Rahu Transit 2020: Effects on your Zodiac Sign

Rahu Transit 2020

Planet Rahu is one of the Navgraha, still, it does not hold any physical identity and is known as a shadow planet. Despite this fact, Planet Rahu puts an equal impact on all the zodiac signs, like the other planets. According to astrology predictions 2020, it is believed that a benefic Rahu can bring wonderful results in the life of an individual but a malefic one can even destroy someone’s life. Planet Rahu entangles a person in legal cases and causes confusion and anxiety.

In the Year 2020, Planet Rahu will make its transit in the zodiac sign Gemini at the beginning of the year and will remain there till 23rd September 2020. It will again transit on the 23rd of September at 8:20 am, from Gemini to Taurus. Planet Rahu will affect the lives of all the natives of all the zodiac signs. Let’s see what Rahu transit has packed for you.

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Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Aries:

According to Rahu transit predictions, Planet Rahu will transit in the 3rd house which is the house of younger siblings, efforts, courage, and determination at the beginning of the year. This planetary movement of Planet Rahu in the 3rd house will bring favorable results for the natives from the financial point of view. The ruler of this zodiac sign is Mars which is also known as the planet of courage, therefore, one will not lack courage, for sure. One will become self-sufficient and not seek anybody’s help. This is the best time to commence a new venture as profit will surely come your way. One should keep a tab on whatever he/she is speaking as it can put a negative impact on the relationships the individual possesses. After 23rd September, Planet Rahu will shoot up your expenses to another level, also, the native is required to keep a tab on whatever he/she is speaking.

Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Taurus

Planet Rahu will transit in the 2nd house in the horoscope of the people who are born under this zodiac sign. According to the transit predictions, they can face a financial crunch in this period, as a result, they are advised to control their expenses and spend the money wisely. This position of Planet Rahu will bring inauspicious results at your workplace as it will make work stressful and tough. The overconfidence of these natives can be a big reason for their unsuccessful relationship and career. They should think twice before speaking as the wrong choice of words can take away the best opportunities from them. After 23rd September, Rahu will make its transit in your own house which will dig up misunderstandings and confusion for you. The native will try hard to attain mental peace in this transit period. Therefore, they should remain careful and alert all the time.

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Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Gemini

In this transit, the Gemini ascendants should remain cautious with all the monetary transactions they do. These people can be cheated on in various money matters. But, on the positive side, the natives can go on short trips, an auspicious activity can be organized at their residence, and they will resolve different problems which will make the environment of their home peaceful and happy. Relations with father can get worse and someone can take advantage of this situation, therefore, solve all the issues with your father and make the home environment happy and peaceful. Take the blessings of your mother in this period as much as possible because they will lead you to success. Misunderstandings in married life will affect your relationship with your partner. But, there’s no reason to worry as things will get better soon when Planet Rahu will again make its transit on 23rd September in the zodiac sign Taurus. This transit will take place in the 12th house.

Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Cancer

According to Rahu transit 2020, Planet Rahu will be posited in the 12th house due to which one will spend his hard-earned money on unnecessary things. One will realize his/her mistake and feel anxious about it. Those who wanted to settle abroad might be bestowed with an opportunity to do so in this transit period. They will be able to recover their money that was stuck somewhere for a long time. These people will spend some quality time with the family members which will make their relations better. Going out on a religious trip with family and friends is on the card. Married life will remain smooth and steady. But, there are chances that the generation gap might create issues between them and their children. Planet Rahu will again make its transit but this time it will be posited in the 11th house in your horoscope. This will be a favorable time for these people as they will gain a lot of respect and fame in this transit period. Their efforts will bring fruitful results for them.

Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Leo

From the beginning of the year, Rahu will be posited in the 11th house in the Kundli of the Leo ascendants. This transit will strengthen the native’s financial position as one will earn really well in this period. The time is also suitable for investments as it will help in multiplying the money. But, don’t spend it on unnecessary items rather, save money for different future prospects. Career also seems quite bright for the people born under this sign. One can start a new venture or can expand an ongoing one. Promotion at the workplace can also knock their door but taking the right opportunity at the right time will only bring success in their way. But, devote equal time to your family, otherwise, personal life can get disturbed. One can befriend someone because there are high chances that this friendship can sooner turn into love. From 23rd September, Rahu will transit into your 10th house which will build a fantasy world for you.

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Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Virgo

Planet Rahu will transit in the 10th house in the Kundli of the Virgo ascendants. These people should not commence anything new in this period, whether a new venture or some construction work. Competition can prevail in the workplace, as a result, one can indulge in frequent conflicts during this unauspicious time. One should not even think of investing the money as they can face a huge amount of loss. Competition and a state of confusion will prevail in the workplace. Monetary problems can enhance your problems and worries. Haste makes waste, therefore, never do anything in a hurry or perform any task speedily. Your life partner will support you no matter what and be your, lifesaver. Tension about your children’s future can affect your health. After the transit of Rahu in Taurus, these people will get inclined towards spiritual and religious activities. Take care of your father and don’t entangle yourself in a conflict with him as it will make him weaker.

Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Libra

The shadow planet Rahu will be transiting in the 9th house which is the house of luck as per the Rahu transit predictions. This planetary position will create a wall of illusion around the native and will give false hope to him/her. But, with time these people will meet the harsh reality and their little bubble of fantasies will burst. They can entangle themselves in an argument or conflict with their father. Therefore, they should pay heed in making their bond stronger with their father instead of fighting with them because someone can take advantage of this situation. Flaunting about your achievements and recognition is not the correct thing to do, especially, in this transit. One can also go on some religious trips. With the transit of Rahu in Taurus, on 23rd September, your interest in the field of research and development will arouse. You can also get a chance of going abroad and accomplishing your goal.

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Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Scorpio

Rahu transit will bring several changes in the life of the people who are born under this zodiac sign. In this transit period, one will get fruitful results for all the hard work and sincere efforts. Those who are in a relationship should express their love to their partners as much as possible, this will strengthen their love and understanding. There is a great possibility that the natives can go on different trips with their parents. Your business will generate better returns as well. At the workplace, one will perform really well, for which he/she can even attain appreciation by the seniors for the commendable job done. You will obtain recognition for all the hard work you have put in. Due to the transit of planet Rahu in the zodiac sign Taurus, it will be posited in the 7th house of your horoscope which can create problems in your married life. Misunderstandings may pop up which should be cleared as soon as possible otherwise, relations can be affected.

Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Sagittarius

Planet Rahu will be transitting in the 7th house which will affect the native’s marriage. This transit will make an individual confused and full of anxiety. These people should think twice before investing their money somewhere and they should remain careful with all the money transactions. Those who are in a relationship must spend more and more time with their partners otherwise, misunderstandings will creep in. Extensive expenditure can boost your stress level, therefore, you are advised to use the money judiciously. This is the most unfavorable time to trust someone blindly, therefore, it is advised to constantly check what is going on in your business partner’s mind. But, the other transit of Planet Rahu in the same year will turn the table and will make things better for the natives as there are chances that one will get victory in all the legal matters. Also, this is the best time to go for a new venture as the Saggitarians will get success in whatever they do in this period.

Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Capricorn

Planet Rahu will make its transit in the 6th house in the Kundali of the Capricorn ascendants. This period will be favorable from different aspects of life as one will be able to repay the loan amount that he/she has taken. Also, there are very high chances for the natives to pass with flying colors in any competitive exam. One can also get a chance to travel abroad. As far as the married life is concerned, this can turn out to be a rough phase but you can make this time better by talking to your partner and spending some quality time together. Sharing your experiences with someone at the workplace is totally a bad idea because this plan may backfire and can damage your identity in the office. These people should understand that they have the best ability to resolve different arguments and conflicts they are entangled in, therefore, they should do so, in order, to attain mental peace. But, when Rahu will again transit on 23rd September, one will remain in the state of confusion and can also indulge in an argument with their children.

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Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Aquarius

Planet Rahu will be posited in the 5th house that can create various hurdles for all the students, born under this zodiac sign. They should not think of switching their educational stream in this transit as they can create more problems by taking this step. They are also required to take care of their health. The Aquarius ascendants should maintain a positive approach towards life and not entangle themselves in any quarrel with a close friend because it can hurt the feelings of both the parties. There are chances that one’s married life can be affected due to the intervention of a third person but they can save their married life by talking to their partner and looking for solutions to eradicate all the misunderstandings affecting their relationship. Planet Rahu will again make its transit on 23rd September, but this time in the 4th house. This transit will take away your mental peace but remaining calm and looking to the positive side of life is the best thing to do.

Rahu Transit 2020 Impact on Pisces

Planet Rahu will make its transit in the 4th house in the horoscope of the Pisces ascendants. There are chances of going on business-related trips. They will spend an excessive amount of money on their comforts but should take care that because of this increased expenditure their budget can get unbalanced and they might get into an argument with their partner because of this financial problem. The native should take his/her decision with a practical approach and should not take any decision speedily. Happiness and satisfaction will prevail in their love life. Planet Rahu will be again transitting in the year 2020, on 23rd September, in the zodiac sign, Taurus. This transit will boost your confidence level and will help you pass through the different obstacles of life.

We hope that Rahu Transit in 2020 brings peace and prosperity to your life. May you get all of whatever you want.

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