Free Career Horoscope Prediction 2019 | Future Point

Career Horoscope 2019

Career is the sole source of winning at life! If you have a stable income, a well-paid job, and a career that keeps you satisfied, you are amongst the lucky ones. To have a peaceful life, the first thing you need is a pillar that could support it. When you have a career you love, the best part of you gets highlighted- paving a way for you to fulfil all your desires. You cherish the little moments in life because you like what you are doing. A Career Horoscope based on your Kundli will help you achieve your heart’s desire and excel at what you do. Honing your skills to be the best at what you do can also be deciphered through Kundli Predictions in the form of Career Horoscope 2019. Find how you can race up the corporate ladder and ask for that promotion that you have always wanted. Or know if you can change the course of your career and venture out in the wilderness, here’s your chance to know your pretense beforehand.


2019 ushers in as a year of hope and growth for most of you. After facing the struggle of last year, you can look forward to a great time professionally in the second half of the year. You need to cut down overheads at work till May 2019 at least. The period between May & July 2019 could be most challenging professionally as well as financially. After this, you are likely to find improvement & progress as the year moves ahead. From this period onwards progress & luck at work would rise. Overall it would be the beginning of a magnificent turnaround for you. You will find a new vibrancy at work. Deals that were eluding you would come about, bringing in exceptional growth at work after mid-July. Further beyond November, the period of slump in work would give way to a focused & energetic work progress. While your troubles & hassles would also go up, but at the end of the day, there would be good growth at work. 2019 would end on a very positive note and it would baffle you to imagine the troubles you were going through at the beginning of the year.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Aries Horoscope


2019 fosters growth & gains at work for most of you during the second half of the year. Some of you can experience hectic schedules, ongoing pressures and great churning in the career during the first quarter of the year. This period of hard work without equivalent gains would improve after the 15th of April. Personal pressures, as well as work area issues, could come up once again in the period between 16th of May 2019 to June of 2019. Leading to an unsettling trend overall; These challenges will give way to progress & gains after mid-July 2019.

Around mid-July 2019, you will be relieved of a mental block & a block on your subconscious that was present for more than a year. This will help you work & think freely, leading to progress at work. After such a tough period, one effect you would feel is of a fixed mindset & lack of willingness to be flexible. While on one hand, this attitude would help you achieve your targets well, on the other hand, gains & growth will follow. November 2019 will usher in a new phase of growth & expansion. Opportunities in new work areas possible as you will be decisive, hard working & focused at work now. Very good results thereafter until the end of 2019.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Taurus Horoscope


2019 would turn out to be eventful as well as a successful year for you. You will be seen, heard and recognized during this period. After making gains at work due to your ideas and network developed over the years, you will get into a very strong and impressive growth phase after mid-June 2019. There would be growth, hard work & new energy during the year 2019. As per the Career Horoscope 2019, you will be able to receive the support of people who could help you win by crossing over the winning line ahead of your competitors. Be careful of starting new & time wasting projects during 3rd May 2019- July 2019. Work on older projects instead. Also, travel could waste time & money and so you should think about travelling only when you deem it super important. Career would enter a new and high activity phase after November wherein you can expect minor blocks. However, you should focus on increasing your stature and position to achieve higher growth at work.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Gemini Horoscope


The year 2019 promises successful career growth for most of you. There would be progress in partnerships, joint areas of work and support from various quarters. However, a slowdown could come your way from June 2019 onward due to your own thinking & limitations in thinking. You will rise in stature but opting out for a new way of thinking & doing things might lead to temporary hurdles for you, after June 2019. The period after 3rd May needs to be handled cautiously. You should avoid new projects & focus on existing ones between May & July 2019. The period from mid-August 2019 will see new opportunities all around. You need to look out for the good ones among the bunch. If you choose well, exceptional & unexpected progress would come after July 2019. A piece of advice is that you should make the most of the high gain period that will last till October.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Cancer Horoscope


During the first five months of 2019, you need to focus on working. Planning and strategy building is required to prove your mettle at the workplace. The worrying trends, as well as confusion & lack of clarity in your professional path, would get over after the 7th of May 2019. Beyond 19th June 2019, career would find the pace. New ideas, as well as your communication skills, would bring in tremendous professional progress. The second half of the year is likely to improve your finances by taking you on a positive run professionally. Hard work, honesty, diligence, listening to your own instincts would bring in the maximum amount of luck for you. Any ideas that come up subconsciously should be followed through till conclusion. Stagnation will throw up new challenges after the 25th November 2019. You should stand up to the challenges rather than shying away. If you do take a stand & take risks, you would come out on the top.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Leo Horoscope


2019 can turn out to be a mixed year for many. On a positive note, few may attain unprecedented growth during this year. For many, it is time to realize the fact that good times don’t last forever & so you should make the most of the good period that is till April 2019. On the business front, partnerships, although not easy or pleasant would hold the key to success. You should leverage progress by working through partners as well as in joint areas of work. Focus, hard work & dedication are the key to success in 2019. All important projects should be concluded before 13th April 2019, while new projects should not be started after the 3rd of May. This tricky & turbulent phase would last till the 20th of July. Thereafter period of professional luck and growth will keep you racing till September end. You should take the trends seriously & work on consolidation rather than growth now.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Virgo Horoscope


This can turn out to be a dream year for many. All you need is a lot of hard work. This is a year when you need to make hay while the sun shines. Time wasted could be an opportunity lost. New ideas, plans & making things happen should be on your plan of action. In the period from 15th May to 25th July, you might go on a spree of completing as many projects as humanly possible for you. After July, you should focus on current projects only and not indulge yourself into things you can not complete. New projects should be avoided. It is a period of rapid growth & fulfilment. You should remember that such a period does not come time & again. Hence utilize it to the optimum. The best results in career would be available. The only limit now would be your ability & willingness to work hard. Choose your team well as that will see you run into the next cycle of career growth for you.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Libra Horoscope


The first half of 2019 can be challenging for many. There would be acute hurdles and issues between May & July 2019. This is a period of caution as unfavourable planetary transits can bring in hurdles for you. Once you cross this period you will be on a positive path. With July approaching, new ideas and a new project that you are working upon will become a reality. There would be progress & growth due to your competence and how you can move ahead. Before venturing in, it is advised to evaluate all options. Once you are convinced then get into it wholeheartedly. Very good results could come about as the year moves on. Your decision making could be hampered after the middle of August 2019. You should, therefore, take good counsel in work matter this year too. The hurdles would go away fully after November 2019. Luck would rise for you and an opportunity from a distant, or a foreign place could come about after November 2019.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Scorpio Horoscope


A slowdown would be felt in the first half of 2019. Things might remain more or less stagnant with professional life moving at a usual course. Unnecessary travel & investments should be avoided till August 2019. Your creative ideas might come late & new ideas should be checked before going for them. Overall 2019 is divided very clearly into 2 parts: first part till June 2019 that will see stagnation and the latter half of the year bearing witness to unprecedented growth & expansion. You should avoid commencing new projects before the 3rd of May 2019. The second part would see a slow down & lack of energy. A very powerful phase operates after August. You are likely to experience expansion, high gains & a high level of confidence during the last quarter of 2019. You need to remember that such trends are rare and do not continue throughout life. This period will give you new growth & opportunities before moving in a more subtle and steady phase.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Sagittarius Horoscope


During the first quarter of 2019, you might see yourself aggressive & working hard but career would be meandering without much growth as such. You might find distractions at work front a bit challenging till March 2019. This disharmonious period would end by May. After May luck would pick up at work & focus and concentration would be high. That could give your career the much-needed push after 10th May 2019. By mid-July, you will get into an expansion mode. If working independently, there could be a jump in opportunities and new areas. You would be inundated with work & growth options. During this period you need to keep the focus on your work to ensure optimum career growth. Overall, 2019 is sort of a re-foundation year once you cross into the second half. The work done & planning executed will give you rich returns in 2019. New creative projects with partners could take off after November 2019.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Capricorn Horoscope


2019 can turn out to be a powerful but difficult period at work. You might find your challenges rising after the month of May 2019. In the duration spanning from May to July 2019 you would see reversals at work. You need to avoid controversial decisions and sudden changes in work patterns. Career would go into a phase of expansion after July 2019. There would be a rise in activity, opportunities, expansion & hard work. While gains might not be your expectation but still there would be some exceptional expansion and exposure to new areas. The period between June- August can turn out to be misleading and financial pressures should be avoided as they could bring in concerns for some. Few might develop a temptation to indulge in dangerous or illegal activity. An overall easing of pressures and the beginning of a steadier period at work would commence after September 2019. From this period onward you could see a continuation of the excellent maximizing growth.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Aquarius Horoscope


You can experience detour & distraction until mid-May 2019. This is a time when you should not lose track of what you have been doing. It would be useful to remain absolutely focused. You should not react or take any decisions till you cross May 2019. If things go well, the project you are working on since the beginning of the year would materialize during May 2019. New partnerships could come about in June 2019. There could be substantial investments & possible financial risks with such ventures. You should weigh all options well & wait till the end of July before jumping into the plans fully. Another shorter period when you could lose focus is during the entire month of September 2019. There could be a sudden set back after a probable promising period. These developments would not hurt you as long as you try to stabilize your achievements rather than pushing ahead with expansion & growth plans. November onwards a period of high gains based on your past efforts would commence. Make the most of the period before that to achieve the level you desire.

Click here to read detailed predictions for your zodiac sign: Daily Pisces Horoscope