Horoscope‌ ‌2021‌ - Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2021

Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2021 for All Zodiac Signs

Based on the principles of Vedic Astrology, the Horoscope 2021 Predictions are here to help you chart out a better future for yourself. Despite the grim turn out in the previous year 2020, the New Year 2021 brings great new opportunities along with a chance to make things right. Read your Annual Predictions for 2021 to figure out what the stars have predicted for you this year, along with a detailed insight into what remedies you can perform to turn back the hand of time in your favour.

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The Yearly Horoscope 2021 by Future Point accurately answers all life questions with annual predictions for all 12 zodiac signs of the wheel. Decipher the true life predictions 2021 for your sign with the help of Rashiphal 2021. Through Horoscope 2021 Predictions, you can realize where your true potential lies and how you should employ the resources available to you. With accurate predictions for your career, work, love life, Familial Relations, Marriage Horoscope, and much more. Read about your Finance Horoscope 2021, Career Horoscope 2021, and even Marriage & Love Horoscope 2021 all in the New Year 2021 Horoscope Predictions by Future Point.

हिंदी में पढ़ें - राशिफल 2021

Aries Horoscope 2021

As per Aries Horoscope Predictions for 2021, Lord Saturn will be posited in the 10th house, the house of Career & Planet Jupiter by the mid of the year will move towards the 11th house along with planet of luxuries, Venus. Rahu & Ketu will be sitting in the 2nd and 8th house respectively. At the beginning of the year, planet Mars will enter your ascendant house, thus impacting your year greatly.

The Year 2020 had been pretty hard for you considering the turmoil of emotions you had to face. However, the New Year 2021 will begin on a fruitful note for you. There are changes predicted in your career at the beginning of the year. You might have to keep tabs on your finance owing to your habit of overspending. At work, things have a high probability of working out in your favour, but only if you are assertive enough.

Planet Saturn will be in the state of combustion during mid-January to the middle of February; this period could cause hurdles in the lives of jobseekers. In this duration, those who have been thinking of a job change must also be wary; things might not turn out the way you’ve anticipated. Businesspeople will be enjoying the fruits of the labour from the previous year. 2021 will be on your side, thus giving you plenty of opportunities to enhance your income. Foreign sources of income might crop up for some; keep your eyes peeled at every opportunity that comes knocking at your door.

According to Yearly Horoscope 2021, Saturn might be the reason behind your parents’ ailing health in the beginning of the year. Planet Mars will be posited in the first house of your janam kundli, which might result in financial losses. Experts warn you about specific business losses between the months of September and November. In lieu of these abrupt changes, you can practice being calm and prepared to combat every challenge that comes your way. For the students the year 2021 promises mixed results; instead of dwelling on the unfavourable try to see the bigger picture and wait for time to turn in your favour.

The months of January, March, May, July, and November promises good results for those who work hard, however February, April, June, August, September, and December months will not be favourable to the natives of Aries zodiac sign. The students will have to be extra cautious this year due to all the time that has been lost in the previous year 2020. If you’ve been unsure about your subject of study, now is not the time to switch and look for something else.

As per Aries Horoscope 2021 familial relations might have to take a back seat due to the turmoil of emotions you will be facing this year. Planet Mars and Saturn will be overlooking the houses responsible for amicable family relations, hence it is better if you practice self-caution and do not instigate fights at home.

After mid of 2021, much to your surprise you will start seeing changes that will promote healthy relationships and a serene environment at home. Those married will face a troublesome time due to the aspect of Saturn. Regular fights and misunderstanding will be a common phenomenon in your relationship; your egoistic nature coupled with a lack of showing any remorse might turn out to be extremely harmful. It is advised that you consciously keep a tab on your anger and practice empathizing with others and their emotions.

Months between April to September will be auspicious for students appearing for competitive exams. They have a high success rate for projects undertaken during these months. Lovers thinking of tying the knot will taste success as per the New Year 2021 predictions. On the health front, the luck will be on your side and you won’t face many problems. However, it is advised that you take things lightly and do not stress over minor situations. In case of anxiety and paranoia it is better if you seek help from a medical professional, instead of relying on age-old techniques. Take adequate rest and practice self-care regularly.

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Taurus Horoscope 2021

As per the yearly horoscope 2021 predictions for Taurus Zodiac Sign, things are about to turn in your favour. However, the least that is expected out of you is that you work even harder than you’ve ever had before. Luck and fortune are going to take care of you and help reach new heights. On the career front, you can expect new changes coming that will benefit you in the long run. There are minor hiccups predicted, however they won’t be staying there for long. Natives of the Taurus zodiac sign will enjoy the fruits of their labour by the mid of the year; keep a positive mindset through all the bad cards you get dealt with.

On the health front, the year 2021 could turn out to be a little problematic for you. You are advised to maintain a strict balance between your work habits and time out periods. It is important that you take some time out for the activities that you enjoy, otherwise you might have to face serious consequences. As per the New Year 2021 Predictions for Taurus Zodiac Sign, there is trouble foreseen with respect to ailments that concern your joints, muscles, and nerves.

Love Horoscope 2021 reveals that this year could be a roller-coaster ride for the natives of Taurus zodiac sign. Since the last year had introduced a feeling of comfort in your relationship, you feel satiated in your life. Try to learn more things about your partner by taking part in activities together.

The starting of 2021 won’t be that good for your love life, so it’s only expected that you tread carefully. Don’t let anger take hold of the conversations. For the married couples the beginning of 2021 could fuel a fire that you had put behind your relationship. Due to this, you might have a minor tiff with your significant other; try to dissolve the situation with reason and calm, instead of reciprocating anger.

Childless couples who’ve been trying for a little one could rejoice as the favourable position of the planets will bring their plans to fruition. The period after September is great for a peaceful family life. You’ll be relieved to find the health of your parents restoring to normal by the mid of the year, despite a troubled beginning.

Students aiming to get admission in a foreign university will be able to make the most of the time. Those in the medical, engineering, and law related fields will taste success this year. With the previous year putting all your growth plans on a halt, you will be more than happy to find 2021 working out in your favour. More importantly the students who have had to face setbacks in their education will find a new footing in life and get back on the right track for their future.

On the financial front certain challenges will welcome you in the year. Throughout 2021 you are advised to keep tabs on your expenditure, since you’ve had troubles regarding not saving enough in the past as well. If you struggle with your finances quite often and have tried to curb in the past as well but to no avail, it is advised that you seek help from an expert or someone that you trust in your family.

A prominent position at work might get offered to you, so keep your eyes and ears peeled this year. As 2021 comes to a close, you will begin feeling a shift in your predicament, as the problems you have been facing will substantially decrease in number & in strength.

Overall, the year 2021 will have you reaching for the stars with your hard work and luck working in tandem with your strength to turn even the most difficult period in your favour.

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Gemini Horoscope 2021

As per the predictions of Gemini Horoscope Predictions 2021, the entire year is going to be a period of difficult decision-making. The natives of the Gemini zodiac sign will have to take matters into their own hands when taking things into consideration. In order to garner success at work, you will have to work twice as hard. Due to the transits and conjunctions of the planet not going in your favour, you will face a roller-coaster of ups and downs in your career.

The help you might need from your co-workers won’t be reciprocated, so instead of wasting your energy elsewhere try to focus on yourself and how you can achieve greatness in life with your own hard work & strength. A promotion at the workplace is highly likely, but you will have to wait patiently for it.

Traders will have a good time this year! Your deals and projects will land safely and you can expect a great turn out of money in return. However, you are advised to stay cautious while dealing with large sums of money.

With great power, comes great misery. Luck will start favouring you by the mid of the year, but with the power of fortune by your side, you might have to deal with problems you never anticipated. If you have been looking for the right moment to delve into a new career choice, the period staring from September will bring wonderful opportunities knocking at your door.

As per the Love Horoscope 2021 for Gemini, the year is great for love relationships. The previous year 2020 forced you to stay away from your partner for quite a long time, but this year you will make up for all the lost time. There will be plenty of chances to rekindle the romance back in your relationship and start exploring the pleasant side of your partner.

Trips and day excursions are predicted on your cards for the year. Married couples can also expect favourable outcomes in their relationship. You are advised to treat your partner as an equal and value their contribution to the household. Follow a course of positivity to welcome the much-needed tranquillity back in your life. As the planetary position shifts after September, things might change. You will start to see visible cracks develop in your relationship if you do not give your partner the respect they deserve.

Health might have to take a back seat this year, as you will be too invested in your projects. The health of your partner will be affected due to negligence. Stress and anxiety will be the major reason behind this. You are advised to keep your health in check; even the most minor case of cough or cold must not be neglected as the year 2021 is not that sound for good health.

Your opponents and enemies will be looking for opportunities to axe your reputation so always be on guard around such people. The period between 6th of April to the 15th of September is favourable for people in the job sector. The stars will be in your favour. However, the period staring from 15th of September till the 20th of November is going to kill your vibe. You will face a hard time staying afloat in this duration, so make sure you keep your mood in check.

Despite feeling all kid of emotions throughout the year, you will still end 2021 with a bang! Things will start turning out in your favour as you find your footing financially. At the beginning of the year you might face minor losses, which you will make up for by the year-end.

It is advised that you keep your purse strings tight throughout the year and limit the expenditure to items that you immediately require. Focus on your goals and the plan you have set in motion will take its course on its own. As per the Yearly Predictions by Future Point you will garner the support of your entire family in all your endeavours.

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Cancer Horoscope 2021

The year 2021 promises to bring great results in the lives of the natives of cancer zodiac sign. Considering your career first, a promotion is on the cards for some. You’ll be glad to find the stars working in your favour. At the beginning of the year, planet Mars will impact the course of your career; those in job sector will garner success in their projects at work, at the same time those in trading business will get favourable results due to the presence of Saturn & Jupiter in the 7th house of your kundali.

Your positive response to everything that happens will ultimately bring you glory and get you past every hurdle that comes your way. Financially, the year 2021 will start on a brilliant note. You’ll have good control over your expenses and will try to avert every challenge through your wit. The period from March to May will be excellent for you as you will gain exponentially from numerous sources.

Those involved in sports and cinema will get a chance to take part in competitions orchestrated abroad and even get to visit these countries this year. Success will come knocking at your door as you keep working hard towards your goals. Your lifelong ambition has been to prove your calibre and do something that benefits the society in some way or the other.

This could actually come in handy this year as your philanthropic nature will get you the desired limelight. Taking part in a challenge or a competition could be the next big thing in your life, so pick yourself up and start working towards that dream this year.

Students who have been trying to make a career in the fields of Acting, Theatre, Information Technology, Engineering, or Politics will get favourable outcome this year. As per the predictions of Career Horoscope 2021, you will get the chance to turn your passion into your career with an added bonus of earning a handsome income through it.

The period between February to April is going to be highly favourable for the students in 2021. As per Cancer Horoscope 2021 predictions, there are ups and downs predicted in studies which will majorly be due to lack of concentration. Students will have a tough time maintaining their stance on education and sticking to their choice of interest.

With meditation and regular exercises these problems could be curbed and students can be back on track to achieve their goals in no time. The aspect of Saturn on the 4th house of your kundli indicates familial tiffs. There will be disagreements and confrontations at home which will quickly escalate into heated arguments.

Throughout the year Saturn will remain in the same position, thus it will be only beneficial if you try and hold a civil conversation among the family members instead of letting it turn into a full-blown feud. The relationships at home will be greatly impacted; the happiness at home will be at a risk. It is advised that you keep your ego aside and try to rationalize your argument instead of blaming the other person.

Your married life will also be impacted due to planetary positions. Minor disagreement with partner could quickly escalate and turn into a feud that no one anticipated. Your partner in this duration will be highly inclined towards spirituality and religion.

Time could become an issue in your relationship, as you’ll both resort to giving each other a cold shoulder instead of having a real conversation and putting the war of words at rest. Try to revive romance back in your relationship through therapy. You can also try going for couples’ counselling to find what drives your partner mad and what you could do about it.

Unmarried couples will find this year to be working in their favour. You will be devoted towards your partner and find brilliant ways to show them how much you care. It is these tiny words of appreciation that will work towards forging a bond of love that will last a lifetime. If you’ve been waiting to propose marriage to your partner, the year 2021 will give you ample opportunities to work up your courage and finally go for it. This could ultimately work in your favour as the stars are secretly working in favour of a love union this year.

As per the Health Horoscope 2021 Predictions, you are advised to be cautious of overexertion. Your workaholic nature does not bode well with your body and this could be seen at the beginning of the year. Planet Saturn who is the lord of your 7th and 8th house is posited in your seventh house; whereas the lord of 6th house Planet Jupiter is also posited in the 7tg house.

This conjunction of two powerful planets, Saturn & Jupiter does not sound good for your health. There will be numerous occasions where you will have to be extra cautious about your well-being. Try to maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly. The times will remain tough throughout the year, so even if you think it is a minor cough or a cold- it’s safe to take preventive measures than regret not taking them later. Maintaining a sound mental health is also an integral part of your overall health.

Didn’t get the answer to all your queries?! Talk to expert astrologer on phone regarding Future Predictions 2021 for Cancer zodiac sign.

Leo Horoscope 2021

The year 2021 promises to bring financial stability in the lives of the natives of Leo zodiac sign. As per the prediction of Leo Horoscope 2021, with the support of your family you will be able to accumulate much wealth in your life. Your income is expected to rise, but so will your expenditure, so be prepared to keep tabs on your spendings.

This year you will be blessed with not just small achievements, but some pretty huge ones as well. If you have been thinking of investing your hard-earned money into a scheme or a business, the time isn’t right for that. In fact, the year beckons you to stay away from all shoddy schemes and business in order to avoid losses.

Students are advised not to take any shortcuts when it comes to their studies. Only hard work and perseverance is the key to your success. If you work hard to achieve your dreams, only then you will be able to make them a reality.

Planet Jupiter and Saturn will be posited in the 6th house of your Kundli this year, which infers a mixed outcome for the natives of Leo zodiac sign. Your competitors will be at their worst during this period, thus you’ll have to be extra cautious when dealing with something controversial.

Their role in your life would be to make it as miserable as possible, however in order to stay afloat- you’ll employ your quick wit and challenge them quite successfully. At work, your colleagues could try and take you down, so beware and focus on only your work while ignoring the gossip and rumour mill.

Financially, you might struggle for a bit considering the conundrum you’ll face due to unforeseen circumstances. The beginning of the year will be a pretty hard time for the natives of Leo zodiac sign for family life and relationships. You might struggle with your kids and parenting them well.

By the end of September, i.e. 23rd of September, Rahu will transit to Taurus zodiac sign which will greatly influence your performance at work. Rahul’s position in your kundli will try to strengthen your position at work, however in order to get success or a long overdue promotion you will need to befriend your enemies and work in tandem with them.

Teamwork is the key that will open the door of success for you. Your seniors will be gracious in this duration; you are advised to seek their guidance when in need, so that you do not face any hurdles in your quest towards attaining success. The position of Ketu in your Kundli is predicted to impact your mother and her health negatively.

Students will have to work extra hard this year if they wish to achieve something big in life. Those aiming to go abroad for their studies will have a pretty hard time, as the stars do not favour this move.

In order to still go with your plans of studying in an overseas University, you are advised to work really hard and concentrate on doing the most and learning the most. Overall, the year 2021 will truly test your patience in every sphere of life, but with perseverance and hard work you’ll overcome every challenge that comes your way.

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Virgo Horoscope 2021

As per Virgo Horoscope 2021, the year is going to start on a brilliant note for you! At your work place, things will start to work out in your favour due to all the extra efforts you have put in the previous year. By the mid of the year, you might have to take a step back and calculate your move in order to move towards your long-term goals.

The year 2021 promises to yield you great results in your career. Your sharp intellect will aid you in coming up with new tricks that substantiate your plans for the future. Those involved in trading business will get to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Although if you are in the business with a partner, there are chances of monetary losses.

As per the Finance Horoscope 2021 Predictions for Virgo zodiac sign, the beginning and end of the year will be a golden period for you. During this time you will feel the stars shining bright on your future as you gain immensely. The mid months of the year will not be such a good time when your financial situation is concerned. Unmarried couples will get the love and support from their partner that they have always wanted.

With the Transit of Saturn in the 5th house of your Kundli, you will garner fame & fortune in the society. Your glory would be sung by even your enemies. There are high chances that students aiming to complete their higher education will successfully get to do so. Those aiming to study law will also get successful this year.

The natives of the Virgo zodiac sign are advised to work super diligently throughout the year. Students will have to go the extra mile if they aim to achieve success in their respective endeavours.

Saturn, the planet that abides by the rule will only be kind on you if you play by the rules and work hard for the success to follow. Students preparing for competitive exams might get distracted, due to which the results won’t be what was expected out of them. Students aiming to get admission in an overseas University will get their dreams fulfilled in 2021.

Planet Rahu will be posited in the house of luck this year, which will result in a loss of spirituality; your calm attitude will be affected. The outcome of this would be increased frustration and anxiety on your part. You will rush into decisions without giving it a proper thought. In case you succeed in taming the ill-effects of Rahu, the planet will aid you in getting a promotion at work.

Planet Ketu will be transiting through the 3rd house of your kundli which will impact your courage to stand up for what’s right. You will make informed decisions and take into account what the consequences of these actions will be. During this period, you are advised to stay clear of all types of arguments and confrontations with younger siblings and cousins.

Overall, the end of the year is going to be the period where you’ll start experiencing a shift in your path to glory. You will be courageous enough to voice your opinions on things that matter in the society and be the reason why people around you change for the better.

Can’t find your passion in life? Talk to Astrologer Abha Bansal for your detailed Horoscope Analysis for 2021.

Libra Horoscope 2021

This is the year of transformation for the natives of the Libra Zodiac Sign as per the 2021 Horoscope Predictions. These definitive moments in your life promise to bring growth & success, and at the same time be the change that you had always been wanting. According to the Career Horoscope 2021, the natives of the Libra zodiac sign will get great results.

The red planet Mars will be transiting through the 10th House of your Kundli during the mid of June & July, during this period there are unprecedented gains predicted for you at the work place. A promotion or appreciation is on the cards for some. All your efforts for the organization will be realized and appreciated in this duration, so make sure you indulge yourself in worthy projects and causes.

Those involved in trading will get great deals in this period, which will maximize their benefits in the long run. Although, the time isn’t that favourable for those involved in business partnerships. Keep clear of all negativity and make sure that you do not indulge in any foul business.

Your finances will be impacted by the duo of Rahu & Ketu, which will give you mixed results. Your income is sought to increase, but at the same time it will be gone just as quick as it came. The presence of Rahu in the 8th house of your Kundli indicates the probability of meaningless expenditures.

This could turn out to be a headache for you, since you’ll be clueless as to how to curb the issue at hand. Every planet in your Kundli is somehow asserting how you are to take calculated risks when it comes to finance this year. Saving what you earn should be the goal for you this year.

Gains from mother are highly probable. If there has been a legal dispute going in your family for far too long, chances are that it’ll get resolved this year. Material gains are on the cards for you. Those thinking about entering any kind of business partnership must be extremely cautious this year.

Chances of getting conned are pretty high; it is better you invest on yourself and your dreams. The months between February till May will be highly problematic for you, considering monetary losses are predicted. Despite the grim state of finances predicted throughout the year, things will change for the better post September.

Chances are you might even get to travel abroad due to a work related trip. There’s a high probability that you will end your year on a great note owing to the planetary transits in the second half of the year. Do not lose hope on getting yourself there to the good days. Whenever you feel low, remind yourself that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Sullen times too shall pass.

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Scorpio Horoscope 2021

With a mixed year on the cards, the 2021 Predictions for Scorpio zodiac sign highlight the importance of health and how you must always try to balance work with daily life. Ailments that you have been dealing with in the past will finally leave your life for good this year.

Since the time is not really much helpful when it comes to your personal endeavours, you will have to work extra hard. As per the Love Horoscope Predictions 2021, relationships in your life will soar with positivity. If you have been waiting to tie the knot with your partner, the second half of the year could bring the much awaited merriment.

Singles who have looking for their soulmate will get their wish fulfilled this year. However, married couples will have to remain extra cautious due to constant tiffs and arguments predicted in your horoscope predictions. Your workaholic nature will prevent you from enjoying days with your partner.

It is of utmost importance that you make some time for your partner as well. Don’t forget to prioritize your life and the people & things that make you feel happy. As for your kids, the time does not bode well. You will have to keep checking up on them and how well they’re doing in their studies. Cheer them up when they are down, because at the end of the day- their happiness is what matters the most.

As per Family Horoscope 2021, your life at home will be great which would help garner fortune. In this period your confidence could be mistaken for overconfidence or ego. Stay calm and take every decision patiently. Success will follow your endeavour so be assertive yet not adamant.

A good news could come your way through your siblings or cousins. Small trips are on the cards which would eventually turn out to be successful. This year, Planet Jupiter will be providing you excellent results due to its favourable position in your horoscope.

This much needed push of luck and fortune by Jupiter will result in success and promotion at work. With a brilliant mind like yours, fame and fortune will follow suit and bring you glory in your circle.

2021 for Students of the Scorpio zodiac sign is going to be extra hard. You will have to work extra hard if you want to reach the stars in your life. The time is however favourable and on your side, which infers that no matter how hard you have to work this year, you can be sure that success will come your way sooner than you expected.

Lack of concentration on studies will be the primary reason you will have to work extra hard; this would be due to you keeping a bad company. If that is the case, you are advised to keep your goal in mind and focus on what’s really important for you.

Financially, the year 2021 does not sound that good. You will struggle with money and keeping it intact with you. Keep a close eye on your expenses and how you can curb them. This could be achieved through meticulous planning and seeking help from finance experts.

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Sagittarius Horoscope 2021

As per the predictions of Sagittarius zodiac sign for 2021, the year is great for your career aspirations. With the help from your co-workers you will be able to achieve your goals. Those involved in trading will also get favourable results this year. Unprecedented success is predicted in your career this year due to efforts you did in the previous year.

2020 halted many of your projects, but with the New Year 2021 rolling in with luck on your side, you will get to bring those projects to their end goal. Financially, you will have a strong year; with savings balancing the expenditure, you can expect plenty of new sources of income to crop up in your life.

As per the Health Horoscope Predictions 2021, the year will give you mixed results. However, it is surely going to be better than the previous year. Planet Saturn will be ruling your health this year, which could sometimes turn bitter, but never something big.

The aspect of Ketu on the 12th house of your Kundli will give you minor health problems like fever, cold, cough, or boils/ blisters- but nothing to worry about. These minor health ailments will not be of much concern and won’t be hampering your work at all.

Talking about your Love life, the time promises to be extra romantic for you. You will delve deeper in your relationship and explore new lands and mysteries with your partner. You will be much closer to your partner than before.

Those waiting for the right moment to propose their partner for marriage, will work up the courage to do so this year and even get their partner to reciprocate those feelings of love back.

For married individuals, the middle of the year is going to remain excellent. You will enjoy a great time with your partner. Due to this constant harmony between you and your spouse, you will soon start to feel a much deeper connection with them. With this newfound bond, your marriage will inspire other couples next to you.

However, you are advised to pay attention to your partner’s health. Develop the habit of working out together; this could turn out to be a fun activity that you both do, which could include yoga, meditation, or even cycling or hiking. Childless couples can rejoice as the planetary positions predict that there’s a possibility of a little bundle of joy entering your life this year.

Property related gains are also on the cards for some this year. Your life at home will be a calm and quiet one, with everyone getting along quite effortlessly. Arrival of a new member in the house is quite probable this year. This could be anyone, so keep your eyes peeled for the happy times to roll in soon.

For students, the year 2021 will yield mixed results, however do not shy away from working hard. The middle of the year is going to be challenging, as per the Annual 2021 Predictions- you will have to work extra hard in order to achieve anything. All your efforts will be constantly in the stride to bring you to the top of your class.

Those who have been gearing up to get admission in a Top college or University abroad will get to see success; since the planets and their aspect on the different houses of your kundali all line up with your plans for your future, you can rejoice as there is a high probability that you’re going to get selected in the institute of your choice.

Each step you take towards your goal will be matched with luck and fortune working in your favour this year. Financially, the year promises good return to all your investments. An auspicious event could take place at home which will bring merriment to the fore. You could face unwanted expenditure in the end of the year due to your negligence, but with extra caution this can be easily skipped.

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Capricorn Horoscope 2021

As per Capricorn Horoscope 2021, the entire year is going to work in your favour. All of your heart’s desires will get fulfilled in due time with efforts and hard work you did in the previous year. The conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter in your Janam Kundali will aid you in your career.

Fortune & luck will be on your side due to this great planetary combination in your charts; Without any hurdle or obstacle you will be able to reach your goals quite effortlessly. The year is expected to be excellent for traders.

At the beginning of the year, there will be certain setbacks in your financial growth, however by the middle of the year your financial condition will start to come right back on track and you will be greatly pleased with the constant flow of money in your life.

As the middle of the year approaches you will get great opportunities to earn more money due to the favourable position of planet Rahu in your Kundali. All this time beckons you to do is keep a tab on your expenses.

Since all these opportune moments come with an expiry date, you are advised to keep your eyes and ears peeled for any such moment. Your familial relations will remain constant throughout the year.

Your stature in the family would increase due to the success you would garner over the months. An exciting period is predicted for your family, as a wedding in the family will bring glory to you.

Work will keep you extra busy this year which might sour your relationship with your partner. A minor tiff or an argument might turn into a huge confrontation, so it is better if you keep a check on your temper and do not lose your cool in any situation that comes your way.

Find the correct balance while juggling your work and love life. Nothing in life is more important than being happy; focus on what brings you happiness and pleasure in life and move mountains to keep it that way.

Make sure you always treat your partner like a priority and do not make them feel unwanted or take their love for granted. In case of an argument, stay calm and be the voice of reason, as ups and downs are predicted in your relationship due to long distance.

As per the Health Horoscope 2021 Predictions, you will have a satisfactory year. The year 2020 and the pandemic taught the world hoe staying in shape is the most important thing. Focus on your health and make sure you follow a strict plan to always stay in the prime of your health.

In case you’ve had a chronic illness, the year 2021 will give you the opportunity to bid it farewell and start afresh. Students will hear some good news at the beginning of the year; those preparing for competitive exams will get to experience great results that will bring them closer to their goals. Overall, the year 2021 is going to bode well with the natives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. With a little hard work and much of luck on your side, you will be in no time all set to reach for the stars.

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Aquarius Horoscope 2021

A roller coaster year is predicted for the natives of the Aquarius zodiac sign, as per the 2021 Yearly Horoscope. There are certain challenges predicted in your chart, due to which many ups and downs will hamper your growth pattern.

Those involved in trading business will have a great time, as a trip is on the cards. A change of place due to job is also probable for some. Keep all your options open while considering a job change, in order to facilitate any change of plans at a later date.

Financially, the time period beckons you to stay on top of the game, which means maintaining your finances extremely well. Meaningless expenditure might cause troubles, so keep your purse strings tied well. If you believe you face a hard time keeping your expenses in check, it is advised that you seek help from someone you trust.

The past year 2020 saw you working really hard and the fruits of the plant that you sow will reap benefits this year. Keep utmost faith in yourself while working really hard to achieve all your dreams and goals.

Students will have to amp up their efforts this year if they aim to achieve something big in life. You are advised to focus more on your work instead of thinking and depending on your good fortune. Students aiming to study abroad might have to face a setback this year, but do not let it keep you from enjoying your subject of interest.

Keep your eyes on the goal and let everything else rest on your capability. Those studying Information Technology will taste success far too earlier than anyone else. This year will be excellent and at the same time exciting for kids involved in the IT sector.

Favourable turn of events will keep you performing well academically. The time duration between the months of May until November will be calm. During this period you will find everything falling in its place. Such a tranquil setting will bring you much needed break from the chaos you felt and faced at the starting of the year.

On the health front, you will have to be extra cautious since the time predicts minor ailments coming your way quite frequently. You are advised to practice constraint while working out in order to prevent any injuries.

There are trips and holidays promised this year; business trips would yield favourable outcome. Stars are in your favour as new sources of income will crop up, however this won’t do you much good. Expenditure on things you do not require will increase manifold, which might land you in unforeseen trouble.

Keep a tab on your spendings if you do not want to create a mess of your perfect life. The 2021 Horoscope Predictions bear good news for those who have been looking forward to visiting a foreign country. As for familial relations, you will face plenty of ups and downs coupled with riddling anxiety on what’s to come next.

On the other hand, your married life might face a hit! Certain tiffs are predicted in your relationship which might stem from ego related problems. Maintain a cordial relationship with your partner; act accordingly and always keep your partner’s feelings in the back of your mind while taking any decision. 2021 could also be the year you finally find your inner voice and let spirituality lead the way to enlightenment.

Looking for a more detailed insight into your future in 2021? Ask a question from the expert Astrologers and get answers right away!

Pisces Horoscope 2021

The natives of the Pisces zodiac sign will get favourable results in their life this year. As per the Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2021, you will do great at your workplace. Colleagues will be gracious enough to support your decisions wholeheartedly. Their helping hand will lend you support in times of dire need on important projects.

The time requires you to stay in the best of shape; maintain cordial relations with your seniors through effective communication. As the year progresses, planet Mercury will beckon you to work on your oral skills.

In order to stay in the good books of your seniors, you will have to bid adieu to your temper and stay calm in all situations. Those working in the job sector will have the luck on their side; a promotion is on the cards for some. However, this could only be possible with hard work and some elbow grease.

You are advised to befriend your colleagues and work their talents in your favour through team work. Your excellent craftsmanship along with wit to work in a team to accomplish the task at hand could garner serious praise from seniors, and eventually get you a step forward towards your goal of a promotion.

Since the planets are on your side this year, it is only expected that you use this good luck in your favour and make good use of it. The year 2021 is excellent for those working in the field or related to the field of Creative work, Fine Arts, Photography, Acting, Theatre, Social Service, Civil Engineering, Information Technology, or Law.

Projects undertaken in 2021 will see fruition quite early on. Due to luck and fortune on your side, with just a few strides of hard work, you will be leaping boulders in no time. 2021 not only brings new work projects but due to these successful endeavours you will garner fame and fortune in the society.

As for the health front, you will have to exercise caution. Siblings might have to face minor health ailments. In case you struggle with your life’s purpose, through the guidance of more opportune and privileged people you will be able to decipher the true meaning behind your life.

Due to the favours levied on you by your seniors, you will be able to make the most out of your time and luck. With success on your side, people will flock to be friends with you. The period from the middle of April to September is favourable for making changes in your daily routine. Health will remain satisfactory. In case you are someone who likes things a certain way, the time beckons you to stay open to challenges and new options.

There aren’t any health complications predicted on your charts, however you are still advised to remain cautious and keep tabs on your sleeping pattern. In the evenings, you can develop a habit of going for brisk walks or practice Yoga and meditation to stay in shape mentally and physically. Overall the year 2021 promises good returns for the natives of Pisces zodiac sign with continuous efforts to make things better.

Crippled with anxiety on how to deal with New Year 2021?! Talk to Astrologer on Call and get a detailed account of how your days are going to be this year along with answers to your every question.