Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020 Predictions

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020 Predictions

Lal Kitab is a part of Vedic Astrology that has been derived from the Samudrika Shastra. It is believed that Lal Kitab offers the best remedies for all sorts of problems. It offers a simple style of reading about the horoscope and predictions of various events or a duration. Referring to Lal Kitab while making important decisions of life will help you to make correct decisions that will help you to achieve maximum benefits. There are various problems and miseries in everyone’s life, these problems make us weak, disheartened, disoriented, and devasted. Astrology comes into place when people are so tensed and they have nowhere to go to. Lal Kitab is the most effective way to know the solutions and its remedies are considered the best for a fast solution. Unlike Vedic Astrology, Lal Kitab is result-oriented and the predictions of Lal Kitab know no bounds.

हिंदी में पढ़ें - लाल किताब राशिफल 2020

Read what the Lal Kitab Predictions 2020 have in store for the 12 zodiac signs.

Aries Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

As per Lal Kitab Astrology 2020, you should avoid taking any unnecessary trips after the month of February. If you do so, your name and image can be defamed by your enemies. For those of you, who are associated with sales and business should try and inculcate the habit of using more technologies in their work. This would help the natives to expand their business easily and with a lot less physical efforts. You must make sure to not trust anyone blindly as this can be the reason for a heavy monetary loss.

The thought of switching jobs and changing the lines of business must be put away for a certain period of time as this might not be an auspicious period for the same. Also, if you do so, you are expected to face various obstacles in accomplishing simple tasks. Your relations with superiors also might be hampered because of some misunderstandings that arise between the two of you.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Aries in 2020

  • Every Tuesday, you must worship Lord Hanuman with full devotion.
  • Even in the cases of emergency, avoid mortgaging or selling gold from home.
  • Religious pictures or books must be not kept in the bedroom.

Also Learn: Best 15 Secrets That You Know About Lal Kitab

Taurus Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

According to the Lal Kitab Astrology 2020, the natives of the Taurus zodiac sign will face a tough and challenging year. They will face mental and monetary stress which will increase a lot of problems for them. The professional front of your life would be full of stress and worries for you. Avoid wearing black clothes and keep your distance from alcohol and nonvegetarian food.

A close check on the financial aspect of your life must be kept. Though things will improve, one needs to make sure that they take care of the money that they have with them. Your enemies will also try to downgrade you but you must remain cautious about your image until march. Any decision which is not taken after considering the various facts can result in a loss. You are supposed to meet new people that will prove to be really beneficial for your career.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Taurus

  • Thursday is the day for Lord Ganpati, and you must worship him on this day.
  • Wearing light blue colored clothes on Friday will attract auspicious results for the natives.
  • You can also distribute bananas outside the temple as a prasad.

Gemini Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

The natives of the Gemini sign are going to experience a great beginning with the year 2020. This year is going to bring happiness and joy to you and the people around you. You will be able to accumulate money easily but there are also some possibilities of a financial crisis during this year. The business will be a challenging thing to carry out through the year and business problems also might hamper your relations with your closed ones. It can cause a feeling of distrust in you. Continuous efforts will be required to keep things in position and in good terms.

Unmarried natives can also find their perfect match during this time. The challenges related to various things might ease a bit after March. Your business plan will execute in the correct manner.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Gemini

  • Feeding flour dough to fishes will help you attain success in your endeavors.
  • Reciting Shani Chalisa after the sunset will also be beneficial.
  • You must try and avoid making promises that you can’t keep.

Also Read: Lal Kitab Remedies for Marriage Problems

Cancer Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

As per Lal Kitab Astrology, the natives of the Cancer sign had 2019 as a tough year. 2020 offers much better results for these natives. This year would be full of opportunities and the natives will be able to grab to the best one for them. As the year changes, so will your fate. As soon as 2020 begins you will see good results and putting in minor efforts will bring high profits for you. If the natives are associated with property or real estate business, this year is going to be great for them.

The only thing these natives should be sure of is their surroundings. These people need to look out that they aren’t deceived by trusting anyone too much. They must make sure to analyze everything before making commitments to anyone regarding anything.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Cancer

  • Wearing a gold ring on any finger of your left hand is going to be really auspicious for you.
  • You must make sure to maintain a sweet and understanding relationship with your siblings.
  • Reciting Durga Chalisa will help to avoid all the problems of your life.

Leo Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

As per Lal Kitab Astrology Predictions, the natives of the Leo sign will have favorable planetary positions and because of that, almost all the desires of these natives will get fulfilled. An additional source of income will help you to improve your standard of living. A possibility of a hike in salaries along with promotions will fill you with the feeling of joy and business people will also be able to expand their trade.

Single natives will find someone to tie the knot with. Natives are advised to do all of their important tasks and activities once the sun has been set for the successful completion of your tasks. One must avoid the use and purchase of leather and iron items during this year. The Leo natives associated with creative fields such as modeling, sales, writing, law, and real estate will earn fame, money, and respect during the current year.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Leo

  • The advice of experienced people will help you to achieve great heights in life.
  • Keep your automobiles in good condition.
  • Light Pink colored clothes can attract beneficial results this year.

Virgo Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope, the natives of this sign are expected to experience a year full of mixed results. Your parents’ health might become a reason for you to remain worried. Saturn shows the adverse effects on the lives of pregnant ladies. The problems of patients suffering from blood sugar or diabetes might increase during this time.

The matters related to the property are going to turn in your favor after the month of July. The financial aspect of the natives related to business will improve constantly. The understanding and memorizing capabilities of the students would increase for students. This is an auspicious year for students who are preparing for any sort of competitive examinations and competitions.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Virgo

  • Offering spinach to cows on Wednesdays will enhance your fortune.
  • Avoid putting any sort of idols and religious pictures in your bedroom.
  • Adding a small amount of rose water in the water you bathe with, will be beneficial for you.

Libra Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2020 for Libra, the natives of this sign are expected to have a great year professionally and personally because of their exceptionally good orating skills. Because of the same reason, they will have great social relations. You will get to know more people and your contacts and connections with important people will develop. The advice of some experienced people will help you to land in the job of your dreams. The year is going to be great on the family front and your bond will only strengthen with your family members.

According to the yogas, there is a high possibility of the marriage of these natives. You are going to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally during this year. If anything has been bothering you emotionally, you will be able to get over it without many efforts.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Libra

  • Keeping a soft heart for animals and taking care of them will help you to get over various obstacles in life.
  • Maintain good relations with your colleagues and juniors.
  • Eating sweet yellow rice on Thursdays is going to be highly beneficial.

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Scorpio Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

The Scorpio natives are expected to face a beneficial 2020. Various natives who are associated with the fields of religion, spirituality, teaching, law, and knowledge will have a promising year. You are expected to earn name, fame, and respect. Your social presence will help to improve your social stand on various topics. You will find various sources of earning profits during this year but pay attention to each one and do not fall for a scam. You need to make sure that you do not just let go of the opportunities coming your way due to your ego. Professional trips are going to get you a lot of money this year.

You will get desired results in any dispute relating to land, property, home, and vehicles. Your entrepreneurial skills will enhance economic conditions and will also play a major role in providing you with a steady source of income.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Scorpio

  • Avoid using blue colored pillows in your bedroom.
  • Putting up black curtains in the west direction will enhance good results for you.
  • A silver chain around your neck will attract auspicious results.

Sagittarius Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020 Predictions, this year brings a wave of challenges for the Sagittarius natives. However, transits will improve the conditions and the year would become favorable for you. Your wit and acumen will help you to move ahead in the path of progress and development. Dasha and yogas present in your Horoscope advise that you must try and grab on to the correct opportunities as it may help you to find a lasting source of financial profits. From the business perspective, you will be required to make some crucial decisions that will decide the fate of your business.

January will demand a lot of things from these natives however, the situations might ultimately turn in their favor. You will get an opportunity to realize and work on some hidden talent of yours, which can open up great ventures for you.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Sagittarius

  • Keep your relations really good with your in-laws.
  • Participate freely in religious activities and functions.
  • Socialize and be a practical person for tackling situations.

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Capricorn Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020, the year is going to be a promising time period for Capricorn natives. It will get beneficial results for the natives. If there are any in-progress applications, you will get good news as you will attain success in their endeavors. Capital investment must be done during this year as it will prove to be really beneficial. The natives associated with a creative industry such as fields of spirituality, travel, healing, and the fashion industry will have a great year on their professional front. For the natives who are willing to get a transfer, there are golden opportunities waiting for them. If there is an ongoing court case or legal proceeding, you will get a positive result from it.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Capricorn

  • Place camphor under your pillow, before you go to sleep.
  • Lay a yellow-colored bedsheet in your bedroom on every Thursday.
  • Avoid using any of the aluminum utensils.

Aquarius Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020, the natives are expected to have a favorable year in 2020. The natives associated with politics will have situations turned in their favor. You can also gain profits through foreign affairs and through foreign investments. Possibilities of work-related trips for the professionals are really high and it will also lead their careers in the correct direction. Coordination and communication with your superiors will be excellent during this year and even your seniors will recognize and praise your efforts. If unemployed, the natives must keep a positive perspective and success will surely be theirs then. This will prove to be a great year on the family front. Your relationship with family members will surely flourish during this year.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Aquarius

  • Try and use red-colored pillows in your bedroom.
  • You must keep green plants in your bathroom.
  • Try and drink water only from a silver glass.

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Pisces Lal Kitab Horoscope 2020

This year is going to be really good for Pisces natives. A little effort will help you to gain really good profits because of the positioning of the Lord of your ninth house. House of luck and fate will help to bring a fortune in your life. These yogas formed in the Kundali will allow the native to achieve many accomplishments and that too in a short period of time. Extra responsibilities might be handed over to the working professionals because of seniors, who trust and believe in your abilities.

A possibility of increment along with promotion has a high possibility during this year. They should try and avoid taking any sort of risk during this time.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Pisces

  • Do not keep rusty scissors, knife, or any sharp object near you during this time.
  • Avoid ringing bells while worshipping in temples.
  • Help in household chores.
  • If you are not clear about any of the remedies or are not able to decide on what to do to enhance your fate during 2020, you can always Talk to Astrologer Online on Phone regarding all of your problems.