The Basics of Horary Astrology: Answering Life’s Questions with the Stars
By: Future Point | 15-Nov-2024
Views : 581
Horary astrology is very useful and continuously fruitful. It is such astrology with the help of which the most complex and complex problems can be solved easily. Horary astrology is beyond the working limits of the birth chart. Horary astrology is a method of astrology through which the exact answer to a particular question can be found. In Vedic astrology, the questioner puts his question in front of the astrologer. After that Prashna Kundali is made on the basis of time, date, and place of the question. Again on the basis of parshna Kundli, the horoscope is analyzed by taking the question as the basis and predictions are made. Prashna kyndali is dynamic it flows continuously with time. A new horoscope is made for each question.
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Basics of Horary Astrology
Question timing: Horary astrology begins when the astrologer understands and receives the question. The question should be specific, clear, and asked earnestly, as this helps the astrologer interpret the chart with focus.
Horary chart creation: The astrologer sets up a chart based on the exact date, time, and location where the question was received. This chart becomes the primary tool for analyzing and answering the question.
House system: The 12 houses in the horary chart represent different aspects of the question. Each house’s significant changes depending on the nature of the questions. For example:
1st house (the ascendant): Represents the questioner or querent. The physical appearance temperament and mental state of the questioner.
2nd house: The querent’s finances, property, and physical and financial assets. Considered to represent movable property as opposed to real estate. Associates of the querent such as lawyers in court cases.
3rd house: Siblings and neighbors. General commuting and short trips and executions. Letters, emails, and paperwork, including communications and contracts. Lower education from elementary to high school. Cars can be in second or third place, depending on the context of the question.
4th house: parents, immovable property, as opposed to movable property, such as houses, gardens, fruits and vegetables, mines, oil, buried treasure, and anything that comes out of the ground.
5th house: Children, love affairs, and romance. Gambling, betting, arguing, sports and pleasure. Any place that provides pleasure or entertainment, including restaurants, clubs, bars, and music venues.
6th house: Illness and disease or illness. Servants or employees in contemporary astrology, including contractors. Pets and small animals, traditionally animals smaller than a goat. Work and the work environment. People with whom you work together in some kind of agreement.
7th house: marriage, partner, partnerships, both professional and personal. Competitors and adversaries of all kinds. Open enemies such as enemies you are aware of. If no other house is sufficient use the seventh house to represent another person.
8th house: Death, fear, and worry. Generally used to indicate other people’s money.
9th house: long-distance travel, including travel to unknown places. Foreigners and exotic lands. University and students of any discipline of higher education such as doctors, lawyers, priests, and astrologers. Philosophy, dreams, and religion as well as churches and philosophy.
10th house: persons with careers and authority. Heads of state, usually government. Judges and royalty. Usually used to indicate the wealth of a partner or rival.
11th house: friendships or groups. Wishes, hopes, and aspirations.
12th house: secrets, hidden motives, and enemies, captivity, imprisonment, and self-destruction. Things that are not yet to the questioner. Any kind of non-voluntary and religious being is the ninth house. Traditionally associated with witchcraft or any way of secretly weakening the questioner.
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Types of Questions in Horary Astrology
Horary astrology can address a wide range of questions, each linked to specific houses.
- Will I get married to the proposed girl or not?
- Will I get love or not?
- Will the stolen item be found or not?
- My son has run away from home, when will he return?
- Will I get a job now?
- Will I have any child or not?
- Will the work done in partnership be profitable or not?
- Will there be profit in buying land or not?
- Will my disease be cured or not?
- Will there be victory or defeat in this case? Etc.
Astrology Software for Horary Astrology
This Horary astrology software Leostar has already given a list of questions. The list is quite comprehensive. From this list, you can choose your question. Otherwise, your new questions associated with the house and planet can be saved. Based on the study of house and planet position your answer with the probability of event along with probable time shall be answered in percentage. This answer shall help you know the answer to your question. In addition, if your question does not fall into any category of this software then you can add questions. But this will happen only if you mention the planets and houses related to your question. The maximum number of planets and houses can be three and a minimum of one.
Features of this Software are as follows:
Horary astrology - Horary astrology chart details. Planetary degrees, Bhava degrees
Horary astrology charts - Ascendant Chart (Question Chart or Prashna Chart), Lagna Chalit, Moon Chart, Navmansha chart.
Questions scriptures state - Vimshotri.
In horary astrology, Dashas are used for the calculation of fructification of an event. LeoStar software gives the facility of using Vimshotri and Yogini Dasha.
Horary astrology Dasha - Uttar
Prediction - Dashaphal
Key Component of Horary Interpretation:
Ascendant: (1st House) The Ascendant and its ruling planet (the chart ruler) represent the person asking to help the astrologers understand the nature of the querent’s query, including their mindset and intentions.
The planet that rules the house associated with the topic of the question (such as the 7th house for relationships) is the main significator of that matter.
The interaction between significators such as the aspects they form (like conjunction, oppositions, or trines), gives insight into the question’s outcome.
Planetary aspects:
Conjunction: Indicates a strong direct outcome a yes or unification.
Trine and sextile: positive aspects that suggest ease and harmony.
Square and opposition: Suggest conflict, obstacles, or delays, often indicating a no or complications.
Reception and dignities: Essential dignity is a planet’s strength based on its zodiac sign. For instance, based on its zodiac sign. For instance, Mars is strong in Aries but weakened in Libra. Reception refers to the relationship between planets through their dignities. Mutual reception (when two planets are in each other’s dignity) can make an outcome more favorable.
Timing indicators: Planets moving into specific aspects can help determine when events might happen. For example, if a significator is about to conjunct another relevant planet or an answer will come to fruition soon.
Horary astrology is a powerful predictive tool that can offer immediate and detailed answers to specific questions. By carefully analyzing the planetary positions at the moment a question is posed horary astrologers can provide answers and guidance with surprising accuracy. If you want to learn astrology professionally join certified professional astrology courses from AIFAS and become a successful astrologer.