Ketu Transit 2020 Predictions for All Zodiac Signs


Planet Ketu will make its transit in the zodiac sign Sagittarius at the beginning of the year at 8:20 am and will remain there till 23rd September 2020. It will again make its transit on 23rd September from Saggitarius to Scorpio. Planet Ketu will affect the lives of all the natives of all the zodiac signs. Let’s see what Ketu transit has packed for you.

हिंदी में पढ़ें - केतु गोचर 2020

Ketu Transit 2020 for Aries

Those born in the Aries ascendant will have Ketu posited in their 9th House of the horoscope. The 9th house in a horoscope stands for religious deeds, luck, and fate. With Ketu’s presence in the 9th house, the person will get inclined towards spiritual activities and can also go on religious journeys. But, travel only to those places where your health allows you otherwise, some unnecessary journeys can also affect your health. Fighting with your father and hurting his feelings will take you nowhere, you should look for solutions and try to find the crux of the matter in order to solve it fully. All sorts of investments in land and property should be avoided by these people. These people will get interested in subjects related to research and development and this interest can bring some significant change in their life. This transit can complete your long-awaited wish of traveling abroad. This is the most suitable time to commence something new as it will surely give positive results. To avoid financial problems, spend wisely and try to gain money from different sources.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Taurus

According to Ketu Transit 2020, Planet Ketu will be posited in the 8th house in the horoscope of the Taurus ascendants. This period is not favorable for your personal life as it can create a situation of chaos and unpleasantness in the home environment. Ignoring any health issue will worsen the condition therefore if these natives suffer from any pain in the calf muscles or legs then they are advised to seek medical help immediately. If someone is working in the field of Research and Development they can get wonderful results during this period or this field can even attract those who are not engaged with this field. Wastage of money can increase the expenditure. Ketu will again transit in the month of September and with this transit, troubles can pop in one’s married life. But, astrological remedies can solve all your problems, talk to astrologer and get the most suitable solutions for your problems. These people should cautiously handle all their monetary transactions and should not lend money to anyone like that.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Gemini

Planet Ketu will make its transit in the 7th house which is considered as the house of marriage or different partnerships in an individual’s life. This transit can bring problems in the married life of the Gemini ascendants. With Ketu’s presence, arguments with your partner are highly likely. Those of you who are looking to get married now is not the right time to look and search for a partner. High chances of taking a wrong decision and regretting upon it, is on the cards. A new venture in business or a new partnership should be avoided at all costs. In case it is inevitable, make it a point to not fight with your partner. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Take time out to meet friends and socialize. A transfer in the job is possible with the Transit of September, which concludes a job change for some as well. If the native needs desired results in education or career prospects then he/she should put some extra efforts for the same.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Cancer

Planet Ketu will transit in the 6th house in the Kundli of the Cancer ascendants. This transit can create different obstacles for these people if they want to gain success. These people will notice that they will get unfavorable results even in those projects in which they gave their 100%. This might disappoint them and reduce their self-confidence. Enemies will try their best to harm and destroy their name and image in society. Students who want to pass with flying colors in the competitive exams should focus on their studies and devote their mind and soul to learning. If they don’t want to deviate from the right track then they should come out of their little bubble of imagination. Conjugal relations are predicted to be harmonious in this period. If there are some differences between you and your partner, chances are you can get rid of them by the end of this transit period. With the transit of September, these people can face some problems with their children. Children can perform badly in their exams which can build up stress for these people. One can get love back in his/her life at the end of the year.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Leo

Planet Ketu will make its transit in the 5th house which will create a situation of unrest and confusion. These people will face a difficult time in taking decisions, as a result, they can get anxiety attacks during this period. Differences can affect their relationship but only they can make it better by sitting with their partner and looking for the best possible solutions. Solving these problems is the best thing to do otherwise, these people can even lose their love. As per the Finance Horoscope, all your wishes will come true and you will be able to manage your expenditure in a better manner. You need to exercise caution when it comes to what you speak. Otherwise, some serious problems can be created in the workplace. Planet Ketu will again make its transit but this time in the 4th house. These people should avoid investing in land and property during this period. Do not spend your money vicariously. If you keep tabs on your budget, you will be able to manage expenses in a better light.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Virgo

Right from the start of the year, Ketu will be posited in the 4th house according to the Ketu transit predictions. One will lack mental peace and tranquility during this transit. These people should do yoga and meditation regularly to keep themselves cool and calm. This transit is not a good period from the point of view of your mother’s health. Also, they will see that stress is trapping their minds. Under the current predicament, your familial relations will be affected as well. The natives can get hurt due to an accident therefore they are advised to be careful while driving. Any sorts of investments in the property will not yield you fruitful results. Some problems can creep in the business and these should be handled with care. Seek the advice of seniors and elders for getting on the right path. Avoid performing different tasks in haste. A journey not far away is on the cards for some. During September, Ketu will again transit and will get posited in the third house. These people are highly recommended to maintain a healthy relationship with their siblings.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Libra

Planet Ketu will be transiting in the 3rd house in the horoscope of the Libra ascendants. This transit can make you travel a lot, unnecessarily. This will also affect your monthly budget. There is a possibility that the natives can entangle themselves in conflict with their siblings. This will create a negative environment at home. One can also go to a hospital for the treatment of a family member. This treatment can require a large amount of money so, be prepared for it. Stress and anxiety can hit these people and low income can be a reason for it. Some good news can make these people happy and this good news can be related to their partner as he/she can fetch a big achievement. They should spend some quality time with their partner and take care of their health. Also, make sure that they are taking their medicines regularly and eating healthy food. Those who love sports can get a chance of meeting their favorite player or watching a match or race live.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Scorpio

Planet Ketu will be transiting in the 2nd house at the beginning of the year 2020. This is not a good period for all those who speak their hearts out as the wrong choice of words can create big problems for these people. In the mentioned duration, you need to exercise restraint on your tone. Make sure you know what you are speaking and don’t let your tone be harsh for anyone. In case you can’t fulfill something, don’t commit to it at all. The month of March could be the saving grace you have been waiting for. If one is into the field of sports, he/she will excel. You are advised to look for counsel amongst your seniors, as they’ll be the best at guiding you. Avoid making any hasty plans. Think before you commit to something big; especially investments. On 23rd September, the transit of Ketu can affect your concentration skills and make you distracted. Do not indulge in bad habits in this duration.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Sagittarius

Planet Ketu will transit in their own sign, as a result, it will bring confusion for these people. Moving towards your own goals will become difficult for you as you will be afraid to do so. Since you are in a conflicted state of mind right now, the period of Ketu Transit in 2020 will prove to test your patience & confidence both. These people should do yoga and meditation regularly in order to bring peace and harmony in their life. They should travel to religious places and incline themselves towards religious activities as much as possibles in order to get fruitful results. This transit will bless you with a great sense of intuition and out of the box creative skills. Arguing with the father again and again and not listening to him can hurt his sentiments. One’s marriage can come across some major ups and downs, so, be ready for them. On 23rd September 2020, Ketu will again make its transit in the year 2020 and will be posited in the 12th house and will make bright chances for you to travel abroad. However, these people should have the art of managing their expenses otherwise, they can become bankrupt.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Capricorn

Those born under the Capricorn ascendant will see the shadowy planet Ketu move in their 12th House in the birth chart. These people can spend most of their time traveling. Some unexpected expenditures can knock their door, as a result, they are advised to keep a tab on their expenses and spend wisely according to their budget. Long religious journeys are also on the cards and these trips will bring peace and calmness in one’s life. The native will become serious and focused in this period and will do everything possible for self-improvement. One will not be able to express his/her feelings to others, this can also make the individual restless and uneasy. When Planet Ketu will again make its transit in the month of September it will get posited in the 11th house. This period will be quite favorable from the financial point of view as it will develop your sources of income. Generation Gap and difference of opinion can create issues between the children and their parents. Both parents and children should handle the situation nicely and try their best to resolve the problems. These people can suffer from different health issues due to poor digestion and should eat healthy food.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Aquarius

The shadow Planet Ketu will move in the 11th house of the ascendants born under the Aquarius zodiac sign in 2020. This position of planet Ketu will increase the expense of the natives as one can plan to buy a new vehicle and spend his/her money on it. As the year progresses, you can also get new opportunities to take your career and profession towards new heights. One’s ego can be a reason for differences between the two partners, therefore, you will gain both name and fame. Make sure that you do not let your anger come in between you and your partner when in love. Things could escalate a bit this year if you let the matters get worse. This year interior designing will appeal to you and you will spend most of your time buying stuff for your home. Minor investments will yield results in this period. The Transit in2020 will not be in your favor so don’t start any new work or venture in that period.

Ketu Transit 2020 for Pisces

Planet Ketu will transit in the 10th house which will create a state of confusion and mess for the natives. They will face a difficult time while taking decisions related to family and work. This transit will make the individual feel anxious and restless at times but in such a situation, they should not doubt their abilities and should follow their goals with full faith in them. This is not a suitable time for making any sort of investment as one can face a huge amount of money loss. If they are doing any sales and marketing related jobs then they will get favorable results in this period. Avoid indulging in any argument with your mother and take her for a religious journey as this will make her happy and calm. One will enjoy a high level of understanding and harmony in his/her married life. Planet Ketu will again make its transit in the year 2020 in the month of September in the 9th house of the native’s horoscope. With this transit, one can get a chance of traveling abroad.

We hope that Ketu transit brings peace and prosperity in your life. May you get all of whatever you want! Best wishes from Future Point! But if any obstacle knocks your door, astrological remedies are there to safeguard you from all the problems bowled at you. Talk to India’s Top Astrologers on Phone and get remedies to combat all your problems.