at times you will find yourself short of funds while you need them.
Whenever you spend money it would be for a good cause and to help people, sometimes to the point of foolishness.
At times you may not spend money at all. It is at times like these that you can save money. Do be economical for the old age and maintain a bank position.
No major journeys are indicated in your chart and you may not even travel much even in your country unless forced by your spouse or friends. But this need not be a bad thing and is further proof of your stability.
On the whole your health should be splendid and in case you fall ill you tend to recover rapidly from any illness.
Manglik Vichar
In the boy or the girl's horoscope when Mars is in ascendant, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelfth house then it is called Manglik dosh.
At the time of your birth Mars was placed in the third house which represents valour, friends and siblings and Mars is their significator Mars position in the third house is considered auspicious. Hence due to its effect you will be a victorious lady and will go about your work fearlessly and will keep getting success from time to time your brothers and sisters will give you the desired support and pleasure. You will also be able to attain communication sources like cars, telephone etc.
In the horoscope, Mars placed in the third house is fourth aspecting the sixth house. With its effect you will be able to defeat all your enemies. You will get success in competitive exams, litigation, election etc. You will also be able to earn the desired wealth and luxuries but diseases caused due to excessive heat, bile or blood disorder may trouble you. Mars seventh aspect on ninth house indicates that you will lose faith in religion or religious activities. You will have more faith on karma than destiny. Marsโ aspect over the tenth house shows that you will progress in your field of work by virtue of valour and capability. Though you may have to face unnecessary problems and hurdles on your way but ultimately you will be able to attain success. Your father's health will be average but in the society he will be known as a respectable and dignified person.
So due to the effect of this position of Mars you will enjoy a peaceful and happy family life. You will provide your family members with luxuries and comforts. They will encourage and inspire you to complete various important works in life.
Kaap Sarp Yog
If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. According to the situation of Rahu in 12 houses of horoscope there are Kaal Sarp Yogas of 12 types. These are
1. Anant, 2. Kulik, 3. Vasuki, 4. Shankhpal, 5. Padma, 6. Mahapadma, 7. Takshak, 8. Karkotak, 9. Shankhchud, 10. Ghaatak, 11. Vishdhar, 12. Sheshnag
The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the 7 planets are eaten away by Rahu's mouth then it is Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog. If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.
The native having Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from certain shortcomings in life. The native does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed. The native without any reason suffers from diseases that are not cured by medicine. Propiation of kaal sarp dosh becomes necessary to lead a normal life.
Kaal Sarp Yog In Your Horoscope
Your horoscope does not contain Kaal Sarp Yog. Therefore you do not require shanti for Kaal Sarp Yog. You will lead a happy life.
Gem Selection
To obtain the full benefic effect of stone, wear it while Moon is waxing on the specified day and time. Wearing it in the specified Nakshatra enhances the benefic effects of the stone. Take the stone of a size specified or greater in fractions of 1 / 4 Ratti rejecting fractions of 3 / 4 Ratti like 4 - 1 / 4 Ratti.Get it studded in the specified metal such that it touches the finger from bottom.If you are already wearing a stone then avoid wearing a contradictory stone.Before wearing it light lamp and incense stick and meditate on your God.Clean the ring in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Perform pooja and recite the specified mantra 108 times.Then wear the stone in the specified finger.Women should wear on their left hand whereas men should wear in the right hand.After wearing the ring give alms as specified for that stone.
Your favourable Gemstone - Ruby
Your Zodiac sign is Leo. The lord of this sign is Sun. Sun is considered as the king in the planetary cabinet because the Sun is the centre of the solar system and all planets are moving around it. Natal ascendant of a person is very important as the name, fame, power; position and prosperity of that person depend on it. If the ascendant of a native is strong then the native prospers well and he gets all round development in life.
So it is very beneficial for the persons who are born with Leo ascendant to give strength to their natal Sun. Sun can be strengthened by worshipping it in a prescribed way and by reciting proper mantra. Gemstone Ruby is recommended for Sun.
When a person who is born in the Leo ascendant or rashi wears gemstone Ruby studded in gold ring he get happiness, prosperity and success in life. Sun also signifies king so by wearing Ruby one can get success in political field, high position and reputation.
Native also gets full blessings of his father after wearing this stone. Sun signifies soul and heart of the native. So it can be proved very much beneficial for heart patients to wear gemstone Ruby in gold ring.
Wear the ring studded with the Gemstone Ruby in the ring finger of right hand as this finger signifies Sun as per the palmistry. This ring should be worn on Sunday as Sun is the lord of this day. This ring should be worn in the first hora of the Sunday i.e within one hour from the sunrise as first hora of Sunday is the hora of the Sun. If this stone is worn in the constellations of Sun Kritika, Uttra Phalguni and Uttara Ashada falling on Sunday it will be very much benefic.
Clean Ruby with Ganga water and a mixture of milk, curd, honey, clarified butter and sugar. After this put orange clothe on the wooden platform and keep this Ruby on it. Light incense sticks, ghee lamp and dhoop in front of it and recite Surya Mantra 108 times to energize Ruby. After this touch it with your head and wear in the ring finger of right hand.
Mantra of Sun - Om Ghirini Suryaye Namah.
Donate white sandal, clarified butter, red clothe of 1ยผ meter length to get better results. Recite Surya Mantra daily 108 times daily after having bath. Do Surya Namaskar and offer water to Sun in the morning in the copper vessel. Reciting Aditya Hridya Stotram on Sunday will also be very much benefic.
Those who are born in the Leo ascendant and wear Ruby get name, fame, power, position and happiness in life and lead a life of success and reputation.
Gem Wearing
Performing Remedial measures & wearing stone for a planet helps increase the positive aspects of the planets in the horoscope. Scientifically, recital of Mantra for a particular planet forms a protection layer around the man. Stone increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into human body.
Normally a remedy is provided for the Major period lord Stone is worn for a weak ascendent, 9th or benefic houselord. When you should wear which stone or adopt which remedy is given in the following table along with its area of effectiveness. In each Major period three option of Stone are given. You can select any option by looking at the help you expect from the stone or remedy.
Stone Recommendation
Life Stone |
Stone | Ruby |
Weight | 5 Carat |
Benefits | Career success, Good health |
Lucky Stone |
Stone | Coral |
Weight | 5 Carat |
Benefits | Power, Fame, Comforts |
Benific Stone |
Stone | Y-Sapphire |
Weight | 4 Carat |
Benefits | Kids happiness, Avoids accident |
Stone Recommendation as per Dasha
Dasa | Vimsottari Dasha |
Planet | Mer 17 Years |
Date | 17/08/2011 - 17/08/2028 |
Stone1(Power) | Ruby (98%) |
Stone2(Power) | Emerald (91%) |
Stone3(Power) | Diamond (82%) |
Mantra | Om Bram Brim Brom Sah Budhaye Namah |
Fast | Wednesday |
Donation | Moong, Conch Shell, Ivory, Camphor, Ghee |
Benefits | Fame, Earnings, Wealth |
Stone | Planet | Carat | Metal | Finger | Day | Time | Nakshatra |
Ruby | Sun | 5 | Gold | Ring | Sunday | Morn. | Krittika, U Phal, U Sadha |
Pearl | Moon | 5 | Silver | Little | Monday | Morn. | Rohini, Hasta, Sravna |
Coral | Mars | 5 | Silver | Ring | Tuesday | Morn. | Mrgsra, Chitra, Dhanish |
Emerald | Mercury | 4 | Gold | Little | Wednesday | Morn. | Aslesa, Jyestha, Revati |
Y-Sapphire | Jupiter | 4 | Gold | First | Thursday | Morn. | Punrvsu, Visakha, P Bhad |
Diamond | Venus | 1 | Platinm | Little | Friday | Morn. | Bharani, P Phal, P Sadha |
B-Sapphire | Saturn | 4 | 5Metal | Middle | Saturday | Even. | Pushya, Anuradha, U Bhad |
Gomed | Rahu | 5 | 8Metal | Middle | Saturday | Night | Ardra, Svati, Satbisha |
Cat's eye | Ketu | 5 | Silver | Ring | Thursday | Night | Asvini, Magha, Moola |
Stone | Mantra | Contradictory Stone | Items To Donate |
Ruby | Om Ghirini Suryaye Namah | Diamond, B-Sapphire, Gomed | Wheat, Sandal, Ghee, Red Cloth |
Pearl | Om Som Somaye Namah | Gomed | Rice, Sugar, Curd, Wt.Cloth |
Coral | Om Am Angarkaye Namah | Diamond, Gomed, B-Sapphire | Wheat, Copper, Gur, Red-Cloth |
Emerald | Om Bum Budhaye Namah | --- | Moong, Bronze, Green-Cloth |
Y-Sapphire | Om Brim Brihaspataye Namah | Diamond, Gomed | Gram Pulse, Gur, Yel.Cloth |
Diamond | Om Shum Shukrayaye Namah | Ruby, Coral, Y-Sapphire | Rice, Silver, Wt.Cloth |
B-Sapphire | Om Sham Shaneshcharaye Namah | Ruby, Coral, Y-Sapphire | Horse Bean, Oil, Black Cloth |
Gomed | Om Ram Rahave Namah | Ruby, Pearl, Coral | Mole, Oil, Lead, Blue Cloth |
Cat's eye | Om Kem Ketve Namah | --- | 7-Corns, Coconut, Brown Cloth |