Dhirubhai Ambani Horoscope by Date of Birth | Horoscope of Dhirubhai Ambani 2020

Dhirubhai Ambani Horoscope

NameDhirubhai Ambani
Date of Birth28/12/1932
Time of Birth06:37:00 Hour
Istha58:04:31 Ghati

Birth Detail

Loc Time Corr-00:48:08 Hour
War Time Corr00:00:00 Hour
Local Mean Time05:48:52 Hour
Equation Of Time-00:01:34 Hour
Siderial Time12:14:03 Hour
Sun Rise07:23:11 Hour
Sun Set18:15:05 Hour
Day Duration10:51:54 Hour
Sun Position (Ayan)Uttarayan
Sun Position (Gola)Dakshin
Sun Degree13:11:16 Sagittarius
Ascendent Degree01:36:18 Sagittarius

Avakhada Chakra

Avakhada Chakra
Ascendent-LordSag - Jupiter
Rasi-LordSag - Jupiter
Naksh.-CharanP Sadha - 3
Nakshatra LordVenus
Name AlphabetPha - Farukh
Paya(Rasi-Nak)Gold - Copper
Planetary Degrees and their Positions
MonSag21:06:5314:46:49P Sadha3JupVenJupNuSign
MarLeo24:08:5800:15:00P Phal4SunVenMerFrSign
JupVir00:08:5900:02:06U Phal2MerSunRahEnSign
KetRLeo16:54:5700:09:25P Phal2SunVenMonEnSign
NepRLeo17:11:5500:00:31P Phal2SunVenMon---
R - Retrograde S - Stationary
C - Combust D - Deep Combust
Lahiri Ayanamsa : 22:55:22

Lagna Chart


Moon Chart


Navamsa Chart


Chalit and Niryan Bhava Chalit

Chalit Chart


Cusp Chart


Vimshottari Dasha

Balance of Dasha :Ven 8 Years 3 Months 28 Days

Ven 20 Years
Sun 6 Years
Mon 10 Years
Mar 7 Years
Rah 18 Years
Jup 16 Years
Sat 19 Years
Mer 17 Years
Ket 7 Years
Ven 20 Years
Lagna Reading

Sagittarius Ascendant (Lagna) rising along with Aries Navamsa and Sagittarius Dreskana in the first Pad of Moola was the astrological configuration at the time of your birth. This shows you are a straightforward individual, wealthy, enough to enjoy a carefree life. Play your cards intelligently when your age is 27 and 31, because it is then that you are slated to gain most. Providence too may bless you with financial aid.

One thing you have got to learn - to keep your wide trap shut. You go on talking all the time, and bluntly speak the truth without bothering about the listeners reaction. As truth always hurts, many of your friends who can't stomach your honest views, become alienated. Even your parents and brothers may not like your outspokenness and the situation may reach such a stage when you may think of parting company with them.

At home too, you will have to keep a check on your tongue, failing which you will have a disturbed home. Be cautious when conversing with your children, making sure not to impose your ideas on them all the time. You will have a sweet home with a loving spouse and adorable children and it is up to you to maintain it that way.

Wealthy and enjoying good health, you will evince a lot of interest in sports and outdoor activities. You like to travel frequently. Hence you would be spending less time at home which, in a way, is good because your people will be less exposed to your short temper and the consequent violent outburst.

As you proceed, your thoughts will dwell on a higher plane - the spiritual side. A god-fearing individual, you will develop deeper interest in religion and philosophy. You will visit holy places and contribute to charity.

You will enjoy splendid health for the greater part of your life but there may be occasions when you are likely to be affected by diseases like gout and asthma, plus sustaining fractures. Better take preventive steps straightaway.

The profession that fits a Sagittarian best is politics. Among the next best will be becoming a public orator, teacher or bank employee. Being attached to religious, occult or religious institutions, or connected with publishing houses will be rewarding. The other areas in which you can fare well are company law, engineering, contracts or foreign assignments.

Your lucky days are Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday wheras Monday is average. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are inauspicious.

The numbers that are favourable to you are 3, 5, 6 and 8. Keep clear of 2, 7 and 9.

Red, black and pearl don't suit you. Prefer blue, emerald, green, orange, white and cream which will prove beneficial.

Planet Reading

As the Sun, the lord of the ninth house, is posted in the friend's house, you can count on a healthy, long life. Jovial and self-confident, you will be a pretty popular figure. You will have bright sons who will uphold the family's image and integrity.

A lover of freedom and liberty, you possess a strong will to lead a comfortable, honourable life. You will undertake long journeys and voyages during the course of which you will strike many fruitful friendships. This will enlarge your vision to undertake a study of philosophy, politics and science. The effect of it will be you will profit by it and fatten your purse.


You are slated to enjoy a long, fruitful life, lucky as you are due to the position of the Moon in the first house. Only, you may be prone to minor injuries and if you are not careful, then you may sustain some serious wounds. Your personality will be quite impressive. This makes you put on airs and be very argumentative to the extent of being assertive on most matters. You speak sweetly, but firmly.

Possessing health and wealth, you will evince interest in mysticism and the occult sciences. You will not only make a study of them, you will also undertake journeys in search of knowledge about them. If you don't check your trait of day-dreaming, you may one day realise you are affected by somnambulism.


Mars lets you make progress with great difficulty. Expenditure will be high. You are not much devoted to God. You may be confused about Dharma and Bhagya. You will not get proper support of your luck Bhagya for prosperity. You will observe some lack of fortune.

Though Sagittarius Lagna indicates long, fruitful journeys, because of mars though long journeys are indicated, you will not get financial gains.


Mercury in Scorpio in the twelfth house makes you generous. You may donate money for good causes and may also give money to needy people. This will result in respect in society.

You will travel widely in your own native country on business. Your work may even take you abroad. Gains through these journeys are indicated. Residence in a foreign land is likely.

Although Sagittarius ascendant does not indicate hospitalization, because of this placement of Mercury in the twelfth house, hospitalization is certain, and Mercury's influence is stronger. However, this will not be fatal.


Jupiter in Virgo in the tenth house promises to confer on you a high social and professional position. Learned and respected, you can hope to be well off financially. This you can achieve in spite of the fact that you may not get any moral or material support from your father, with whom your relations won't be too cordial. This is because you find it difficult to understand him.

In the path of your progress, you will have to clear quite a few hurdles. There is likely to be many changes in your profession and job, and government officials won't be well disposed towards you. If they try to entangle you in litigation try to avoid it, failing which you may have to undergo a lot of hardship.


Venus in Scorpio in the twelfth house gives you your attachment to your elder brothers and sisters and you will spend money on various gifts to please them. You will probably spend much money on the acquisition of good conveyance and vehicles. Medical bills could also constitute part of your expenditure.

Journeys in your own native country related to business are indicated and this will give you the opportunity to see different places of tourist interest.

You will be hospitalized but not for any serious ailment and this may be for a few days only.


Saturn in Capricorn sign in 2nd house indicates gain of money through personal efforts. You will enjoy a pleasurable domestic life, yet strained relations with blood some relatives are indicated. You are blessed with long life and ancestral property.

You derive good earnings and success in making balance of money. Some times in life, you will get unearned money.


Although Sagittarius Lagna indicates that there will be mutual co-operation among you and your co-borns, Rahu does not let you benefit from this association. Your brothers or cousin brothers are ill natured and non-co-operative. You will make all efforts to share an understanding with them but it will be in vain.

They will not adjust and you will be worried and unhappy due to their behaviour and actions. Disputes and disharmony will exist among you.

Though Sagittarius Lagna indicates that you enjoy music, Rahu takes this interest away. You have no interest in music, dance and songs. In your view, such entertainment is good only for a pastime.


Ketu in the 9th house makes you face extreme hardship on the path to progress. Even after many conflicts, you will face sorrow in your life. All your ambitions remain incomplete.

Though Sagittarius Lagna indicates that you are a religious native, Ketu takes away your interest in religion and makes you an Atheist, as far as religion its concerned. Inspite of believing in Bhagya, you will be forced to put in extra efforts, though you know that without the support of Bhagya, you cannot achieve anything.

House Reading
Physique Health & Nature

Sagittarius on the rise at the time of your birth clearly denotes you will be a graceful, charming person with a well-proportioned body which can make a tremendous impression on others. Tall and lean, with a prominent forehead on an oval face, displaying a pair of expressive eyes, you can be termed as handsome.

You will enjoy sound health for the greater part of life, but after crossing the midway mark, you will have to be cautious.

An optimist, you always look at the brighter side of things, without adopting a negative approach. Jovial and generous, you take life in its stride. You are very particular of enlarging your circle of friends; especially foreigners for whom you have great fancy. By nature you are not timid, but pretty aggressive. In the face of adverse conditions, you will emerge with flying colours as you relish meeting the issue squarely. Even while actively engaged in worldly affairs, you have a desire to learn about religion and philosophy about which you will be inclined to make a study.

There are, however, some negative aspects which you should attend to. You are, because of your independent spirit, likely to fall out with your parents, brothers and sisters. Since you spend a lot of time in outdoor activities, you may not be able to devote adequate time for your spouse and children. You will have to strike a balance so that your family doesn't feel neglected.

As the Sun, the lord of the ninth house, is posted in the friend's house, you can count on a healthy, long life. Jovial and self-confident, you will be a pretty popular figure. You will have bright sons who will uphold the family's image and integrity.

A lover of freedom and liberty, you possess a strong will to lead a comfortable, honourable life. You will undertake long journeys and voyages during the course of which you will strike many fruitful friendships. This will enlarge your vision to undertake a study of philosophy, politics and science. The effect of it will be you will profit by it and fatten your purse.

Finance, Family, Eye & Speech

Saturn, the lord of 2nd house indicates that you will not entertain any hope on others promise. You will not spend your time in idle talk. It is not easy for others to fool you. You appear to be modest and polite. As you are talkative, you make friends with anybody quickly. You will take longtime to test the individual and finally make a permanent tie of friendship.

You will utilize everything to a material purpose. So you will have wealth, precious jewellary, gems & other valuables with you.

You do love your family but you do not display your love. The family members may mistake the fact that you treat them coldly. In your family you hate noise and disturbance but like a quiet atmosphere. Your family members may make a mistake in understanding you.

Being basically materialistic, you will acquire wealth, precious jewellery, gems and other valuables. You are fond of good quality sweets and variety of namkeens. You like rich and hygienic food in your diet.

You will like to attend and celebrate auspicious ceremonies. Guard yourself against ailments related to your eyes. You may suffer from eye sores. The right eye may be afflicted in the later part of life.

Saturn in Capricorn sign in 2nd house indicates gain of money through personal efforts. You will enjoy a pleasurable domestic life, yet strained relations with blood some relatives are indicated. You are blessed with long life and ancestral property.

You derive good earnings and success in making balance of money. Some times in life, you will get unearned money.

Coborns, Publications, Music & Short Travels

At the time of your birth, Aquarius sign was placed in the 3rd house. Saturn, being the lord of this sign indicates that you will be yourself most strongly when working with others toward some collective purpose, because you derive your own ideas of significance from what is significant for the people around you.

You don't automatically reject new ideas or go along unthinkingly with the status quo. In fact, you are very interested in knowledge and skills that would enable you to change the world around you. But your ideal of change is of a systematic and orderly process. You may put a great deal of effort into studying subjects that bring about orderly change such as science, technology and mathematics.

You have a good memory. You are bold, courageous and pushy. You are optimistic. You stick to your principles. You are extremely ambitious.

If you have brothers and sisters, they will be intelligent, faithful and noble. They are co-operative. Each one of you will forget and forgive the mistakes of others for family peace and harmony. You will all co-operate with each other.

You have all communication facilities like radio, conveyance, television, telecommunications, etc.

Though you are fond of music, cinema, movies, dance, good songs and operas, you believe in working first and then only relaxing with such entertainment.

You will undertake frequent journeys for financial gains and to call on friends and relatives. These short journeys will give you friends and recognition.

You like reading news papers, magazines and other good publications to increase your knowledge. You are a good orator. You are good at writing as well.

Although Sagittarius Lagna indicates that there will be mutual co-operation among you and your co-borns, Rahu does not let you benefit from this association. Your brothers or cousin brothers are ill natured and non-co-operative. You will make all efforts to share an understanding with them but it will be in vain.

They will not adjust and you will be worried and unhappy due to their behaviour and actions. Disputes and disharmony will exist among you.

Though Sagittarius Lagna indicates that you enjoy music, Rahu takes this interest away. You have no interest in music, dance and songs. In your view, such entertainment is good only for a pastime.

Education, Mother, Conveyance & Property

The overall trend indicated for one born when the Pisces sign is in the fourth house, is royal innings of plenty and pleasure. Hence you won't be off the mark if you are optimistic of a cozy life without hassles.

You can be off to a sound start, thanks to your mother, whose main ambition is the prosperity of her children. An intelligent lady who won't be conservative but will lap up progressive ideas, she will encourage you to learn to stand on your own feet and pursue your profession oozing self-confidence. She will maintain the home in a tip top condition providing the atmosphere necessary for a delightful time for the family.

There are bright chances of inheriting ancestral property, a part of which you are either likely to dispose of or effect alterations to suit your requirements. That you are fortunate in the matter of accommodation will be confirmed by the fact that you will own a fine house in a central locality. You won't face any conveyance problem, as you will have your own vehicle.

No doubt you are intelligent and can acquire a good academic qualification, but the problem is that you are fickle-minded and may tend to stray. Hence, it is necessary for you to seek guidance from your elders to achieve a high degree in mathematics, accounts or science, the three subjects in which you have interest. Side by side, you will also make it a point to gain knowledge about religion and the occult sciences. As age advances, you will be so proficient in occultism that many people will become your disciple.

It is not unnatural for one enjoying a luxurious life to be tempted towards alcohol and cigarettes. If you don't yield to such an urge, then you will not invite any health problem. Otherwise, you may be afflicted by diabetes or lung trouble.

Love Life, Children & Intellect

Mars being the lord of your 5th house indicates that you are an intelligent native. You keep your interest in learning. Higher education will be blessing for your career. You will desire to be head of all affairs.

You are externally frank and enthusiastic even in love. Your good nature and charm attract the opposite sex. You take practical steps and want freedom, adventure in love and ever lasting affection. You will choose a beautiful, clever and good spouse.

You will have a limited number of children. You will be worried for a male child. You love your spouse and children very much but you may not find sufficient time for them in your routine life.

You are intelligent. You take interest in higher education. You do not follow traditional customs and law blindly. It is believed that virtuous acts previously done are the cause of your present happy life.

Guard yourself against stomach problems. You should take a balanced diet to avoid the problems of the stomach and intestines. Avoid oily meals.

Disease, Enemies & Servents

Taurus sign was placed in the 6th house, at the time of your birth. Venus is the lord of this sign.

You are a very warm person who forms lasting attachments to others. Your affections don't change easily, and even if you lose respect for a friend, you will continue to like that person is spite of his as her faults. People like you so much that they are willing to do favours for you. You are very fond of beautiful things and luxury. You like a good comfortable chair where you can relax and have a delicious snack.

Your status, way of working and prosperity will be the cause for jealousy among your enemies. You are tactful clever and intelligent. You know how to motivate people and to achieve success. So you will easily subdue your enemies and emerge victorious in litigation.

Appointment of servants is a necessity in your life as you are busy and have no time to do all the work yourself. You will have very good and reliable servants.

You earn sufficient money to lead life like a rich person. You are from a good and reputed family. Your maternal uncles and aunts also hold a good status in society. They like you. They show deep affection towards you. They will fulfil their duties towards you.

Family Life, Marriage & Business Partner

The general indication provided by the Gemini sign rising in the seventh house at the time of your birth is that the native is slated to enjoy a happy and prosperous married life. Your sweet smile and ready wit have such a magnetic quality that they make not only your spouse but also your friends adore you. It is probably because of your popularity with others that you like to spend more time outside than at home.

You are adept in managing your family affairs. You don't unnecessarily interfere in your partner's affairs and treat the children like friends. If and when a controversy crops up, you handle it tactfully and solve it to the satisfaction of everyone concerned. Rarely, however, your spouse may be given to losing temper and even becoming aggressive, but since you are not rigid but flexible, you will adjust yourself according to the situation and everything ends well. It is due to your smooth behaviour that your spouse's outbursts don't last long.

In spite of your unbounded affection for your family, you are an individual who loves to retain personal freedom, more so in your activities beyond the walls of your house. This is probably the reason you attain maturity rather late in life.

Seeking change in everything all the time is part of your basic nature. So, you are apt to switch jobs and professions which will fortunately turn out to be fruitful.

Longevity, Accident & Insurance

The Cancer sign was placed in the eighth house at the time of your birth. Moon, being the lord of this sign indicates that you have an inborn talent and love for the occult. You have a psychic medium faculty and are interested in anything pertaining to the occult. All your difficulties can be lightened by the occult.

You are naturally intuitive and will conduct many psychic and occult investigations. You may involve yourself in occult investigations.

You will make many friends with people who are interested in the occult because of your common interest in it. It is quite evident that you will benefit from the occult science.

You will gain through ancestral property and be wealthy and comfortable because of this. In the latter part of life, you will gain much more of property, land and even a house. You will probably gain because of legacies through friends.

At the time of marriage too, you will receive a lot of dowry. This dowry may consist of money, jewels, property, household goods etc. If you wish, you and your spouse can comfortably live on dowry alone.

You will very wisely go in for insurance since you do not want to take any risks and want to ensure that in case anything should happen to you, your family should not suffer an account of this and be comfortable. You will probably benefit through the insurance of dead people.

Your chart does not give any indication of robbery. But that goes to your credit and shows how careful you are. And even if minor thefts do occur you will have no cause to worry since you have already insured everything.

Your chart does not show accidents either and if ever by chance you are involved in one you will not sustain any injuries possibly only a few scratches and nothing more.

You will enjoy a long life. Your death will be quick and sudden and so the suffering will not be prolonged.

Fame, Worship & Long Travels

At the time of your birth Leo sign was placed in the 9th house. Sun is the Lord of this house.

You are a famous native. People like you because you are basically warm and affectionate. You are reluctant to compromise yourself or lose other people's respect. Being respected by others is very important to you, and for this reason you are less likely than others to tell lies. You feel that everything should be out in the open.

Once you have made up your mind about a particular course of action. You are very persistent. You select a goal and follow it through to the bitter end. When you are older, You will play this role whenever possible, which should work out very well, because you also want to be worthy of being a leader. For you, self-respect is as important as the respect of others.

You are very wise and prudent. You have leadership qualities. You love freedom and like to live in a free style. You do not like anyone ordering you. You cannot work under reservations. You do not follow rules and rights. Luck will favour you and people will have faith in you. In fact what you did in your previous life, you are enjoying in the current life.

You are a religious native. You will probably worship the sun and other Gods and follow religious rites, family customs and traditions. You believe and follow preceptors. You will visit Dharmic places, temples and pious holy places relating to your religion, as a routine. You will like to visit some places of other religions.

You will also visit pilgrimages. You have faith in God and will read and learn from various books on religion and occultism. You have faith in meditation, Tantra, Mantra and spiritual science. You will like to go through the literature on these subjects.

You will develop your intuitive power with spiritual support. You can see into the future and can also forecast for people and on a national level. You present yourself to the public in a very attractive way.

You are blessed with the comforts and pleasure of grand children. Your later life will be very happy and full of prosperity. One of your grandsons will be the source of success in your old age. You love kids.

Long journeys are indicated for professional and religious purposes. You will get money and fame by these tours. You believe in donations to get a fortunate re-birth. You will do various pious deeds.

Ketu in the 9th house makes you face extreme hardship on the path to progress. Even after many conflicts, you will face sorrow in your life. All your ambitions remain incomplete.

Though Sagittarius Lagna indicates that you are a religious native, Ketu takes away your interest in religion and makes you an Atheist, as far as religion its concerned. Inspite of believing in Bhagya, you will be forced to put in extra efforts, though you know that without the support of Bhagya, you cannot achieve anything.

Profession, Father, Status & Power

It is the general pattern that politics is the best profession for those born when the Virgo sign is occupying the tenth house. Even if it is not preferred as a full time occupation, the native can hope to secure substantial benefits from politicians.

Not that it is the only area that suits you. There are many others from which you can have your pick. They include being a public orator, bank employee, teacher, editing and publishing books, establishing close links with educational and religious institutions, or occultism. Company law, engineering, foreign assignments or civil contracts can also be pursued.

It would be in your interest to do business instead of service as there are hints of your making good profits in business like trading, import, export or valuable or engineering items.

You can be optimistic of securing favours from governmental agencies. If you prefer it, you can also take up a government job in which your worth will be recognized, yielding rewards. In case you are forced to enter into a litigation, you needn't despair as you will emerge from it unscathed.

It seems you have inherited quite a few of your father's qualities. He is an active, brisk individual who approaches issues with an alert mind and goes about his job in a methodical manner. At the same time, he is an expert in finding fault with others and castrating them for their shortcomings. You have many of these traits.

Jupiter in Virgo in the tenth house promises to confer on you a high social and professional position. Learned and respected, you can hope to be well off financially. This you can achieve in spite of the fact that you may not get any moral or material support from your father, with whom your relations won't be too cordial. This is because you find it difficult to understand him.

In the path of your progress, you will have to clear quite a few hurdles. There is likely to be many changes in your profession and job, and government officials won't be well disposed towards you. If they try to entangle you in litigation try to avoid it, failing which you may have to undergo a lot of hardship.

Friends, Society & Elder Brothers

At the time of your birth, Libra sign was placed in the eleventh house. Venus being the lord of this sign indicates that you excel other people in reasoning, and judgement and with the help of these qualities will be able to fulfil all your desires and aspirations. Those of you who are actors and those dealing in perfumes should do very well financially.

Your chart does not indicate elder brothers and even if you do have them you will be much closer to your elder sisters and will rely on them for guidance and help; financial and otherwise which they will readily give you. They will serve as a good example for you and you will mould yourself on their lines.

You are a friendly, outgoing person who likes to have fun with others. You don't like to be alone, because you feel lonely very easily. Fortunately, people usually, like you so you should not have trouble finding company.

Since you are generous and honest in your affections, you will be a very good friend. It will be impossible for you not to have many friends. Your friends will include ladies and actors. Your friends, like you, will be intelligent.

Social gatherings please you. You have charming manners and since you are affectionate and gentle will be popular in society. People in society will be rich and intellectuals. You will mix with actors as well.

On the whole, you enjoy good health. But you are prone to infectious diseases. Diseases of the kidneys, spines, pineal glands and lumber vertebrae can be expected. Appendicitis, lumbago, polyuria, etc. are the diseases indicated.

In addition to these, left ear troubles are indicated which should be treated in time to prevent it from becoming serious.

Foreign Journeys, Debts & Net Savings

At the time of your birth, Scorpio sign was placed in the twelfth house. Mars is the lord of this sign.

Your indifference to material wealth makes you unconcerned about riches. But your concern for the needs of others can lead you to raise large sums of money for their benefit. So there should be no doubt about your abilities either as a wage earner or as a fund collector. Your financial dilemma is rooted not in your skills but in your will. Once you make up your mind to be prosperous, once you want to enjoy economic security, you will do so.

Spending money will be mainly for charity, donation and to help friends who may need it. You will be a particularly tempting target for those who want to exploit your good nature. While you can continue to be kind you must learn to be careful, too.

You have the urge to travel. Because of your determination and need for new horizons to explore, you enjoy travel and engage in it.

In another age, you would have been one of those daring adventurers who discovered new lands, always ranging further afield than was considered wise. In today's world, you might be a researcher in a laboratory, always looking a few steps ahead of the latest scientific data or the volunteer fireman who is always first on the scene of a fire. Whatever your occupation, your venturesome sense of discovery keeps you a little out in front of your colleagues. You would be unhappy any where else.

Travel however, for you will be in connection with some disease and for medical care. Hospitalization is possible but it will not be for a serious reason since you enjoy good health.

Venus in Scorpio in the twelfth house gives you your attachment to your elder brothers and sisters and you will spend money on various gifts to please them. You will probably spend much money on the acquisition of good conveyance and vehicles. Medical bills could also constitute part of your expenditure.

Journeys in your own native country related to business are indicated and this will give you the opportunity to see different places of tourist interest.

You will be hospitalized but not for any serious ailment and this may be for a few days only.

Manglik Vichar

In the boy or the girl's horoscope when Mars is in ascendant, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelfth house then it is called Manglik dosh.

In your horoscope Mars was placed in the ninth house which represents fate and religion. Hence with its effect you will have more faith in karma than in destiny. You will believe that without karma, one cannot have a rise in luck. So you will pursue success following this motto. But you will lose faith in religion and seldom perform religions rites or visit holy cities but during the latter stage of life you will understand the importance of the same. You will get recognition in the society but it may be delayed.

Mars' fourth aspect from ninth house over twelfth house indicates that you will spend a lot of money on both bad well as good causes. You will like to invest on land property and this may get you gains in ample amount though with its effect you will have unnecessary hurdles on your path but you will always be able to find a solution to your problems. Your married life will be peaceful.

Mars’ aspect over the third house shows that there will be an increase in your valour and the people around you will accept your influence. Your brothers and sisters will also help and support to some extent. With the effect of Mars’ aspect over fourth house, you will own land property and vehicles. There will be no dearth of luxuries in your life. Your mother's health will be average.

Due to Mars' effect you will be hard working and enthusiastic and get success in life by virtue of these qualities. Your married life will be peaceful and happy. Your family members will be pleased and satisfied with you.

Kaap Sarp Yog

If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. According to the situation of Rahu in 12 houses of horoscope there are Kaal Sarp Yogas of 12 types. These are 1. Anant, 2. Kulik, 3. Vasuki, 4. Shankhpal, 5. Padma, 6. Mahapadma, 7. Takshak, 8. Karkotak, 9. Shankhchud, 10. Ghaatak, 11. Vishdhar, 12. Sheshnag The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the 7 planets are eaten away by Rahu's mouth then it is Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog. If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. The native having Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from certain shortcomings in life. The native does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed. The native without any reason suffers from diseases that are not cured by medicine. Propiation of kaal sarp dosh becomes necessary to lead a normal life. Kaal Sarp Yog In Your Horoscope

In your horoscope the Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog is present. All houses of your horoscope situated between Rahu and Ketu have planets. Due to this reason the married life is painful and disturbed. The family life remains disturbed; peace and happiness remain absent. The own relatives try to cause harm from time to time. The friends of the native try to deceive him again and again.

The native also gets chances for government service but he has to struggle for status and esteem. He has to undergo many struggles for earning of money but success normally eludes him. On many occasions there is fall of prestige or there is lack of esteem.

Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the native suffers from diseases many times that cause loss of money and the native may suffer due to debts. The influence of Moon makes the mind of native disturbed and restless.

The native does not take much interest in worship, recitations, alms or other religious activities. There may be some loss due to lawsuits. Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the native suffers from state and has differences with government officials. He may suffer suspension of job. However the native also gets a miraculous time in life and achieve success ultimately.

If you are feeling above disturbances then arrange for following remedies; you will definitely get relief.

1. Establish Kaal Sarp Faults Removal Yantra in your home and worship it regularly.
2. Take meals by sitting in your kitchen.
3. Do shradha of ancestors during shradha paksha every year at least for 7 years.
4. Take flowers of Palash and grind it after mixing with urine of cow. Dry it in shade. Put some part of this flower in bucket water and take bath with it. Take this bath on 72 Wednesdays (1½years).
5. Recite Nav Nag stotra daily for one year.
6. On every Pushya nakshatra do Rudranbhishek of Mahadeo and offer milk and water.
7. Make a snake of silver or eight metals and wear it in your finger.
8. Worship a pair of snakes made of metal properly at Sangam of Alahabad and offer it to river along with milk and also do tarpan shradh once at Sangam.
9. Arrange recitation of Vedic mantra of snake by a Brahmin (or recite it yourself). Recite the mantra after proper worship of snake deity. The mantra is:Om Namostu Sarpebhyo Ye Ke cha prithvimanu,Ye AntariksheYe Divi Tebhyah Sarpebhyo Namah.Recite 31000 times. However in kaliyug 125000 times recitation is recommended. After recitation the snake is flown in the river after hoam etc.
10. Worship Saraswati ji properly for one year.
11. Fix a swastik made of silver at an auspicious time on your main door and on its both sides fix snake figures made of metal.

Alms for Rahu:
1. Donate agate, gold, lead, til (sesame) musterd, blue clothes etc.ers, sword, blankets, horse etc from time to time.
2. Donate especially at the time of eclipse agate, gold, lead, til (sesame), musterd, blue clothes etc.
3. Procedure for fast for Rahu and Ketu:This fast should be started on first Saturday of bright half of month. Total fasts-18. Wear black cloth and recite 18x108 or 3x108 times the basic mantra of planet. Then take water, doob (grass), and Kush (grass ) and keep it at the root of Peepal tree. In food take sweet choorma, sweet bread and revri, bhugga, sweets made of til and also donate same things. In night keep an earthen lamp filled with ghee under the Peepal tree.
4. Recite the shlokas of 16th chapter of Dashamskandh of Shrimadbhagwat 108 times.
5. Recite Sundarkand of Ramcharit manas on Tuesday and Saturn 108 times with devotion.
6. Worship Serve Bhadra mandal Yantra at an auspicious time and wear it.

Especially for Females: Daily walk round a banyan tree 108 times. When 28000 rounds will be completed in 108 days then all faults will be removed and you will be blessed with a child.

Important : Kindly note that worship of Kaal Sarp Yog is done only by wooden sandal. Don't use sindoor, roli (red lead) etc.

Kaal Sarp Yog Pooja can be done at Kalahasti Shiv Mandir near Tirupati Balaji or at any of the 12 Jyotirlings. Eg. Somnath Mandir in Saurashtra, Gujarat, Trimbakeshwar in Nasik, Maharashtra, Ujjain, Bheemashankar, Nageshwar, Rameshwar etc.

Gem Selection

To obtain the full benefic effect of stone, wear it while Moon is waxing on the specified day and time. Wearing it in the specified Nakshatra enhances the benefic effects of the stone. Take the stone of a size specified or greater in fractions of 1 / 4 Ratti rejecting fractions of 3 / 4 Ratti like 4 - 1 / 4 Ratti.Get it studded in the specified metal such that it touches the finger from bottom.If you are already wearing a stone then avoid wearing a contradictory stone.Before wearing it light lamp and incense stick and meditate on your God.Clean the ring in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Perform pooja and recite the specified mantra 108 times.Then wear the stone in the specified finger.Women should wear on their left hand whereas men should wear in the right hand.After wearing the ring give alms as specified for that stone.

Your favourable Gemstone - Topaz

Your ascendant is Sagittarius. The lord of this sign is Jupiter. Topaz is worn for the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet that is considered most benefic planet in astrology. Natal ascendant of a person is very important as the name, fame, power; position and prosperity of that person depend on it. If the ascendant of a native is strong then the native prospers well and he gets all round development in life.

So it is very beneficial for the persons who are born with Sagittarius ascendant to give strength to their natal Jupiter. Jupiter can be strengthened by worshipping it in a prescribed way and by reciting proper mantra. Gemstone Topaz is recommended for Jupiter.

When a person who is born in the Sagittarius ascendant or rashi wears gemstone Topaz studded in gold ring he get happiness, prosperity and success in life. Jupiter is the planet that signifies wisdom and happiness so by wearing Topaz one can get fame and recognition in society and gets honor due to his wisdom and intelligence. Jupiter also signifies liver so wearing topaz is also very much benefic for those who are suffering from diseases related to liver or kidney. The source of income can also increase for those who are having monetary problems after wearing this stone.

Native gets full blessings of his elders, teachers and gurus after wearing this stone. Jupiter signifies wisdom, wealth and happiness of the native. So it can be proved very much beneficial for those who have liver problems and it also increases the source of income.

Wear the ring studded with Topaz in the index finger of right hand as this finger signifies Jupiter as per the palmistry. This ring should be worn on Thursday as Jupiter is the lord of this day. This ring should be worn in the first hora of the Thursday i.e. within one hour from the sunrise as first hora of Thursday is the hora of the Jupiter. If this stone is worn in the constellations of Jupiter Punarvasu, vishakha or poorva Bhadrapada falling on Thursday it will be very much benefic.

Clean Topaz with Ganga water and a mixture of milk, curd, honey, clarified butter and sugar. After this put yellow clothe on the wooden platform and keep this Topaz on it. Light incense sticks, ghee lamp and dhoop in front of it and recite Guru Mantra 108 times to energize topaz. After this touch it with your head and wear in the little finger of right hand.

Mantra of Jupiter - Om Brim Brihaspataye Namah.

Donate chana dal, gur and yellow cloth of 1¼ meter length to get better results. Recite Guru Mantra daily 108 times daily after having bath. Offer water to banana tree and recite Vishnu Sahastranam on Thursday. Worship lord Vishnu every Thursday and offer Prasad of Chana and gur to lord.

Those who are born in the Sagittarius ascendant and wear Topaz get good health, name, fame, power, position and happiness in life and lead a life of success and reputation.

Gem Wearing

Performing Remedial measures & wearing stone for a planet helps increase the positive aspects of the planets in the horoscope. Scientifically, recital of Mantra for a particular planet forms a protection layer around the man. Stone increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into human body.

Normally a remedy is provided for the Major period lord Stone is worn for a weak ascendent, 9th or benefic houselord. When you should wear which stone or adopt which remedy is given in the following table along with its area of effectiveness. In each Major period three option of Stone are given. You can select any option by looking at the help you expect from the stone or remedy.

Stone Recommendation

Life Stone
Weight4 Carat
BenefitsCareer success, Good health, Comforts
Lucky Stone
Weight5 Carat
BenefitsGood health, Fame
Benific Stone
Weight5 Carat
BenefitsFame, Kids happiness, Savings

Stone Recommendation as per Dasha

DasaVimsottari Dasha
PlanetMer 17 Years
Date27/04/2017 - 27/04/2034
Stone1(Power)Ruby (100%)
Stone2(Power)Y-Sapphire (100%)
Stone3(Power)Coral (83%)
MantraOm Bram Brim Brom Sah Budhaye Namah
DonationMoong, Conch Shell, Ivory, Camphor, Ghee
BenefitsSavings, Marital bliss, Career success

RubySun5GoldRingSundayMorn.Krittika, U Phal, U Sadha
PearlMoon5SilverLittleMondayMorn.Rohini, Hasta, Sravna
CoralMars5SilverRingTuesdayMorn.Mrgsra, Chitra, Dhanish
EmeraldMercury4GoldLittleWednesdayMorn.Aslesa, Jyestha, Revati
Y-SapphireJupiter4GoldFirstThursdayMorn.Punrvsu, Visakha, P Bhad
DiamondVenus1PlatinmLittleFridayMorn.Bharani, P Phal, P Sadha
B-SapphireSaturn45MetalMiddleSaturdayEven.Pushya, Anuradha, U Bhad
GomedRahu58MetalMiddleSaturdayNightArdra, Svati, Satbisha
Cat's eyeKetu5SilverRingThursdayNightAsvini, Magha, Moola

StoneMantraContradictory StoneItems To Donate
RubyOm Ghirini Suryaye NamahDiamond, B-Sapphire, GomedWheat, Sandal, Ghee, Red Cloth
PearlOm Som Somaye NamahGomedRice, Sugar, Curd, Wt.Cloth
CoralOm Am Angarkaye NamahDiamond, Gomed, B-SapphireWheat, Copper, Gur, Red-Cloth
EmeraldOm Bum Budhaye Namah---Moong, Bronze, Green-Cloth
Y-SapphireOm Brim Brihaspataye NamahDiamond, GomedGram Pulse, Gur, Yel.Cloth
DiamondOm Shum Shukrayaye NamahRuby, Coral, Y-SapphireRice, Silver, Wt.Cloth
B-SapphireOm Sham Shaneshcharaye NamahRuby, Coral, Y-SapphireHorse Bean, Oil, Black Cloth
GomedOm Ram Rahave NamahRuby, Pearl, CoralMole, Oil, Lead, Blue Cloth
Cat's eyeOm Kem Ketve Namah---7-Corns, Coconut, Brown Cloth