Eclipses in 2024

Eclipses in 2024

An Eclipse or a ‘Grahan’ is an astronomical phenomenon of very high significance from an astrological point of view. As per the principles of Astrology or more appropriately- Vedic Astrology, eclipses cast a subtle but still an enormous impact on the lives of people. By means of this humble post, we will look at the concept of both a Solar as well as a Lunar eclipse, the dates & timings of various eclipses in the year 2024 and the restrictions & recommendations that are linked with these profound celestial events.

What is an Eclipse?

We all know that the Sun is at the center of our solar system with the Earth revolving around the Sun in its orbit, just like all other planets of the solar system do. Also the Moon being a natural satellite of the Earth revolves around it as well.

Now, the sunlight doesn’t reach a section of the Earth when either that section is simply not facing the Sun (we call that night time) or the alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon is such that light rays from the Sun are obstructed.

The alignment that obstructs sunlight from reaching Earth gives birth to a celestial phenomenon called an eclipse.

Types of Eclipses

We have now understood that an eclipse is caused when the sunlight’s path to the Earth is obstructed by the alignment of the Earth, Moon and Sun. This alignment obstructive to the sunlight can take place in two ways:

  • The Moon aligns in between the Sun and theEarth.
  • The Earth aligns in between the Sun and Moon.

When the Moon aligns itself in a line between the Earth and the Sun such that it obstructs the sunlight from reaching the Earth, we call it- a Solar Eclipse. Similarly, when the Earth aligns itself in a line between the Sun and Moon such that it obstructs the light from the Sun from falling onto the Moon, we call it- a Lunar Eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse in Hindi is called ‘Surya Grahan’ and a Lunar Eclipse is called a ‘Chandra Grahan’.

What does the Hindu Scriptures say about the creation the Eclipses

As per the Hindu faith, all planets except Rahu and Ketu, are considered as the manifestation of various forms of the divinity. At the time of a solar eclipse, the Sun is considered to go through a brief but troubling period of discomfort or inefficiency and so is the Moon during the lunar eclipse.

This is because when ‘Amrit’ or nectar of immortality came out of the celestial ocean when it was churned by both the gods and the demons, the demons were tricked and the Amrit was fed to the gods by the ‘Mohini’ form of Lord Vishnu. Mohini is a form in which Lord Vishnu appeared as an incredibly beautiful woman promising equal distribution of Amrit to both the gods and the demons who were fighting for it.

The gods and the demons were made to sit in two lines facing each other for the equal distribution of Amrit by Mohini.

However, a demon by the name of Svarabhanu identified Mohini tricking the demons by switching the pot of Amrit by Her divine magic with an intoxicating liquid while feeding the demons.

Svarabhanu through his demonic magic disguised himself as a god and sat among the actual gods, waiting for his turn to drink Amrit without anyone knowing about it. But, ‘Surya Dev’ (Sun God) and ‘Chandra Dev’ (Moon God) from the line of the gods, identified Svarabhanu just when he started drinking Amrit after being poured into his hands by Mohini.

Surya Dev and Chandra Dev shouted & pointed this out and Lord Vishnu in Mohini form cut off Svarabhanu’s head with the ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ (celestial discus). However, it was too late as Svarabhanu had already drunk the Amrit and became immortal. But since it was Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra that decapitated Svarabhanu, the head and the rest of the body of the demon became two separate immortal beings.

The head became Rahu and the rest of the body became Ketu. Eventually these two now immortal beings were given a place among the planets to provide people with the results of their past karmas in their current lives. Rahu got its place as the North Node of the Moon and Ketu as the South Node.

From a spiritual point of view, Rahu and Ketu consider Surya Dev (Sun God) and Chandra Dev (Moon God) responsible for their immortal but undesired state and therefore, they try to inflict their malefic influence upon both the gods in the form of eclipses from time to time.

Solar Eclipse 2024

There will be two solar eclipses in 2024.

First Solar Eclipse: The first solar eclipse of 2024 will occur on 8th April on the ‘Amavasya Tithi’ (New Moon) of the ‘Krishna Paksha’ (Waning Phase of the Moon) in the month of ‘Chaitra’ as per the lunar calendar.

The timings or duration of this eclipse will be as follows:

  • The solar eclipse will begin at 09:11 PM on 8th April and will end at 01:26 AM on 09th April.
  • The total duration of this solar eclipse will be 4 hours and 41 minutes.

Visibility of this solar eclipse:

This solar eclipse will be visible in South-Western Europe, Eastern parts of Asia, Australian continent, African continent, North & South America, parts of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean along with areas on the North Pole as well as the South Pole.

Note: This solar eclipse will not be visible in India therefore, the rules of ‘Sutak Kaal’ will not be applicable in India.

Second Solar Eclipse: The second solar eclipse of 2024 will occur on 2nd October on the ‘Amavasya Tithi’ (New Moon) of the ‘Krishna Paksha’ (Waning Phase of the Moon) in the month of ‘Ashwin’ as per the lunar calendar.

The timings or duration of this eclipse will be as follows:

  • The solar eclipse will begin at 09:12 PM on 2nd October and will end at 03:18 AM on 3rd October.
  • The total duration of this solar eclipse will be 6 hours and 06 minutes.

Visibility of this solar eclipse:

This solar eclipse will be visible in the United States of America, parts of South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and South Pole.

Note: This solar eclipse will not be visible in India therefore, the rules of ‘Sutak Kaal’ will not be applicable in India.

Lunar Eclipse 2024

There will be two lunar eclipses in 2024.

First Lunar Eclipse: The first lunar eclipse of 2024 will occur on 25th March on the ‘Poornima Tithi’ (Full Moon) of the ‘Shukla Paksha’ (Waxing Phase of the Moon) in the month of ‘Phalgun’ as per the lunar calendar.

The timings or duration of this eclipse will be as follows:

  • The lunar eclipse will begin at 10:22 AM on 25th March and will end at 15:03 PM.
  • The total duration of this lunar eclipse will be 4 hours and 41 minutes.

Visibility of this lunar eclipse:

This lunar eclipse will be visible in Europe, Eastern Russia, Japan, parts of Australia and New Zealand, North America, South America and Africa.

Note: This lunar eclipse will not be visible in India therefore, the rules of ‘Sutak Kaal’ will not be applicable in India.

Second Lunar Eclipse: The second lunar eclipse of 2024 will occur on 18th September on the ‘Poornima Tithi’ (Full Moon) of the ‘Shukla Paksha’ (Waxing Phase of the Moon) in the month of ‘Bhadrapada’ as per the lunar calendar.

The timings or duration of this eclipse will be as follows:

  • The lunar eclipse will begin at 06:11 AM on 18th September and will end at 10:18 AM.
  • The total duration of this lunar eclipse will be 4 hours and 04 minutes.

Visibility of this lunar eclipse:

This lunar eclipse will be visible in the southern and eastern regions of America, western regions of Europe as well as Africa.

Note: This lunar eclipse will not be visible in India therefore, the rules of ‘Sutak Kaal’ will not be applicable in India.

What is Sutak Kaal?

Sutak Kaal or Sutak Period is a period of prohibition that starts 12 hours prior to the beginning of a solar eclipse and 9 hours in case of a lunar eclipse. The Sutak Kaal ends with an eclipse.

It must be noted that the concept of Sutak Kaal and its subsequent restrictions or advice to avoid certain actions apply only in the regions where the eclipse is visible from.

What to avoid during Sutak Kaal?

The Sutak Kaal where applicable is a very tricky period which must be observed with utmost caution as the flow of energies in the cosmos during that time is very intense.

Following must be kept in mind during the Sutak Kaal of an eclipse:

  • Temples must remain closed during the Sutak Kaal.
  • People should refrain from worshipping Gods & Goddesses during this time.
  • No pious or auspicious activity is performed in the Sutak Period.
  • Avoid cooking and consuming food during Sutak Kaal.
  • Do not touch the Tulsi plant once the Sutak Period starts.
  • Avoid using sharp or pointed objects like knives or scissors during this time.
  • Pregnant women must not move a lot and try to stay calm.

What to do during the Sutak Kaal?

There are ways to ensure that the Sutak Kaal does not bring any harm to you. Afterall, if you approach the Sutak Kaal consciously and in-line with the spiritual wisdom, this period can also be an opportunity for spiritual growth as well.

  • Place a Tulsi leaf in the containers in which the food that has already been cooked is stored, before the start of the Sutak Kaal to protect it from negative energies.
  • Chant the Maha Mantra:-
    Hare Raam Hare Raam Raam Raam Hare Hare,
    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
  • Do your regular ‘Sadhna’ aur spiritual practice during the Sutak Kaal.
  • Donate money and or other resources to a ‘Gaushala’ (Cow Shelter).
  • Donate clothes, footwear etc. to needy people.


Do not be afraid of the eclipses as they are natural recurring celestial events but do follow all guidelines or precautions whenever applicable to enhance your life in the best way that you can.

Consult with an experienced astrologer to know how your life with respect to various domains like education, career, finance, marriage/relationship, health slated to pan out.

Speak to an astrologer from Future Point to know which are the occult remedies that have the potential of warding off the negative effects of ill-placed planets of your horoscope as well as strengthening the well-placed ones, so that you lead a blissful, successful & content life ahead!