Swathi Reddy Horoscope by Date of Birth | Horoscope of Swathi Reddy 2020

Swathi Reddy Horoscope

NameSwathi Reddy
Date of Birth01/01/1987
Time of Birth12:00:00 Hour
Istha11:00:26 Ghati

Birth Detail

Loc Time Corr00:00:01 Hour
War Time Corr00:00:00 Hour
Local Mean Time12:00:01 Hour
Equation Of Time-00:03:14 Hour
Siderial Time18:41:00 Hour
Sun Rise07:35:49 Hour
Sun Set16:34:49 Hour
Day Duration08:59:00 Hour
Sun Position (Ayan)Uttarayan
Sun Position (Gola)Dakshin
Sun Degree16:28:56 Sagittarius
Ascendent Degree24:52:24 Pisces

Avakhada Chakra

Avakhada Chakra
Ascendent-LordPis - Jupiter
Rasi-LordCap - Saturn
Naksh.-CharanU Sadha - 2
Nakshatra LordSun
Name AlphabetBho - Bholi
Paya(Rasi-Nak)Gold - Copper
Planetary Degrees and their Positions
SunSag16:28:5601:01:11P Sadha1JupVenMonFrSign
MonCap00:49:1915:15:19U Sadha2SatSunRahNuSign
MarPis01:10:0500:41:54P Bhad4JupJupMarFrSign
JupAqu23:51:2300:09:29P Bhad2SatJupSatNuSign
R - Retrograde S - Stationary
C - Combust D - Deep Combust
Lahiri Ayanamsa : 23:40:28

Lagna Chart


Moon Chart


Navamsa Chart


Chalit and Niryan Bhava Chalit

Chalit Chart


Cusp Chart


Vimshottari Dasha

Balance of Dasha :Sun 4 Years 1 Months 17 Days

Sun 6 Years
Mon 10 Years
Mar 7 Years
Rah 18 Years
Jup 16 Years
Sat 19 Years
Mer 17 Years
Ket 7 Years
Ven 20 Years
Sun 6 Years
Lagna Reading

The astrological configuration at the time of your birth was Pisces Ascendant (Lagna) rising with Aquarius Navamsa and Scorpio Dreskana in the third Pad of Revati. This shows you have a dual personality, in spite of which you will lead an enjoyable life of wealth and prosperity.

You are really cast in the mould of Pisces which is a dual sign. You do things which are incompatible. Like, for instance, while in your public dealings you put on the appearance of a brave, aggressive individual who brooks no nonsense, at home you are timid, possibly even henpecked. Or, for instance, while in your business or place of work you are considered a very honest person, you wouldn't mind stooping to the level of Hippocratic if it suits your purpose.

Yet, by and large, you will conduct yourself as a decent individual, dutiful to parents and respectful to religious leaders, generous and sympathetic to the feelings of others. You can earn a lot of money and enjoy life to the full. Your idea of enjoyment, however, is sex. Even while parading as a devoted partner, you may be tempted to have secret affairs with others, women which if not resisted, may mar your fine atmosphere at home. You have got to resist the urge to yield to temptations.

Also, you will have to be more practical-minded to succeed in life. As it is, you are given to day-dreaming, imagining all sorts of pleasant things, all of them far removed from reality. You must come down to earth and pursue your assignment with hard and dedicated work which is certain to prove beneficial to you.

You will also have to give up your trait of relying on others' promises, because more often than not the promises will only remain on paper. You should tackle your jobs on your own, without depending upon outside help.

A highly religious person, you are ideally placed to adopt a philosophical approach to things. As the basic idea of the Pisces sign is occultism and mysticism, you can learn about them and hope for the liberation of the soul, at least in some other birth if not in this one. Religion can easily be practiced along with attending to worldly matters if one has the will to do so.

Everyone is susceptible to some disease or the other. So are you. In your later years you may encounter problems connected with the intestines and the ears. If advance precautions are taken, after consulting your doctor, you can at least mitigate the hardship, if not eliminate it all together.

Three days of the week - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday are highly favourable to you. Sunday is average. The other three are not too good.

The numbers you can count on are 1, 3, 4 and 9. The one which you must avoid is 8.

Never go in for blue. The colours best suited to you are red, rose, orange and green.

Planet Reading

In your case, however, the ideal profession to pursue would be politics, as you may have to encounter very many hurdles in service, according to the indication available from the location of the Sun in Sagittarius in the tenth house.

True, off and on you may stand to gain monetarily as well as socially, but almost always each pleasure will be followed by pain and sorrow. In the latter part of life especially, you may have to undergo many travels. So, better chalk out your strategy properly from the very beginning, so that you will be able to minimise your headaches.


Moon in Capricorn in the eleventh house indicates lack of creative energy which will prevent you from fulfilling your desires and aspirations easily. Financial gains are indicated through some lady but these may not amount to much.

Your moods will have a strong effect on the course of your friendships. Some days you'll really like, someone, but on another day you'll feel cool. But be careful not to act inconsistently towards your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them. Some of your friends will be business men. In society too, you will come across many business men.


Mars in Pisces Ascendant shows you are a big-hearted human being with a rash temperament. Though outwardly it appears that you behave arrogantly because of the wealth and knowledge you possess, in actual fact it is only a facade. The main reason you put on that posture is to camouflage your worries, many of which emanate from your misadventures with members of the opposite sex. If you want to lead a comfortable and smooth life, you have to give up your obsession for sex with all and sundry. This is essential because when you find your exploits floundering, you may, out of sheer desperation, take to many vices.


The presence of Mercury in Sagittarius in the tenth house shows you will be a highly educated person who will occupy a respectable and lucrative position in your profession. For your progress, you will have to be grateful to a reliable associate of yours who will take a special liking for you and help you step on the stone of success.

You will encounter no financial problem whatever, as you will inherit a sizeable chunk of the ancestral property and your own income will be substantial.


Jupiter in Aquarius in the twelfth house makes you wealthy. You are extravagant and spend money not only on yourself but on others as well. You will probably spend a great deal on your father's property. Saving is automatic but not in the same ratio as you earn money.

Journeys both with in your own native country as well as abroad in connection with your profession are indicated during the course of which you will get to know many people there. A long stay abroad is indicated but you will not settle there permanently.


Venus in Scorpio in the 9th house makes you face many difficulties on your path of progress. You are a worried native. Luck does not favour you. Your achievements will be delayed.

Your life, due to lack of fortune, is not well settled. Though Pisces Lagna indicates regular religious worship, Venus changes this. You like to follow religious rites but cannot manage it. You will remain irregular. You do not have faith in saints and astrologers. Because you are busy, you may not get time for these activities. You are not interested in charity and donation.

Pisces Lagna indicates long journeys which are beneficial but due to Venus's influence you will not be benefited by these journeys.


Saturn in Scorpio in the 9th house makes you face hindrances in the way of your prosperity. You work hard but luck does not favour you.

Money comes to you easily, even then you may face hardship. Though Pisces Lagna indicates long fruitful journeys, because of Saturn's placement, travelling will prove tiresome for you.


From the first house, Rahu gives added power to your personality, giving you ample opportunity for self-expression. Instead of utilizing this to further your overall prospects, you are likely to use it to catch the eye of the opposite sex for whom you have a fancy. If you do so, you may let slip a golden opportunity to come up in life and end up chasing amorous pursuits all the time. By any rationale estimation, you should lay off the sex mirage as you are slated to accumulate wealth through the medium of religious institutions. A sober stance will surely make you more prosperous and happier.


But, in your case, unfortunately the positioning of Ketu in Virgo in the seventh house is not at all favourable. The odds are you will have an unhappy marriage, with a sickly spouse adding to the woes of your troubles. If, out of sheer desperation, you take the plunge to have illicit relations with others, then your cup of sorrow will be full. So, you will have to face whatever the hurdles with single-minded devotion and clear them so as to have a peaceful home.

Given to lavish spending, you may find yourself in debt. And to get over it you may think of doing business. But in this you will have to be extremely careful not to entertain anyone as a partner, for that may make you bankrupt.

House Reading
Physique Health & Nature

Persons born under the Pisces sign are generally of average height, sporting a plump body with rather short limbs. Their fleshy face shows a wide mouth, protruding eyes and soft hair.

Pisceans will invariably be addicted to liquor, because of which they will be prone to suffer from gastric troubles, varicose veins and guineaworms, in addition to affliction of bile and feet. If they don't adopt a sober approach, they may invite tuberculosis and tumours.

God-fearing, it is in their nature to resist any opposition to orthodoxy. Highly superstitious, they are sticklers in observing religious rites and festivals. Though outwardly timid, they are very stubborn in seeing to a successful conclusion their philosophical pursuits. But in all this they will be noble enough to make sure they don't harm others.

In material terms, Pisceans rarely realize their ambitions. They are destined to shine in borrowed feathers, but their splendid quality is they make it appear like the fruits of their own efforts. This is a natural consequence of their toeing a just and honest path without treading on the corns of others, as they believe in fair play and honesty. Only, suddenly they get disheartened and become melancholic when their labours don't yield the desired results. They become almost morose, even despondent and philosophical, and leave it at that. It is at such times that they pin all their faith on persons whom they consider as their closest allies. Then they sustain a shock because those on whom they had banked all along turn out to be unreliable and selfish. This makes them even more philosophical and desperate. The lessons to be learned in all these is to see that you weigh the pros and cons of issues in their proper perspective and then act in a decisive manner.

From the first house, Rahu gives added power to your personality, giving you ample opportunity for self-expression. Instead of utilizing this to further your overall prospects, you are likely to use it to catch the eye of the opposite sex for whom you have a fancy. If you do so, you may let slip a golden opportunity to come up in life and end up chasing amorous pursuits all the time. By any rationale estimation, you should lay off the sex mirage as you are slated to accumulate wealth through the medium of religious institutions. A sober stance will surely make you more prosperous and happier.

Finance, Family, Eye & Speech

At the time of your birth, Aries sign was rising in the 2nd house. Mars, being the lord of this sign indicates that you are sentimentally attached to your family. You love your family members but you will not like to sacrifice your personal desires for family. You try to be in the midst of your family. You try to keep the house neat and decorative within your limits. You are an excellent host and keep good company.

You like to have good sweets. You are fond of tasty namkins. You generally, include rich food in your diet. You have a lot of attachment to wealth, ornaments and gems, gold and diamond which attract you a lot.

You should take care for your eyes. You may loose your vision or may suffer from eye sores, eye troubles and poor vision. You like celebrating auspicious ceremonies at home. You will also like to attend these type of functions. You do not like to miss the opportunity of attending functions & ceremonies.

Coborns, Publications, Music & Short Travels

At the time of your birth, Taurus sign was placed in the 3rd house. Venus being the Lord of this house indicates that you are a very warm person who forms lasting attachments to others. Your affections don't change easily, and even if you lose respect for a friend, you will continue to like that person in spite of his or her faults.

You are fond of beautiful things and luxury. You like a good comfortable chair where you can relax and have a delicious SNACK.

You are alert, active and have remarkable mental abilities. You have a sharp memory. You have heroic and leadership qualities. You love freedom. You are philosophical and honest. You are good tempered and socially inclined. You will leave no stone unturned to achieve success in your career and to increase your social status.

Your brothers if you have any or cousins are bold, courageous, frank and give you respect. They are ambitious, faithful and reliable. Each one of your will forget and forgive the mistakes of the other for mutual harmony. All of you will be cordial and helpful to the other.

You have all communication facilities like radio, conveyance, television, telephone and telecommunications. These facilities make life easy for you and give you satisfaction.

You are very attached to music. You love music, cinema, opera, good songs and movies. You will also like playing musical instruments. Music plays an important role in your life. You are best at your work when music is playing.

Frequent inland short journeys are indicated in your life. These journeys will bring you financial gain and fame. You will make many friends while travelling.

You love reading books on various subjects. You are good at writing. Reading and writing will be beneficial for you for financial gain and recognition.

Education, Mother, Conveyance & Property

The general expectation about the prospects of one born when the Gemini sign was rising in the fourth house is indeed very bright. The foundation for the native's progress will be laid by an intelligent, refined mother who will brook no nonsense from anyone, including her husband. She will refuse to be a mere housekeeper and insists on being independent, brushing aside any imposition from any quarter.

You are likely to be blessed with ancestral property, which, supplemented by your own contribution, can attain the proportions of a sizeable asset. There are indications of owning a comfortable house with all conveniences and a modern vehicle. In the absence of monetary problems, you will have a pleasant home.

Academically, you have the opportunity to be highly qualified, getting close to becoming a scholar in your subject. only, you shouldn't become lethargic, but pursue your studies with dedication and determination. Your general knowledge will get a boost with you learning about the occult sciences, palmistry and astrology. Your profundity will be so much appreciated that people will start making a beeline for you to seek solutions of their problems.

Love Life, Children & Intellect

At the time of your birth, Cancer sign was rising in the 5th house. Moon, the lord of this sign, gives you fertile imagination. There is delight enterprises, expeditions and adventures. Your view is, that life is monotonous without romance. You will enjoy your family life to the utmost. Home and family are of great consequence to you. For you, marriage means a well settled life. You will manage to keep your spouse cheerful and buoyant.

You will be blessed with children. You will put in every effort to give good education to your children. You will provide all facilities and comforts to them, even beyond your means. Thus, you will go to the limit of sacrificing even your own needs. Your children will remain grateful, obedient, dutiful and faithful to you. They have great energy, courage and capacity. They will succeed in their life.

You should have a balanced diet. You may suffer from stomach problems. Exercises and control over your diet will help you to avoid stomach troubles.

Disease, Enemies & Servents

At the time of your birth, Leo sign was placed in the 6th house Sun being the Lord of this sign indicates that people like you because you are basically warm and affectionate. You are reluctant to compromise yourself or lose other people's respect. Being respected by others is very important to you, and for this reason you are less likely than others to tell lies. You feel that everything should be out in the open.

Once you have made up your mind about a particular course of action, you are very persistent. You select a goal and follow it through to the bitter end. When you are older, you will want to be a person of some importance and, if possible, a leader. Even while you are young you will play this role whenever possible, which should work out very well, because you also want to be worthy of being a leader. For you, self-respect is as important as the respect of others.

You will subdue your enemies with talent, power, diplomacy and secret ways. You will overcome all trouble and ultimately lead a peaceful life.

You will have good servants. They will serve you well. You are well supported by your maternal relatives too. Your maternal aunts and uncles care for you. They will support you within their means. In litigation too, you will be victorious.

Family Life, Marriage & Business Partner

For you, born when the Virgo sign was in the seventh house, the predominant aim in life is romance all the way. Whether at home or at work, the one and only thought uppermost in your mind is love and sex. No doubt you can afford to pay the maximum attention to the romantic side of life, as you are not only endowed with an attractive personality, you also have adequate resources. Yet, being shrewd, you will keep money in reserve for your old age.

It goes to your credit that you pour your entire affection on your spouse and, more importantly, you convince your partner of it. Sincere and true, you will go all out to ensure a happy, harmonious home. You prefer a handsome spouse to an intelligent one. If you have a brainy partner, then your matrimonial ties may be under strain because of a quarrel in your nature. And that is your highly suspicious bent of mind. You are such a Doubting Thomas that you see ghosts in almost everything. You look upon with suspicion each and every move of your partner and go on imagining things. If you don't banish this trait from your system, you may spoil your own happiness. You have to have absolute faith in your mate and live happily.

As you have good business acumen, you may, if you prefer it, launch you own venture. This can be done as an independent project or in addition to your job. The professions that suit you are being an accountant, bank officer, dealing in cinema, and cosmetics or medicine.

But, in your case, unfortunately the positioning of Ketu in Virgo in the seventh house is not at all favourable. The odds are you will have an unhappy marriage, with a sickly spouse adding to the woes of your troubles. If, out of sheer desperation, you take the plunge to have illicit relations with others, then your cup of sorrow will be full. So, you will have to face whatever the hurdles with single-minded devotion and clear them so as to have a peaceful home.

Given to lavish spending, you may find yourself in debt. And to get over it you may think of doing business. But in this you will have to be extremely careful not to entertain anyone as a partner, for that may make you bankrupt.

Longevity, Accident & Insurance

At the time of your birth, Libra sign was placed in the eighth house. Venus, being the lord of this sign indicates that you will excel other people as far as foresight, intuition and perfection in the occult science is concerned.

You have great interest in psychic research and occultism. You will conduct many experiments with the occult and you will benefit from the occult.

You will gain many friends as a result and also make good friends with occultists. You are so fascinated by the mysteries of the occult that you will move people with your enthusiasm and they will find themselves taking as much interest as you.

You will inherit ancestral property. You will benefit by way of legacy. You will get property through marriage as well.

You will benefit in handling the estates of others. They will be so impressed by the efficient way in which you handle your own property that they will request you to handle their estates and property as well and will pay you a handsome sum for this.

You will benefit through marriage as well. Your in-laws pleased with the timely and good match will shower a large dowry on you and your spouse. This dowry will comprise money, jewels clothes, property etc. You and your spouse will be very touched with this show of generosity from them.

You will be able to claim the insurance of dead people and this will be a considerable amount. You will benefit from insurance in some other way as well.

No major robberies are indicated in your chart although the usual small thefts may take place. But since you are covered by insurance, it will not matter. Similarly, no mishaps like accidents will take place so you do not need to worry on this account.

Your death will be so sudden and quick that you will be taken by surprise and will not feel any pain.

Fame, Worship & Long Travels

At the time of your birth, Scorpio sign was placed in the 9th house. Mars, being the lord of this house, indicates that you have a strong will, and you let everyone know what you want. But you do not seem pushy, just persistent. You apply pressure steadily until you get what you want. You are a cheerful person. You are also a good host. You will not be interested in the spiritual side in your childhood. But, as age advances, you will go to temples and other holy places associated with your religion. You also start daily pooja or worship. You take interest in spiritual and occult science.

You will also like to hold some pooja or religious ceremony in your house. You have faith in God and in good deeds. You will also get involved in various pious ceremonies.

In your youth you will also take interest in meditation, spiritualism and occultism. To develop your knowledge on these subjects, you will also like to read literature on these with deep interest. You will also discuss these subjects with people who have a good knowledge of occultism. You will also take interest in tantra and mantra and shastras.

You have a well developed intuitive power. You can see into the future. If you predict for people, most of your predictions come true.

You will do some charitable work in your life. You may like to build some hospitals, temples or other buildings for the service of mankind. You will donate some money and time for others. You will like giving money to needy people, within your means. You are famous and renowned in society for your public work and charitable nature.

Long journeys are indicated for pleasure in the early years of your life education and in youth for financial gain and professional purposes. The journeys are of your choice.

In the later part of life, you are blessed with the comforts and pleasure of grandchildren. In fact, in your previous life you probably did some very noble and charitable work due to which in this life you are enjoying comforts.

Saturn in Scorpio in the 9th house makes you face hindrances in the way of your prosperity. You work hard but luck does not favour you.

Money comes to you easily, even then you may face hardship. Though Pisces Lagna indicates long fruitful journeys, because of Saturn's placement, travelling will prove tiresome for you.

Profession, Father, Status & Power

There are quite a few profession suited to the temperament and genius of those born when the Sagittarius sign was rising in the tenth house. So the native would do well to select one from among them to prosper in life.

The best of the lot are banking and accountancy. Among the others are being an administrative or liaison officer in government or a public sector corporation, or becoming a lecturer. If the native is inclined to enter into business, then it would be advisable to deal in oils, soft drinks, beverages, chemicals, medical equipment or cosmetics.

But keep clear of politics, of any kind. If not, you may invite trouble. This aspect needs to be stressed, as there are hints that you may take an active part in office politics which will not bring beneficial results, but actually retard your progress.

In the event of finding yourself in the midst of a controversy, avoid getting into litigation, as it will be counterproductive.

You are lucky to have a good father whose qualities are worthy of emulation. He is free, frank and fearless, and goes about his work in a planned manner. He is also sympathetic to others feelings and will be generous and charitable.

In your case, however, the ideal profession to pursue would be politics, as you may have to encounter very many hurdles in service, according to the indication available from the location of the Sun in Sagittarius in the tenth house.

True, off and on you may stand to gain monetarily as well as socially, but almost always each pleasure will be followed by pain and sorrow. In the latter part of life especially, you may have to undergo many travels. So, better chalk out your strategy properly from the very beginning, so that you will be able to minimise your headaches.

Friends, Society & Elder Brothers

At the time of your birth, Capricorn sign was placed in the eleventh house. Saturn is the lord of this sign. This indicates that you are calculative and businessman like and have mental ingenuity. You have the ability to manage and organize. things. You are also methodical and plodding and hard working as well. Because of all these above qualities, you will be able to achieve all your desires and aspirations.

You are desirous of name, fame, money and reputation. You will not mind difficulties, handicaps and hindrances, but will work continuously to gain success. You do not miss any chance and opportunity and do not speculate. You know the value of money and will invest carefully and save slowly and steadily. You are economical and do not take risks. Financial gains can be expected from those who are engaged in the trading of wood or iron work.

Your elder brothers, If you have any, will not be helpful to you. You will probably be closer to your elder sisters. You will respect them and take advice as well as financial help from them which they will always give you. You can rely on them.

The friendships you have will be deep and long lasting. You benefit from associations with elder people. You are much happier with a small group of close friends. When you are older, you may act as a teacher to your friends and this can be very constructive.

An active social life is indicated. You will be a member of many clubs and participate in many social activities.

You should be cheerful and take nutritious food and do regular exercises which will maintain your health.

The diseases indicated are injury to body parts, to knee cap, skin disease, eczema, dislocation, hysteria, rheumatism and pulmonary troubles. Left ear troubles are indicated so do take the necessary precautions.

Moon in Capricorn in the eleventh house indicates lack of creative energy which will prevent you from fulfilling your desires and aspirations easily. Financial gains are indicated through some lady but these may not amount to much.

Your moods will have a strong effect on the course of your friendships. Some days you'll really like, someone, but on another day you'll feel cool. But be careful not to act inconsistently towards your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them. Some of your friends will be business men. In society too, you will come across many business men.

Foreign Journeys, Debts & Net Savings

At the time of your birth, Aquarius sign was placed in the twelfth house. Saturn is the lord of this sign.

You have a good business ability. You are endowed with wealth and power and do not relish the idea of being dependent on your children in old age. Hence you may keep the money safe for that period. You are helpful to needy people and make advances of money to those who can repay on demand.

Inheritance of money and property is likely during your middle age, and you will treat your wealth as carefully as you used to handle your childhood allowance. In short you will accumulate wealth.

Since you are very attached to your family you will spend on your family and on those whom you are sentimentally attached to. You are also fond of worldly comforts and all kinds of pleasures like eating, travelling etc. on which you will spend part of your money. Decorating your house interests you and you will spend on interior decoration which will not be costly but attractive all the same. However, you are no spendthrift.

By exercising prudence you will keep sufficiently large sums of money as donations to charity later, for that will eventually bring you your greatest satisfaction.

Love for travel is indicated in your chart and you are ever ready for long journeys and never tire of these. You are especially suited to work involving foreign countries, travel, and shipment of goods abroad. You may be blessed with a gift for languages, even if you have never studied them, and your remarkable understanding of people allows you to learn about local customs, traditions and beliefs quickly. Little wonder, then that many of you become translators, explorers and anthropologists. You may go on long pilgrimages to foreign countries. Settling abroad in connection with your profession is possible but this will not be a posting of a long duration.

Jupiter in Aquarius in the twelfth house makes you wealthy. You are extravagant and spend money not only on yourself but on others as well. You will probably spend a great deal on your father's property. Saving is automatic but not in the same ratio as you earn money.

Journeys both with in your own native country as well as abroad in connection with your profession are indicated during the course of which you will get to know many people there. A long stay abroad is indicated but you will not settle there permanently.

Manglik Vichar

In the boy or the girl's horoscope when Mars is in ascendant, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelfth house then it is called Manglik dosh.

In your horoscope Mars is placed in the ascendant so you are a manglik. With its effect, you may have to suffer from diseases caused due to excessive heat or bile but it will not harm you seriously. Most of your important works will be done with your own hard work. Your marriage may be slightly delayed due to Mars' effect. Even at the time of settlement, there may be breaks. But after marriage your husband's health will be good.

In your horoscope, Mars' placed in the first house is aspecting the fourth house. With its effects you will be able to attain luxuries and comforts after some hurdles. But you will be provided with the comforts of land property and vehicles. Due to Mars aspect over the seventh house, your husband's health will be fine. The two of you will get along very well with each other. Due to Mars’ aspect over eighth house you may face difficulties in life but you will be able to get face it. With it's effect you may suffer from bile but it will not harm you seriously.

To minimize the evil effect of Mars and for better results you must marry such a manglik boy with whom your manglik dosh gets mutually cancelled. For this, in the boy's horoscope malefic planets like Saturn and Rahu are placed in manglik house i.e. first, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth houses. If you marry after property getting your dosh cancelled then you will enjoy good health. Having various luxurious and comforts you will lead a happily married life.

Kaap Sarp Yog

If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. According to the situation of Rahu in 12 houses of horoscope there are Kaal Sarp Yogas of 12 types. These are 1. Anant, 2. Kulik, 3. Vasuki, 4. Shankhpal, 5. Padma, 6. Mahapadma, 7. Takshak, 8. Karkotak, 9. Shankhchud, 10. Ghaatak, 11. Vishdhar, 12. Sheshnag The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the 7 planets are eaten away by Rahu's mouth then it is Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog. If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. The native having Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from certain shortcomings in life. The native does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed. The native without any reason suffers from diseases that are not cured by medicine. Propiation of kaal sarp dosh becomes necessary to lead a normal life. Kaal Sarp Yog In Your Horoscope

In your horoscope the Anant Kaal Sarp Yog is present. Due to it the married life is painful and disturbed. The family life remains disturbed; peace and happiness remain absent. The own relatives try to cause harm from time to time.

On many occasions there is fall of prestige or there is lack of esteem. Due to this yog the native has to struggle for build up of character and for moving ahead. The native changes his work again and again therefore there are losses. Particularly the work of bankers suffers.

Due to the influence of Kaal Sarp Yog the native indulges in low acts. The efforts to move ahead generally render failure. The influence of Moon makes the mind of native disturbed and restless. Due to this yog the native becomes lazy, non-enterprising and ready to perform low standard acts. He may be imprisoned.

Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the native suffers from diseases many times that cause loss of money and the native may suffer due to debts. The enemies of the native hatch conspiracies against him and try to cause harm. However the native also gets a miraculous time in life.

If you are feeling above disturbances then arrange for following remedies; you will definitely get relief

1. Establish Kaal Sarp Faults Removal Yantra in your home and worship it regularly.
2. During the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Rahu recite Rahu Mantra minimum 108 times daily. The total recitations are: 18000.
3. Observe fast on 16 Mondays.
4. Wear agate (Gomed) at an auspicious time after due procedures of recitation etc.
5. Feed birds for 1¼ month by barley.
6. Recite Nav Nag stotra daily for one year.
7. Do abhishek (bathe the deity) of Mahadev for 30 days during the month of Shravana.
8. Visit Kalhasti Shiv temple situated near Tirupati Balaji and perform rituals for Kaal Sarp Yog with proper procedures.
9. Do shradha of ancestors during shradha paksha every year at least for 7 years.
10. Worship Saraswati ji properly for one year.

Alms for Rahu:
1. Donate agate, gold, lead, til (sesame) musterd, blue clothes etc.ers, sword, blankets, horse etc from time to time.
2. Donate especially at the time of eclipse agate, gold, lead, til (sesame), musterd, blue clothes etc from time to time.
3. Boil pine, mustard and loban (benzoin) in water and take bath with this water (only once).
4. Wear Nagpaash Yantra at an auspicious time after recitation of mantras.
5. Procedure for fast for Rahu and Ketu: This fast should be started on first Saturday of bright half of month. Total fasts-18. Wear black cloth and recite 18x108 or 3x108 times the basic mantra of planet. Then take water, doob (grass), and Kush (grass ) and keep it at the root of Peepal tree. In food take sweet choorma, sweet bread and revri, bhugga, sweets made of til and also donate same things. In night keep an earthen lamp filled with ghee under the Peepal tree.
6. Recite Sundarkand of Ramcharit manas on Tuesday and Saturn 108 times with devotion.
7. Fix a swastik made of silver at an auspicious time on your main door and on its both sides fix snake figures made of metal.

Important : Kindly note that worship of Kaal Sarp Yog is done only by wooden sandal. Don't use sindoor, roli (red lead) etc.

Kaal Sarp Yog Pooja can be done at Kalahasti Shiv Mandir near Tirupati Balaji or at any of the 12 Jyotirlings. Eg. Somnath Mandir in Saurashtra, Gujarat, Trimbakeshwar in Nasik, Maharashtra, Ujjain, Bheemashankar, Nageshwar, Rameshwar etc.

Gem Selection

To obtain the full benefic effect of stone, wear it while Moon is waxing on the specified day and time. Wearing it in the specified Nakshatra enhances the benefic effects of the stone. Take the stone of a size specified or greater in fractions of 1 / 4 Ratti rejecting fractions of 3 / 4 Ratti like 4 - 1 / 4 Ratti.Get it studded in the specified metal such that it touches the finger from bottom.If you are already wearing a stone then avoid wearing a contradictory stone.Before wearing it light lamp and incense stick and meditate on your God.Clean the ring in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Perform pooja and recite the specified mantra 108 times.Then wear the stone in the specified finger.Women should wear on their left hand whereas men should wear in the right hand.After wearing the ring give alms as specified for that stone.

Your favourable Gemstone - Cat's eye

You are born in the Pisces ascendant. The lord of the sign Pisces is Jupiter. Natal ascendant of a person is very important as the name, fame, power, position and prosperity of that person depend on it. If the ascendant of a native is strong then the native prospers well and he gets all round development in life.

Cat's eye is the gemstone which is recommended for Ketu. Ketu is considered similar to the Mars in the astrology. Mars is the lord of the house of fortune for the natives who are born in the Pisces ascendant. Favorable fortune is the prime requirement of life of the native. It fortune favors a person he gets full results of his efforts and his name and fame increases.

So it is very beneficial for the persons who are born with Pisces ascendant to wear the gemstone Cat's eye. Ketu or Mars can be strengthened by worshipping it in a prescribed way and by reciting proper mantra. Gemstone Cat's eye is recommended for Ketu. When a person who is born in the Pisces ascendant or rashi wears Cat's eye studded in ring he get happiness, prosperity and success in life. Ketu signifies meditation, discipline and concentration. So by wearing Cat's eye one can improve his fortune, can remove the effect of evil eye and one gets recognition and fame in service, gets cooperation from higher authorities and his reputation increases. Native gets full blessings of his maternal grandparents. Ketu is the planet which signifies libration. This stone is also beneficial in the contagious diseases.

Wear the ring studded with Cat's eye in the ring finger of right hand as this finger signifies Sun in palmistry. The Sun is considered king in the planetary cabinet and he is friendly to Mars. Cat's eye is the stone of Ketu. This ring should be worn on Tuesday as Mars is the lord of this day. This ring should be worn within one hour from the Sunrise in the hora of Mars. If this stone is worn in the constellations of Ketu on Tuesday means Ashwini, Moola or Magha falling on Tuesday, it will be very much benefic.

Clean Cat's eye ring with Ganga water and a mixture of milk, curd, honey, clarified butter and sugar. After this put red cloth on the wooden platform and keep this ring on it. Light incense sticks, ghee lamp and dhoop in front of it and recite Ketu Mantra 108 times to energize Cat's eye ring. After this touch it with your head and wear in the ring finger of right hand.

Mantra of Ketu - Om Kem Ketve Namah.

Donate coconut, seven grains, 1¼ meter length red cloth to get better results. Recite Ketu Mantra daily 108 times after having bath. Give sweet chapattis to black dog every Tuesday to get constant auspicious results.

Those who are born in the Pisces ascendant and wear Cat's eye get good health, name, fame, power, position and happiness in life and lead a life of success and reputation.

Gem Wearing

Performing Remedial measures & wearing stone for a planet helps increase the positive aspects of the planets in the horoscope. Scientifically, recital of Mantra for a particular planet forms a protection layer around the man. Stone increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into human body.

Normally a remedy is provided for the Major period lord Stone is worn for a weak ascendent, 9th or benefic houselord. When you should wear which stone or adopt which remedy is given in the following table along with its area of effectiveness. In each Major period three option of Stone are given. You can select any option by looking at the help you expect from the stone or remedy.

Stone Recommendation

Life Stone
Weight4 Carat
BenefitsSavings, Career success, Good health
Lucky Stone
Weight5 Carat
BenefitsGood health, Wealth, Fame
Benific Stone
Weight5 Carat
BenefitsEarnings, Kids happiness

Stone Recommendation as per Dasha

DasaVimsottari Dasha
PlanetRah 18 Years
Date18/02/2008 - 17/02/2026
Stone1(Power)Coral (91%)
Stone2(Power)Y-Sapphire (86%)
Stone3(Power)Pearl (70%)
MantraOm Bhram Bhrim Bhrom Sah Rahve Namah
DonationMole, Musk, Rape-seed, Sword, Must.oil
BenefitsGood health, Wealth, Fame

RubySun5GoldRingSundayMorn.Krittika, U Phal, U Sadha
PearlMoon5SilverLittleMondayMorn.Rohini, Hasta, Sravna
CoralMars5SilverRingTuesdayMorn.Mrgsra, Chitra, Dhanish
EmeraldMercury4GoldLittleWednesdayMorn.Aslesa, Jyestha, Revati
Y-SapphireJupiter4GoldFirstThursdayMorn.Punrvsu, Visakha, P Bhad
DiamondVenus1PlatinmLittleFridayMorn.Bharani, P Phal, P Sadha
B-SapphireSaturn45MetalMiddleSaturdayEven.Pushya, Anuradha, U Bhad
GomedRahu58MetalMiddleSaturdayNightArdra, Svati, Satbisha
Cat's eyeKetu5SilverRingThursdayNightAsvini, Magha, Moola

StoneMantraContradictory StoneItems To Donate
RubyOm Ghirini Suryaye NamahDiamond, B-Sapphire, GomedWheat, Sandal, Ghee, Red Cloth
PearlOm Som Somaye NamahGomedRice, Sugar, Curd, Wt.Cloth
CoralOm Am Angarkaye NamahDiamond, Gomed, B-SapphireWheat, Copper, Gur, Red-Cloth
EmeraldOm Bum Budhaye Namah---Moong, Bronze, Green-Cloth
Y-SapphireOm Brim Brihaspataye NamahDiamond, GomedGram Pulse, Gur, Yel.Cloth
DiamondOm Shum Shukrayaye NamahRuby, Coral, Y-SapphireRice, Silver, Wt.Cloth
B-SapphireOm Sham Shaneshcharaye NamahRuby, Coral, Y-SapphireHorse Bean, Oil, Black Cloth
GomedOm Ram Rahave NamahRuby, Pearl, CoralMole, Oil, Lead, Blue Cloth
Cat's eyeOm Kem Ketve Namah---7-Corns, Coconut, Brown Cloth