Share Market Predictions for 2020

Share Market Predictions for 2020

Stock Market is a great opportunity for people to invest and earn quick returns. Stock market predictions with the help of Vedic Astrology gives people an ample amount of opportunities and chances for making money with the involvement of minimal risk. Studying the predictions of the Stock market gives one a step ahead of everybody else and with analyzing the movement and transitions of planets one can always know about what is going to happen in the market.

The following are the market trends, fluctuations in the Sensex predicted to take place in 2020 with their repercussions on the 2020 Stock Market.

Planet Dasha & Transits (As per Vedic Astrology & Western Astrology)


  • As the year begins, Jupiter will start transiting through Sagittarius sign and will be in the same position for a major part of the year.
  • Once the movement is complete, it will stay posited in Capricorn from 30th March to 30th June.
  • Jupiter will assume its retrograde motion on the 14th of May.
  • In the retrograde motion, it will enter Sagittarius on the 30th of June.
  • Thereafter, Jupiter will assume its direct motion on the 13th of September.
  • On 20th November it will enter the Capricorn sign and stay there for the rest of the year.


  • Till the 24th of January, Saturn will transit through Sagittarius.
  • After that, it will transit through Capricorn sign for the rest of the year.
  • In retrograde motion, Saturn will stay there till 11th May and it will assume direct motion on the 29th of September.

Rahu and Ketu (Mean)

  • Both the imaginary nodes, Rahu & Ketu will remain posited in the Gemini and Sagittarius zodiac signs respectively till the 23rd of September 2020.
  • On the 23rd of September Rahu and Ketu (Mean) will start moving to Taurus & Scorpio respectively and remain there for the rest of the year.


  • Aries is the zodiac sign in which Uranus will remain throughout the year.
  • Uranus is expected to become direct on the 11th of January and assume retrograde motion on the 15th of August 2020.


  • Aquarius is the zodiac sign in which Neptune will move throughout the year.
  • After this, the retrograde motion will be attained by it from 23rd June to 29th November.


  • As the year begins Pluto will transit in Sagittarius zodiac sign.
  • It will move to Capricorn on the 25th and enter Sagittarius in retrograde motion on 28th June.
  • On the 30th of December, Pluto will move into Capricorn.
  • It will transit in retrograde motion from 26th April to 4th October.


  • Mars will move in retrograde motion on 10th September.
  • It will attain direct motion on 14th November and not set throughout the year.


  • On 13th May, Venus will move in retrograde motion & attain direct motion on 25th June.

Stock Market Predictions throughout the Year

The stock market suffers various ups and downs throughout the year. Here are some useful Stock Market Predictions for all the months:

Stock Market Predictions for January

As the sun remains posited in Sagittarius at the beginning of the month of January. It will also be supported by Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu. The Scorpio will be posited by Mars, Gemini by Rahu, Capricorn by Venus, Aquarius by Moon, and Aries by Uranus.

The conjunction of five planets (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn & Ketu) in Sagittarius will be seen on the first day of the year. On the second day of the year, 2020 Mercury will enter into Poorva Ashadha Nakshatra and also in the same Nakshatra, it will co-join Sun. This planetary position is great for the Bulls. The market and companies related to the commodity sector and bullion market are going to go through a really good patch and will rise subsequently after facing a small fall. As the Aquarius sign enters Venus on the 8th, various stocks related to Textiles, FMCG, and sugar will see a rise in their market price. With the entrance of Mercury in Capricorn on the 13th, there will be a rise in the prices of Gold and Silver.

The stocks of Capital products will face a major increase in demand because of the Sun conjoining the planet Mercury. On the 31st, Mars will aspect both of Mercury and Venus, which indicates a volatile rise in the prices of bulls.

Stock Market Predictions for February

As per the Stock Market 2020 Predictions, the Capricorn sign will be occupied by the Sun which would be conjoined with Saturn during the first few days of the month. Aquarius sign will have Mercury, Venus & Neptune posited in it. Uranus along with Moon will be in Aries sign, whereas Sagittarius will have Jupiter, Ketu & Pluto in it. The Scorpio sign would have Mars transiting through it and Rahu will continue traveling in Gemini sign.

On the 2nd of February market will face a temporary downfall as Venus will enter into the zodiac sign Pisces while being aspected by Saturn. As time passes, the condition would improve and there will be a rise in the stocks of White goods. IT & Software companies, on the other hand, will make a significant move in the market. Crude oil will also see a rise in its prices and rates. The traders need to keep in mind since it is expected that the demand would also increase. Until 12th February the Global conditions will remain unstable and it would keep the traders & speculators uneasy & restless.

Stock Market Predictions for March

According to the Share Market Predictions of 2020 in the month of March the Aquarius sign will have Sun with Neptune & Mercury posited in it. The Sagittarius sign would have Mars, Jupiter & Ketu transiting through it. The Capricorn sign is supposed to face Saturn and Pluto’s conjunction. Libra will have to face the joint transition of Moon, Venus, and Uranus. Around the 15th of the month, Sun is expected to move onto Pisces sign and also Moon will transit through Scorpio. On the 10th, the direct motion will be attained by Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius. This results in infusing some sort of positive thoughts and a positive outlook towards certain stocks of banking, insurance, paper, logistics, and tire sector companies.

White goods companies will interest investors. From the 13th of this month, the stocks of Power, Electrical & Gas sector companies are expected to rise. From 18th to the 20th profit booking of these stocks will be observed. On the 22nd, exalted Capricorn will have Mars entering it along with the conjoined Saturn. This positioning of the planets will create an uneasy scenario on a global level. An uptrend is expected for edibles like oil, wheat, rice, and jaggery due to the increase in demand and shortage of supply. Gold will attract the attention of the investors. The stock market will improve gradually after the 27th.

Stock Market Predictions for April

As per the Stock Market Predictions for 2020, the month of April will face the following planetary positions - Sun in Pisces. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn. Aquarius will have Mercury & Neptune transiting through it. Taurus would have Venus placed in it and Rahu and Moon will be jointly traveling through Gemini.

Around the 15th of the month, Sun will enter into the Ashwini Nakshatra and will move onto Aries sign on the 13th. Mars is expected to have the 4th aspect of the Sun in Aries and in Capricorn, it will be conjoining Jupiter & Saturn. An uptrend in the buying trends of Cotton, Coconut, Mustard, and Bullion will improve the market conditions. Various stocks of IT and FMCG are expected to remain in the green. On the 17th of this month, in the Revati Nakshatra, Mercury will move through it while being by aspected by Saturn. Because of this, the Blue chip front runners will face a rise in demand. Rational investors will make smart moves and will indulge in purchasing the stocks of IT and software, heavy industries, banks, and chemical sectors at low rates.

Stock Market Predictions for May

According to the stock market predictions for 2020, in the month of May, Aries will experience the planets Sun, Mercury & Uranus transiting through it. Capricorn will have Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto traveling together in it. The planet Moon will move through Cancer, Venus will move through Taurus and Rahu is expected to move through Gemini sign. Taurus is going to witness Venus aspect it while Aquarius is going to have Fiery sign Mars enter into it. The demand for cotton, fashion, jewelry, watches, silver, paints, and hospitality sector companies will see a major boost.

On 11th, Saturn will attain retrograde motion. Also, Sun will enter in the Kritika Nakshatra. The demand for the stocks of Steel, Automobiles, Auto ancillaries, Oil, Gas & Petroleum sector companies will increase drastically.

Stock Market Predictions for June

As per the Stock Market Predictions 2020, Taurus will have planet Sun conjoined with Venus transiting through it, whereas Gemini would have Mercury & Rahu traveling through it. Gemini will have Moon passing through it, Aquarius will have Mars and Capricorn will have combined Jupiter & Saturn transiting through it. On the 3rd of the month, planet Mars will attain the Purva Bhadrapad Nakshatra. Edible oils, Bullion (gold & silver), Cotton, textile stocks, FMCG stocks, and Crude oil stocks will have a great increase in their demands.

According to the Stock Market 2020 Predictions, on the 7th of the month, Sun will conjoin with Rahu in Mrigasira Nakshatra. Petroleum, beverages, rice, pearl, water, and silver will have a shortage in their supply. The prices of the stock of aquaculture, rice, and beverage stocks are expected to increase slightly. On the 14th, Gemini will have Sun entering it conjoined with Mercury & Rahu. A restless phenomenon is expected from this planetary combination.

Stock Market Predictions for July

As per the Stock Market Predictions 2020, the stock market is expected to see both of uptrend and downtrend until the 4th. The Punarvasu Nakshatra will have the advent of the Sun, the stocks of perfumery, coconut products, and rice are expected to have an uptrend and also the demand for these stocks will see an increase in the demand. A direct motion will be attained by Mercury on the 12th. Banking, Paper, Logistics, and Insurance stocks will improve after a minor downfall in the beginning. The entrance of the Sun in Cancer on the 16th of the month will form straight conjunction (180 degrees) with Saturn.

On the 19th of the month, Sun will enter the Pushya Nakshatra, which is ruled by its enemy Saturn. Various stocks of metals, steel, capital goods, and consumer goods will see an increase in their demand. IT & software stocks will start attracting customers 23rd onwards. Potential investors must make use of every opportunity to buy good quality stocks on every fall.

Stock Market Predictions for August

According to the Stock Market Predictions 2020, the beginning of this month of August 2020 will have many complex planetary phenomena. The entrance Venus into Gemini and conjoining of it with Rahu will create opposite and malefic effects because of the conjunction of Ketu & Jupiter. Venus and Rahu are conjunct and Mars is expected to aspect it. The market is expected to remain Volatile throughout the month. Prudent investors will make full use of every opportunity to make money. Bullion might see a downtrend with the advent of Mercury on the 4th of the month.

Mercury, which is also known as the chief planet of commerce & trade, will enter Ashlesha Nakshatra to conjoin Sun. The stocks of Gas, Mines, Affordable housing and Cement sector will be rising along with its increased demands. The uptrend might suddenly reverse its direction because of the Mars entering Aries and disturbing Mercury keeping an aspect on it.

Stock Market Predictions for September

According to the Stock Market Predictions 2020, until the 10th of the month, the market is expected to have an uptrend. Until the 10th, Mars will be in retrograde motion. A slight effect of Jupiter on Mars will not let the Bulls strike an uptrend. This uptrend will remain in for a small amount of time. As soon as Jupiter assumes its direct motion on the 13th, and Sun will also enter Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra the uptrend would start slowing down and the market would move towards a downtrend. This planetary positioning will lead to slight inflation in some of the commodities. The stocks of woolen garments will be seen in good demand.

Potential investor’s interests would incline towards the stocks of Automobiles and Auto ancillaries. The Sun’s entry into the Virgo on the 16th will cause the Mercury conjoining Sun. Until 21st, there would remain a lack of any enthusiastic purchases. Rational investors would prefer buying the front-runner stocks on every fall.

Stock Market Predictions for October

As per the Stock Market Predictions of 2020, on the 4th of the month, a retrograde Mars will enter the zodiac sign Pisces. Mars is expected to form several important combinations with other major planets which will have various effects. Sun is going to be aspected by Mars and in turn, Mars will get aspect from Saturn. This will lead to volatile results in the market. The stocks of Plywood, Cement, Housing, Real Estate and Heavy Industry sectors will see an increase in their demand. Libra’s Mercury is expected to attain retrograde motion on 14th and attain the same aspect from Mars & Saturn.

The big stocks or Bulls are expected to have a heavy effect on the market as their demand would remain high throughout the month. Prudent investors will be inclined towards Insurance, Banking, AMC, and Paints sector companies. Some of these stocks of Air conditioners & Refrigerators might see a fall in their demand. On the 17th of the month, Sun will enter Libra and conjoin Mercury which is already present there. And also it will be aspected by Mars & Saturn in accordance with the predictions for Stock Market 2020.

Stock Market Predictions for November

On the 3rd of the month, Mercury in Libra will assume direct motion. The conjunction of Mercury & Sun will get its aspect from Mars and Saturn. The uptrend is expected to remain throughout the month. The stocks of Automobiles, Banking, Paper, Cable, and Logistics are expected to have a high demand. On the 6th of the month, Sun will enter Vishakha Nakshatra. This will cause an increase in demand for metal, gas, petroleum and cement stocks according to the Stock Market Predictions 2020.

On the 17th, Venus will enter into Libra and conjoin Mercury which is present there. Mars & Saturn will aspect this conjunction. Mars will add fuel to the bullish fire and increase its demands. Capricorn will have Jupiter entering it and conjoining Saturn on the 20th.

Stock Market Predictions for December

On the 8th of the month, Mercury will enter into Jyestha Nakshatra and it will conjoin Sun. The sentiments are going to be volatile because of the conjunction of Sun & Mercury. Investors are advised to make their moves cautiously and after analyzing all the consequences. Mercury, being combust, will keep the Bulls under pressure as per Share Market 2020 Predictions.

On the 11th of the month, Venus will enter the fixed & watery sign Scorpio. The conjunction of Venus, Sun, Mercury & Ketu in Scorpio will increase the demand for IT, Software, Pharma, and Textile sector companies. On the 24th, Mars will enter Aries and aspect the conjunction of Venus & Ketu in Scorpio. The stocks of Copper, MCX Copper, Gold & Silver, Footwear, and Sugar will see an uptrend. The uptrend movement in the indices as per Share Market 2020 will keep the Bulls happy.

If one wants to know more about the stocks and their performance, they can talk to an expert on call via Future Point’s Astrologer’s Panel.