Eclipse in 2021: Solar Eclipse 2021 & Lunar Eclipse 2021 Dates

Solar Eclipse 2021 & Lunar Eclipse 2021 Dates

Eclipses have always been a matter of faith and curiosity in the Indian tradition. There are plenty of mythological and religious beliefs that are attached to eclipses in Hinduism and Vedic Astrology. Not just that, Eclipse even has great importance in the Sanatana Dharma.

It is believed that during an eclipse the negative forces in the atmosphere are at their peak and capable of harming the human life. Evil powers are also on the rise during this time. However, the negative effects of eclipse can be avoided through astrological remedies, charity, and religion.

According to the Future Point Panchang, if we talk about eclipses in 2021- the solar eclipses and lunar eclipses occurring this year are a total of four. The eclipses that will occur this year are two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses. There will be a variation in both the eclipses and the impact they will have on the general population along with the type of eclipse it is.

However, out of all these eclipses, while some eclipses will be seen in India, some will not be seen in India. In such a situation, where they will not be visible in India, their sutak period will also not be effective. But where these Eclipses will be visible, the effect of the eclipse will definitely be seen on every living being in some way or the other.

In religious terms, it is believed that the mathematical nodes of Rahu and Ketu cause the Solar and Lunar Eclipses. At the same time, astronomy believes that Eclipses are a purely astronomical event. Although, both Astronomy & Astrology agree about one thing when it comes to Eclipses-that is the precautions that must be taken during an eclipse.

According to Vedic Astrology, it is forbidden to perform any auspicious function during the eclipse. At the same time, according to Astronomy, it is forbidden to see the eclipse with the naked eye.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे : ग्रहण 2021

What is an Eclipse?

Eclipse is classified as an astronomical event. According to this definition of an Eclipse, when one celestial body casts a shadow over another celestial body, an eclipse occurs. Every year we see Solar and Lunar eclipses, which are either complete (Khagrass) and/ or partial (Khandagras).


The astronomical event when Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth casting a shadow over the earth thus interjecting the light of the Sun to reach the planet, thus coming in a straight line, a Solar Eclipse happens.

Types of Solar Eclipse-

Total Solar Eclipse: When the moon completely covers the Sun, thus casting a complete shadow on the Earth, a Complete or Total Solar Eclipse occurs.

Partial Solar Eclipse: A partial Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon only partially covers the Sun.

Annular Solar Eclipse: When the Moon does not cover the Sun completely and covers only its central part, then that state is called the Annular Solar Eclipse.


Since the Moon has no light of its own, it depends solely on the Sun for its light to reflect back on the earth. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, thus stopping the rays of the Sun from falling on the Moon and creating a dark shadow in its wake. This event is called Lunar Eclipse which only happens in case there is a Full Moon.

Types of Lunar Eclipse-

Total Lunar Eclipse: When the Earth completely covers the moon, a full Lunar Eclipse occurs.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: When the Earth partially covers the Moon, in that case a partial Lunar Eclipse occurs.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: When the Moon passes through the Earth`s penumbra, at this time the sunlight falling on the moon appears to be incomplete. Then this state is called a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.

SOLAR ECLIPSE IN 2021 (Surya Grahan 2021)

There are two Solar Eclipses that will happen in the year 2021. The first Solar Eclipse will occur in the middle of the year, i.e. on the 10 of June 2021. While the second Solar Eclipse of the year will occur on the 4th of December 2021. Although both these Solar Eclipses will not be visible in India, so as per religious beliefs, this is not of much importance.

First Annular Solar Eclipse of 2021 - (Surya Grahan on 10 June 2021)

The first solar eclipse in the year 2021 will take place on 10 June 2021. According to Indian time this solar eclipse will take place at around 13:42, and will last till 18:40. The total duration of this Solar Eclipse is 4 hours 58 minutes.

The first Solar Eclipse of the 2021 will not be visible in India, and will be seen only in the northern part of North America, in Europe and Asia, in northern Canada, Greenland and Russia. The visibility of this solar eclipse in India will neither be complete nor partial, so its Sutak period will not be effective in India either.

An Annular Solar Eclipse refers to the event when the Moon orbiting the Earth is farther away from it than normal. During this time, the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, but this alignment of the Moon between Sun & Earth isn’t enough to completely engulf the Sun, thus only covering its centre and leaving the outer edges forming a ‘ring of fire’. In this situation, the Sun appears to be brightly ringed like a ring on the outer edge of the moon. This event is called Annular Solar Eclipse.

Second Total Solar Eclipse of 2021- (Surya Grahan on 4 December 2021)

The second and final solar eclipse of the year 2021 will occur on December 4th, 2021. It will take place at around 10: 59 a.m. according to Indian time, and will last till 15: 06 p.m. The total duration of this eclipse is 04 hours and 07 minutes. The second Solar Eclipse of the year 2021 will be visible only in Antarctica, South Africa, the southern part of the Atlantic, Australia, and South America. This will be a Total Solar Eclipse.

A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the Sun and the Earth and covers the Sun completely so that the sunlight does not reach the earth at all during the time of the eclipse. The visibility of this Solar Eclipse in India will be absolutely zero, so its Sutak period will not be effective in India at all as per Vedic Astrology.


In the year 2021, only two lunar eclipses are going to happen, out of which the first lunar eclipse will occur in the middle of the year on 26 May, while the second lunar eclipse of the year will occur on 19 November 2021.

First Total Lunar Eclipse of 2021 (Chandra Grahan on 26 May 2021)

The first lunar eclipse in the year 2021 will be in the middle of the year i.e. on 26th May. According to Indian time this lunar eclipse will take place at around 14:17, and will last for 19:18, the total duration of this eclipse is 5 hours 35 minutes. The first lunar eclipse of the year, this lunar eclipse will be a Total Lunar Eclipse, which will be visible like a full lunar eclipse in East Asia, Pacific Ocean, Australia and America, but in India it will be seen just like a precipitous eclipse. Due to this reason, there will not be a Sutak period observed in India.

Second Lunar Eclipse of 2021 (Chandra Grahan on 19 November 2021)

The second lunar eclipse of the year 2021 will happen on the 19 November 2021. Which will start on Friday afternoon, 11: 31 a.m., and will continue till 17:32 minutes. The total duration of this Lunar Eclipse will be 08 hours and 01 minutes. This lunar eclipse will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse, which will be visible in India, America, East Asia, Northern Europe, Australia and Pacific Ocean region. For this reason, this lunar eclipse will be visible like this in India, but due to being visible as a sub-eclipse, the religious impact and thread of this lunar eclipse will not be valid here.

Legend related to Eclipse:

According to ancient Hindu beliefs, the gods and demons together churned the ocean with their prayers to the great almighty. At the end of this ritual, the demons took away the nectar generated by the churning of the sea. Upon hearing this, Lord Vishnu took the nectar from the demons by transforming himself to the form of an apsara by the name of Mohini and started distributing it among the gods.

However, a demon Rahu sat among the gods waiting to get the nectar himself. But Lord Vishnu understood this trick of this demon Rahu and acted on it quickly. As soon as Rahu performed Amritpan, at the same time Sun and Moon said that, it is Rahu the demon, dressed as a lord.

After this Lord Vishnu cut Rahu`s neck with Sudarshan Chakra. However, due to the effect of nectar, his head and torso were established in the solar system under the name of Rahu and Ketu mathematical node planet as per Vedic Astrology. It is believed that Rahu and Ketu eclipse the Sun and Moon because of this hatred, and are the reason behind eclipses.

Vedic Astrology’s take on Eclipses:

A horoscope consists of different yogas and calculations that influence both success and failure in one’s life. Eclipses also are the major cause of lows in one’s kundali. It is considered to be a highly inauspicious defect in one’s kundali, due to which the person has to face many types of problems in life. According to Vedic Astrology, when one of the planets Rahu or Ketu is in conjunction with the Sun or Moon in the 12th house of the Ascendant Horoscope, then it becomes a position of strong eclipse defect.

Apart from this, if either Rahu or Ketu planet is situated in the house of the Sun or the Moon, then in that case also the impact of the eclipse is tremendously high. Due to the effects of the eclipse defect, a trouble in a person`s life becomes more crucial once a problem is averted. Problems such as job-occupation, financial problems and expenses persist for a longer period than expected.

What to do in an eclipse & what to avoid?!

In Hinduism, certain actions during Solar & Lunar Eclipses are considered a taboo. Actually, the Sutak or Sutak period during eclipse is a time when certain tasks and actions are considered forbidden.

Because of the presence of all the negative energy in the atmosphere of this duration, the Sutak Kaal or Sutak Period is considered inauspicious. Generally, the sutak period starts shortly before the Solar & Lunar Eclipses and ends right after the eclipse ends and one has a bath to cleanse themselves.

According to Vedic Astrology the following precautions should be taken during the Sutak period. However, the Sutak period for eclipse is not valid for the elderly, children, and patients.

Things to DO during an Eclipse-

  • During the solar eclipse, chant the Sun Mantra and during the Lunar Eclipse- the Moon Mantra with your family.
  • During eclipse, worship the deity. Practice meditation, and recite prayers in the almighty’s name.
  • Spraying of Ganga water for purification of the house after the eclipse ends.
  • After the eclipse ends, donate food grains to needy people and Brahmins.
  • Once the eclipse ends, have a bath. After which bathe all the idols of gods at home and worship them.
  • Use only clay & earthen lamps while worshipping the gods.
  • Eat fresh food after the end of sutak period.
  • Do not waste food prepared before sutak period, but purify the food by adding basil leaves in it.
  • Practice yoga and meditation during the Sutak period, because by doing this not only will develop your mental strength, but you will also be able to protect your body from all kinds of side effects.

Do NOT do these things during an Eclipse -

  • Avoid starting any new work or task during the time period of Eclipse.
  • Cooking and eating food is prohibited during the Sutak period.
  • The idol of gods and goddess and the Tulsi plant must not be touched.
  • Do not brush teeth, comb hair etc.

Pregnant women should keep these things in mind during an Eclipse: -

Since Eclipse is believed to be a negative time period as per Vedic Astrology, special care should be taken by pregnant women at the time of eclipse. During this time, pregnant women should avoid going out of the house and watching the eclipse at all. At the time of Eclipse, pregnant women should avoid tasks such as sewing, embroidery, cutting, and peeling. It is believed that the use of a knife and needle at the time of eclipse may damage the organs of the unborn child. Avoid sleeping and eating until the eclipse lasts. If possible, chant the Santan Gopal mantra during the Sutak period with Durva grass.

Chant the below-mentioned mantra during an Eclipse -

During solar eclipse -

"Om Aditya Vidamhe Divakarai Dheemahi Tanno Surya: Prachodayat"
"ॐ आदित्याय विदमहे दिवाकराय धीमहि तन्नो सूर्य: प्रचोदयात्”

During a Lunar Eclipse -

"Om Kshirputray Vidmahe Amrit Tatvaye Dheemhi Tanno Chandra Prachaodayat"
“ॐ क्षीरपुत्राय विद्महे अमृत तत्वाय धीमहि तन्नो चन्द्रः प्रचोदयात्”

Eclipse has a bad effect on all living beings due to the negative energies that are on rise during its occurrence. But with the help of Vedic Astrology and the remedies prescribed by it, one can easily avoid its bad impacts and live a happy & peaceful life.

In case there is something that has been bothering you for a while, we highly recommend you seek guidance from an expert Astrologer Online through Talk to Astrologer on Phone service provided by Future Point. Alternatively, you can also consult an Astrologer through Video Call Astrology Consultation.